WBPSC Food SI Previous Year Question Paper PDF

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WBPSC Food SI Previous Year Question Paper : With the help of our website, which has an extensive collection of WBPSC Food SI Previous Year Question Paper, you may successfully prepare for your WBPSC Food SI Exam. Get access to a large selection of past exam questions that have been carefully chosen to cover subjects related to the Tripura University course . Download practice tests in several formats, such as multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and descriptive questions, to help you prepare for exams and increase your confidence. With the help of our platform, you can revise with concentrate and recognize important themes and question formulation trends. Get ongoing help and direction to help you prepare for and pass the WBPSC Food SI Exam.

Introduction : WBPSC Food SI Previous Year Question Paper

Candidates are recruited for the role of Food Sub Inspector in the Food & Supplies Service, Grade-III, under the Government of West Bengal through the WBPSC Food SI Exam, which is administered by the West Bengal Public Service Commission. It goes through a selection procedure that includes an interview and personality test in addition to the primary and preliminary exams. Arithmetic, Mental Ability, and General Studies are usually covered in the syllabus. Success in this exam depends on careful preparation and keeping an eye out for updates on the official website.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Educational Qualification: Candidates must have a Bachelor’s degree in Science or equivalent from a recognized university.
  • Age Limit: The age limit typically ranges between 18 to 39 years. However, this may vary and candidates should refer to the official notification for precise details.

Selection Process

  • First in the selecting procedure is the preliminary examination. It is made up of objective-style questions on subjects including mental ability, arithmetic, and general studies.
  • Main Exam: Applicants may show up for the main exam provided they passed the preliminary exam. Descriptive questions on arithmetic and general studies themes often make up the main test.
  • Personality Test/Interview: Those who pass the primary exam are invited to an interview or personality test.


  • General Studies: Covers subjects like Indian geography, history, politics, economy, current events, etc.
  • Arithmetic: Number system, percentage, ratio and proportion, average, time and labor, profit and loss, simple and compound interest, etc. are common topics covered.
  • Mental Capacity: Topics including Data Interpretation, Analytical Capacity, and Logical Reasoning may be included in questions.

Important Dates

Candidates should keep an eye on the official notification released by WBPSC for updates on exam dates, application process, and other relevant information.


In conclusion, individuals hoping to work in West Bengal’s Food & Supplies Service, Grade-III, can apply through the WBPSC Food SI Exam. Candidates must be well-prepared for a demanding selection procedure that includes preliminary and major examinations, a personality test, and an interview. Subjects include general studies, arithmetic, and mental ability are particularly important. It’s essential to check the WBPSC official website frequently for updates regarding exam dates and other key announcements. To succeed in this test, one must be committed, well-prepared, and have a firm grasp of the syllabus and test format.

Download : WBPSC Food SI Previous Year Question Paper with Solution

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Syllabus of WBPSC Food SI Previous Year Question Paper

General StudiesArithmetic
Indian HistoryNumber System
Indian Culture: Nature and CharacteristicsHCF and LCM
Constitution of India, Political System, and Indian Administrative SystemDecimal and Fractions
Current events of National and International importanceSimplification
Geography of India (Physical, Economical, Social), Main FeaturesPercentage
Main Features of India’s EconomyTime and Distance
The Role of Science and Technology in the Development of IndiaRatio and Proportion
Sports and WinnersAverage
Indian Agriculture and Rural EconomySimple and Compound Interest
Environment and Ecosystem of IndiaProfit and Loss
Books and AuthorsData Interpretation
International MoUs, Summits, and ConferencesPipes and Cisterns
 Boats and Streams
 Allegation & Mixture
 Works and Wages
 Speed, Time, and Distance

Exam Pattern of WBPSC Food SI Previous Year Question Paper

WBPSC Food SI Selection Process 2024

Selection ProcessWritten ExamInterview
DetailsThe written exam will be of 100 marks consisting of 100 MCQ-type questions. Those who secure the minimum cut-off marks will be called for the Interview stage which is 20 marks.

Food SI Exam Pattern 2024

Exam StagesWritten ExaminationInterview
Written Examination DetailsThere will be two sections to the written exam: arithmetic and general studies. Below, you will find the exam pattern details.
– There will be 100 marks available for this paper.
– The exam will take 90 minutes, or one hour and thirty minutes.
– The test will consist of one hundred multiple-choice questions (MCQs).
– A mark will be awarded for each question, and one-third of that mark will be deducted for an erroneous answer.

Check the detailed WBPSC Food SI Exam Pattern in the table below.

WBPSC Food SI Exam Pattern 2024

StagesSubjectMaximum MarksDuration
Written ExamGeneral Studies5090 minutes

WBPSC Food SI Interview

Interview calls might be made for those who skip the written take a look at. There may be a 20-mark interview method. The WBPSC Food SI interview is a vital step in the selection manner for the placement of Sub-Inspector inside the Food and Supplies Department. This interview assesses the candidate’s understanding, communique skills, and suitability for the role. It makes a speciality of subjects inclusive of food safety, supply chain management, and regulatory compliance, making sure that the selected applicants are well-ready to keep the integrity of the meals deliver system.

Significance of WBPSC Food SI Previous Year Question Paper

WBPSC Food SI previous year question papers hold significant importance for candidates preparing for the exam. Here’s why:

Understanding Exam Pattern

Previous year question papers offer perception into the exam sample, together with the types of questions requested, distribution of marks, and issue degree. Analyzing those papers facilitates applicants familiarize themselves with the shape of the examination.

