3 Ways to Improve Motivation in the Workplace

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In any place of work, one of the most valuable assets is to have a team of dedicated and highly motivated staff. It is recognized that higher levels of employee motivation will lead to staff being prepared to “go the extra mile” and deliver excellence in all their tasks and responsibilities. Every successful company relies on having a resolute team of staff who can use their industry-specific knowledge and skills to offer insights into how a company can improve and progress. There is a wide range of benefits to having a highly motivated workforce. These can include having lower employee turnover (and therefore lower recruitment costs) and increased engagement with an organization’s goals and mission. Sometimes, it can be hard to keep motivation levels high, especially in times of increased workloads or when deadlines approach and pressures build. This article describes three ways in which employers and leaders can seek to improve motivation levels in the workplace.

Gears And Motivation Mechanism

Resolve Conflicts

In any team or the wider working directorate, it should be expected that conflicts can and will occur. A good employer will recognize that all employees have different viewpoints, value systems, and personalities. Sometimes, conflicts will occur between employees as a direct result of these differences. When a team forms for the first time, there is a recognized stage in its development of it where conflict occurs and is often expected. When conflict occurs, it is important to have strong managers and leaders who can resolve issues to mutual satisfaction. In high-performing organizations, there may be staff who have gained a certificate in conflict management and use these skills and knowledge to effectively manage and resolve conflicts for the benefit of the individuals and the wider organization.

Offer Paths to Progression

Many employees will seek progression during their careers. It is important for any employee to feel that they will be considered for promotions as their skills and abilities improved and become advanced. Today, the world workforce is now becoming dominated by workers from the millennial generation. This generation in particular values the opportunity to improve their knowledge and adhere to the philosophy of lifelong learning. By offering talented individuals promotional opportunities and more senior or specialized roles, they will be motivated to perform at their absolute best. Conversely, it can be highly demotivating to be in a job that offers no avenues for progression and can lead to dissatisfaction in the workplace.

Reward Hard Work

Every high-performing organization will seek to get the best out of its workforce. Put simply, the competitive edge that companies gain from a hard-working and highly motivated employee base is crucial for long-term success. However, all companies should recognize that hard work should be rewarded and recognized. There are several ways in which to demonstrate this. Many companies hold an annual awards ceremony to congratulate employees who have made significant contributions and show exceptional work ethics. Other companies may offer a bonus structure for remuneration (this is common in sales occupations) that rewards those who meet and exceed targets. However it is achieved, recognizing and rewarding hard work can be a key way to continue to motivate a workforce.

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