Geology- An overall understanding and detail

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Geology is the study of the structure and process of materials of Earth and the organisms which have inhabited it and how they have changed over time. People who study Geology are known as Geologists.

Geologists are the people who work to understand the history and process of our planet. This allows them to comprehend how the events and process of the past functioned and how they may impact the future. The studies of geologists include :

  • The study of the processes of Earth: Geologists study the hazardous processes that occur such as floods, earthquakes, landslides and volcanic eruptions so that they can prevent the inhabiting of the land or area and avoid the construction of buildings structures where these natural phenomena usually occur for the safeguard of the people. 
  • The study of the materials of Earth: Geologists conduct studies over the materials that we get from our planet such as oils, metals, water etc. They search and locate rocks that contain important metals, areas that produce oil, contains natural gases or groundwater. The research upon the methods to remove or extract them for the usage of the people.
  • The study of the history of the Earth:  Geologists work to learn, understand and study the history of the Earth and its climate. They analyse how the climate has changed over time. This helps them to understand the present geology of our climate and how is it changing or will it change in the future and what will be the consequences. 

Career in Geology:

career in Geology is rewarding and intriguing which requires fieldwork and travel. There are numerous fields in which a geologist can build up a career, these fields include environmental and glacial geology, geoscience and geochemistry, geotechnical engineering and engineering geology, volcanology, field seismology, pollution control, geological surveying, water supplies and ground investigation. A geologist can be positioned by government or groundwater agencies, Engineering and Consulting firms, Mining and Petroleum companies, groundwater etc. A bachelor’s degree is needed for entry-level employment and candidates can also earn a master’s degree or doctorate in geology. The advanced degree provides a higher level of training often in areas of main interests such as palaeontology, mineralogy, hydrology, or volcanology.

The land we live on consists of numerous intriguing sites that are a must-see/visit for a geologist. Below are Top 5 places mentioned and described, which geologists should visit :

1. Spotted Lake, British Columbia (Canada) 

In winter and spring, the lake located Northwest of Osoyoos in British Columbia’s Okanagan Valley looks like any other lake, but in summers the water starts to evaporate leaving many huge briny pools are left behind, leaving a polka-dotted landscape of yellow, green and blue spots, each one different in colour to the next. The unique lake is often viewed on Highway 3, northwest of the tiny town of Osoyoos.


2. Tianzi Mountain, Zhangjiajie City (China)

Tianzi Mountain Natural Reserve may be a part of the Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area, the natural heritage of the planet. The amazing limestone pinnacles are covered in lush greenery and shrouded in mist at times. They have formed from quartz sandstone 400 million years ago through the intermittent rising of the crust for 2 million years. About three billion ago, the place was an outsized patch of Oceana.

3. Underwater Park, Austria 

Underwater Park is situated in Tragoess, Austria. Every year the snow of the mountains situated here starts melting thanks to rising temperature and cause floods, thus the entire area alongside this beautiful park is submerged all underwater. This strange but beautiful place has become the foremost adventurous place for divers.


4. Toad Rock of Mount Abu, Rajasthan (India)

Mount Abu is famous for consisting variety of rock formations, Toad Rock is one of the most famous among all of them, it is structured as a toad-like shape jumping into the lake. Its location is situated nearby Nakki Lake in the Aravalli Range from the central trekking trail. The name of this rock formation is said to be termed after a British Army Officer Col Todd, who discovered Mount Abu.


5.  Moeraki Boulders, New Zealand

New Zealand’s ancient natural treasure, Moeraki Boulders are huge spherical rocks are found at the Koekohe beach. they’re grey-coloured septarian concretion, a rock that has had the space between its grains filled up by minerals that acted like overall detailed information large consists (in diameter.) This place has become a major location for photographers of the planet.


Above is a piece of overall detailed information that consists of all that is related to Geology. What is it about, the study and understanding of it, what is the work and use of it, what are the career opportunities that it provides to an individual and an insight of places that a geologist should visit for a deeper knowledge of Earth. 

By – Habiba Zaidi

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