Identifying Important Topics

By going via previous yr query papers, applicants can pick out routine topics or regions which might be frequently tested. This helps in prioritizing topics for the duration of coaching and focusing on regions with higher weightage.

Assessing Preparation Level

Solving preceding year papers allows candidates to assess their education stage. It facilitates them gauge their strengths and weaknesses in extraordinary topics or subjects. By identifying regions of improvement, applicants can alter their observe strategy therefore.

Improving Time Management

Practicing preceding year papers under timed conditions facilitates applicants enhance their time management competencies. They learn how to allocate the right amount of time to each segment or question, that’s vital for finishing the examination in the stipulated time.

Boosting Confidence

Successfully solving previous year question papers offers applicants a self assurance increase. It validates their practise efforts and offers them the warranty that they’re on the proper song. This self belief is important for appearing properly inside the actual examination.

Adapting to Exam Environment

Practicing with preceding year papers facilitates candidates become acquainted with the exam environment, such as the format of the query paper and the stress of the examination hall. This reduces examination tension and helps candidates stay calm and centered in the course of the real exam.

Learning Exam Strategies

Candidates can research powerful exam techniques by way of analyzing preceding 12 months papers. They can discover shortcuts, elimination strategies, and other strategies to solve questions greater efficaciously. These strategies may be implemented all through the real examination to improve overall performance.

In precis, WBPSC Food SI preceding year question papers function worthwhile sources for applicants making ready for the examination. They offer insights into the exam sample, help examine coaching degree, improve time control talents, enhance confidence, and resource in studying powerful examination strategies. Candidates are advocated to contain solving preceding 12 months papers into their instruction strategy for most efficient results.

Tips for Good Preparation : WBPSC Food SI Previous Year Question Paper

Certainly! Here are some tips to help you prepare effectively for the WBPSC Food SI exam:

Understand the Exam Pattern and Syllabus

Familiarize your self with the examination sample, marking scheme, and syllabus furnished with the aid of the WBPSC. This will assist you to shape your practise plan therefore.

Create a Study Schedule

Develop a realistic observe schedule that allocates sufficient time for every subject or subject matter. Make sure to consist of ordinary breaks to keep away from burnout.

Focus on Basics

Build a sturdy foundation by way of revisiting the basic principles in topics which include General Studies, Arithmetic, and English. Strengthen your fundamentals before moving directly to more superior topics.

Practice Previous Years’ Question Papers

Solve WBPSC Food SI Previous Year Question Paper to recognize the examination sample, kinds of questions requested, and time management. This will also help you perceive your strengths and weaknesses.

Take Mock Tests

Practice mock assessments frequently to simulate exam-like conditions and determine your coaching stage. Analyze your overall performance in mock checks to discover regions that need improvement.

Revise Regularly

Allocate time for regular revision of topics to boost your know-how and retention. Create concise notes or flashcards for quick revision.

Stay Updated with Current Affairs

Keep your self up to date with modern-day affairs associated with West Bengal, India, and the sector. This can be mainly useful for the General Studies phase and the interview/character test.

Seek Guidance

If you come upon problems in information certain subjects, do not hesitate to are trying to find assist from teachers, mentors, or on line assets. Joining a coaching institute or study group also can provide additional help and motivation.

Stay Healthy

Take care of your physical and mental well-being during the preparation segment. Maintain a balanced food regimen, get good enough sleep, and have interaction in ordinary exercising to stay energized and targeted.

Stay Confident

Believe in your self and your capabilities. Stay high quality and hold a confident attitude at some point of your training adventure. Visualize your achievement and stay encouraged to gain your dreams.

By following those hints and retaining a disciplined approach to your coaching, you can boom your probabilities of acting well inside the WBPSC Food SI examination. Good success!

FAQs : WBPSC Food SI Previous Year Question Paper

Q1: What is the WBPSC Food SI exam?

A1: The WBPSC Food SI exam is conducted by the West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) to recruit Sub-Inspectors for the Food & Supplies Department of the Government of West Bengal.

Q2: What is the eligibility criteria for the WBPSC Food SI exam?

A2: The eligibility criteria typically include educational qualifications, age limit, and other requirements as specified by the WBPSC. Candidates must have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university and meet the age criteria set by the commission.

Q3: How can I apply for the WBPSC Food SI exam?

A3: Candidates can apply for the exam through the official website of the West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) when the recruitment notification is released. They need to fill out the online application form, pay the application fee, and submit the required documents within the specified deadline.

Q4: What is the syllabus for the WBPSC Food SI exam?

A4: The syllabus typically covers subjects such as General Studies, Arithmetic, English, and topics related to the food and supplies sector. Candidates should refer to the official notification issued by the WBPSC for the detailed syllabus.

Q5: Is there any negative marking in the WBPSC Food SI exam?

A5: The exam pattern and marking scheme are usually mentioned in the official notification. Candidates should check the notification for information regarding negative marking or any other relevant details.

Q6: How can I prepare for the WBPSC Food SI exam?

A5: Preparation strategies may include studying the prescribed syllabus thoroughly, practicing previous years’ question papers, taking mock tests, and staying updated with current affairs related to West Bengal and national events.

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