How Covid-19 Pandemic Has Affected Student’s Life?

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The coronavirus pandemic has kept almost everyone in shock. The way of living, the way of perceiving things, the way of attaining education, etc. have changed to such an extent that things going back to normal seems impossible. This article will highlight the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on student’s life and will also try to suggest possible remedies to cope up with these.

Online Teaching

Out of all the other impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, the change in the mode of teaching is quite prominent for students at each level i.e., be it school, college or a university. The shift from offline to online has brought in a lot of challenges with it and a few of the students are still struggling to get used to it. While a few find it good as they attend online lectures sitting at the ease of their homes while others struggle to arrange a laptop. However, students have been managing it well over a year, despite so many challenges on their way. One of the suggestions for all students could be to focus on their studies diligently and take online classes as seriously as their offline classes to finish their education with flying colours.

Least Physical Interaction

As the world is locked and seems to be almost paused, physical interaction is almost tending to zero. Be it will your teachers, lecturers or your friends, physical interaction is considered as one of the key points for the overall development of the students. Whilst the grim condition, one should not let down themselves and therefore should try to connect to your teacher, friends or far-lived family members to keep themselves encouraging and interactive.


Loss Of Physical Fitness

Due to the lockdown across the globe, moving out has been limited over the past year. Due to this, our routine is distorted and have developed non-healthy habits as well. Along with academics, a student needs to be physically fit and active for a successful life ahead. Just not students but almost all individuals belong to different age groups have been lethargic and reluctant towards their health. One should not wait for the pandemic to end to start focusing on their physical fitness but should begin with lighter exercise or yoga in their homes. Let it be for a short period but it can bring in a lot of positive changes in your life.

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Upskill Yourself

Yes, one of the most positive effects of the lockdown is to upskill yourself. If you are privileged enough to afford a phone or a laptop, you have a plethora of options open for you. There are many online courses and out of those, a few of them are even for free. These courses can be worthy enough to learn a few skills which are otherwise not included in the curriculums of schools or colleges. These could be extremely valuable for your CV and can help you to outshine among other competitors.

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Surrounded By Overwhelming Situation

The situation around us is extremely overwhelming and we all are in the grip of negativity. But, this should not be the reason to affect our lives negatively and therefore, one needs to distract themselves in a positive direction to eliminate such things. As a student, try to keep yourself engaged in certain learning activities other than just your usual syllabus of the school or the college. Try to enrol yourself into various webinars happening across the globe and know the actual scenario of the market by the people who are in the industry for years.

Indulge In Extra-Curricular Activities

Since we are trying to survive through this deadly pandemic, we are now somewhat used to the routine that started a year ago. Nowadays, almost every college or university are holding their Fests online, giving the chance to participate in several events sitting at your home. Try to participate in these activities so that you are distracted towards something better and also interact with people and learn something new.

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Utilise Your Free Time

Due to the control or no movements at all, students tend to have extra time for themselves. One usually in their busy lives, they have almost buried their hobbies. It is time to have some time to do something that interests you. This could be anything, ranging from Cooking to Art Work, Singing, or anything which gives you the joy required in these tough times. You can also try out new things like try out new recipes (many videos are available on YouTube), trying out a new form of art, and so on. Doing something off from your usual routines is tend to increase the determination and focus of students into their academics.

By: Subham Har

Also Read: Dos And Don’ts For Students Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic

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