15 Tips to Improve your English

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Facing problems in Communicating in English? Want to be a pro in English? Here are the tips to improve your English.

1. Watch English Movies/ Series/ Shows

Everyone loves entertainment. So let us have some fun while learning. Watching English movies/series/shows helps improve English because the best way to learn a language is by watching it. It helps you understand the language better. You can learn highly informal lines to you can use later in your conversations talk with your friends and show off a little.

2. Start Thinking In English

What you think is what you speak so thinking is the first step to improve your English. Start thinking in English to be a pro in the language.

3. Reading Newspaper

Reading newspapers is important. It will not only help improve your English but will also give you the knowledge of what is going on in the world which can be a communication starter and will enhance your communication skills.

Reading Newspaper, communication skills, Reading books, Tips to Improve your English

4. Reading Books

Reading books will help you get a better understanding of the language. If you are a beginner in English go for children’s books and then take a step forward and start reading novels and classics. This way your vocabulary will also improve.

5. Practice In Front Of The Mirror

If you will start practicing your English in front of the mirror you will feel less shy when speaking in front of people. Use some dialogues from the movies to practice your English in the mirror, this will increase your confidence and will improve your pronunciation.

Practice In Front Of The Mirror, increase your confidence, Tips to Improve your English

6. Record Yourself When Speaking English

This is also a very good way to practice English. Speak something about your day or have an imaginary conversation in English with yourself or read something from a book or newspaper daily and record your voice. Don’t only just record yourself but then listen to your voice and learn from the mistakes you are made in pronunciation, grammatical mistakes, or wrong use of words.

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7. Highlight Unfamiliar Words

Highlight unfamiliar words and Google the meaning when reading books or watching a show and note them somewhere. This will help you later and you can use this list while writing as well.

Highlight Unfamiliar Words, Vocabulary

8. Start Chatting In English

Now, whenever you are chatting with your friends or family try to use more English words. You will make mistakes but then you will eventually learn how and when to use the right words. Also, start talking in English at your home and with friends.

9. Replace Hindi Music With English Music

Entertainment will help you learn English. Listening to the song will make you learn the songs and you will also try to understand the lyrics. This will increase your fluency.

10. Start Writing

Take a diary or a notebook and write about your day in English and use better words by finding synonyms on Google. This practice will also help you improve your written English.

Start Writing, improve your written English

11. Repeat Difficult Words Out Loud

If you are having trouble speaking some difficult words. Repeat them again and again because practice is the only thing that helps.

12. Use google translate

Use Google Translate for every line that you do not understand in English and also when you don’t know the translation of a particular word of your native language, just type it on Google Translate and you’ll get the answer right away.

13. Stop Worrying About Your Accent

Try not to worry about your accent. Everyone has their own accent. You may mispronounce something or may stumble but as long as you follow the tips and keep working on your English your accent will improve on its own.

14. Surround Yourself With People Fluent In English

 Surround yourself with people who speak fluent English, Like a seminar or a talk show.

15. Take Part In Activities

Take part in activities like MUN or a debate to challenge yourself

By- Charu Jain

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