Some Tips To Increase Your Focus In Studies

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The change from barbaric age to computer age has made us think about the most important latest buzzword today that is “TECHNOLOGY”. Every student is surrounded by it in one way or other. The prevailing pandemic of COVID-19 has made them more tech-savvy. They are dependent on technology for their every need. From attending classes to completing assignments to remove their boredom, all their major tasks are accomplished using either mobile phones or laptops. But don’t you think that it somehow affects their concentration on studies?

Of course, their addiction to text messages, videos, and surfing social networking sites has affected their mental health too much extent. Due to which they are losing their focus on the important things. It has impacted their focus and concentration along with the increasing hypoxia. They feel very lethargic and always want to be in front of their mobile phones or laptops. They develop the habit of procrastination. They always submit their work after the assigned date, due to negligence towards studies.

Also, today’s technology has somewhere weakened the bonds with family members or friends. It results in loneliness during the long term, due to which they suffer from other ill-effects like depression, stress, and whatnot. Even sometimes, they develop insomnia that in turn affects their curriculum.

What should be done to avoid all these signs and symptoms from any student’s life so they develop their interest in studies more than these gadgets?

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The electronic gadgets – mobile phone, laptops, computers, smart TVs, and others which are better known as silent killers has destroyed their lives completely. There is neither a proper study schedule to which a student can refer nor are there fixed targets to accomplish. It creates a kind of havoc in their professional life and has a great effect on their career. It is very unfortunate that initially students never realize the importance, but after some time they regret their actions in the past that had created a hindrance in their holistic development.

So to increase your focus on studies apart from various gadgets, you can follow the tips below:


This can be one of the most important tips. If you use a camera or mobile phone to record your actions, there will always be a feeling in your subconscious mind that someone is constantly watching you. Firstly it will not be easy for you to completely avoid using technology, but slowly and gradually, you will avoid using them. 

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If you set a particular time, it will give you an overall glimpse of preparing your to-do list for the day. Also, you will note that for how much time you can study continuously. Initially, make a schedule including 40-45 min studies at stretch. Then a break of 10 min in which you can refresh yourself by listening to your favorite song or meditating for 5 min so that all the concepts that you have learned can be retained in your mind forever. It is the time you can attend nature’s call, drink water, or the energy drink that refreshes your mind through the senses of taste buds. 



Proper plan will make you understand the topics that you have covered, need to cover, and left. Also, this can make you realize the importance of time as once you prepare the plan completely along with the time required for its completion, you can demarcate the things. This habit makes you punctual since you know the tasks accomplished already and the assignments have to be done before their date of submission. So you can complete the left tasks as early as possible and submit them.


When you do all the things properly, you can yourself realize your potentials, weaknesses and start working on them to make yourself the master of your weaknesses by practicing. It can contribute to your perfection in various subjects and can eradicate all your negatives within you. It can also make you responsible for your decisions. 

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Lastly, we can see that proper planning and increased concentration towards your studies is the key to unlock all the doors for the opportunities available for you. It is rightly quoted by Alexander Graham Bell,” Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to focus”. So is the case with student’s minds, until you do not focus, you will never build the determination to succeed and shine like the sun. Stay focused, and concentrate on your curriculum. 


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