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Podcasts have been more popular than ever. With the vlogging, blogging, and influencer industries getting saturated, podcasts can be your best shot at creating something meaningful that gets noticed. Now is the right time to start a podcast and make your brand.

Since podcasts are a relatively new form of content creation, they give you a better chance at connecting with your audience on a personal level. With social media, you can only connect with your followers through posts and stories, but a podcast is like a conversation with your followers. It is also a more portable form of content creation as people can listen to it any time in a day, even while they are doing other tasks.

Which Skill Should You Master?

Before you start working on your podcast, ask yourself this question: What are my goals and motives for starting the podcast? If your answer to this question is generating leads for your business, establishing a personal brand, raising awareness about an issue, or just having fun, then podcasting is the right choice for you.

Here are a few tips on how you can also create an incredible podcast.

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Start by thinking of a topic you want to speak on. Some of the trendy podcast genres are self-development, entrepreneurship, casual talks, interviews, fiction, and science. You can speak on a broad topic or narrow down your options. It is totally up to you. You just need to be passionate about it.

After you have finalized a topic, it is time to research it, and how saturated the market is. Pick a catchy name that has keywords relevant to the subject you will be speaking on. It should portray your personality, and at the same time, be easy to remember. 

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Choose a format –

You can either invite guests on your podcast or host it solo, for which you will need a script. 

Some of the other popular formats of podcasts are:

  • Non-Fiction – These podcasts have a similar scripted theme throughout the season.



  • Interviews – This type of podcast invites a guest speaker who has excelled in their field for a one-on-one conversation. It can be scripted or non-scripted.
  • Education or self-development podcasts – These are mostly non-scripted podcasts, where the host educates the audience on certain life skills.
  • Scripted fictional podcasts – These are just like dramas on radios and usually scripted. 


Requirements to start recording your podcast –

Starting a podcast is often very easy because you don’t need an expensive setup. All you need is a good microphone and editing software. You also don’t need a team to edit your recordings. You can do it all on your own and start uploading your episodes. People care less about the sound quality and more about how the content is. Some recording and editing software you can use are GarageBand, Audacity, and Hindenburg.


Record your first episode –

Now that you know about the tools you will need to set up your recording studio, start recording. You may be worried about the quality or doubt your abilities but remember that even the best podcasts had a rough beginning. To have a more structured way of delivering your message to the viewers, prepare an outline. It doesn’t have to be very detailed. Just note down a few bullet points on the topics you want to include. 

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Edit and upload your recording –

After you have finished recording your first episode, sit down and start editing. Remove any unwanted noise, distractions, errors, and insert an intro and an outro. You can also choose a theme song to make your podcast even better.  The next step is to get your podcast listed on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, etc., and launch it with a bang!

Podcast Platforms

By: Ria Prasad

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