Netaji Subhas Open University: course offered

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The well-known online university Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU) is situated in West Bengal, India.It was named after the illustrious Indian liberation warrior Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose when it was founded in 1997. NSOU was founded with the goal of offering accessible and adaptable higher education to people who, for a variety of reasons, are unable to enroll in conventional on-campus courses.

Corporate Gifts

The university provides a broad range of undergraduate, postgraduate, diploma, and certificate programs in a number of academic fields, including the arts, sciences, business, and professional streams. It serves a varied range of students, including professionals in the workforce, stay-at-home mothers, and members of underrepresented groups.

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Netaji Subhas Open School (NSOU) is a distance tutoring school arranged in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Spread out in 1997, it was named after one of India’s prominent political protesters, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, who expected a basic part in the country’s fight for opportunity. NSOU was established fully intent on making training open and versatile to understudies who can’t take ordinary, full-time classes for various reasons. In this paper, we will look into Netaji Subhas Open College’s experiences, mission, scholarly projects, student support services, and impact on advancing higher education and long-term learning in the region. Moreover, we will discuss the valuable open doors and difficulties the college faces in accomplishing its objectives.

History and Foundation:

Netaji Subhas Open College was laid out by a Demonstration of the West Bengal State Administrative Get together in 1997. It was perceived by the College Awards Commission (UGC) and the Distance Schooling Agency (DEB) of the College Awards Commission. The college was established to give quality training to a different gathering of students, including working experts, homemakers, financially burdened people, and those in far off regions, who could confront challenges going to customary physical foundations.

Mission and Goals:

By making higher education accessible to all segments of society, NSOU aims to democratize education and encourage lifelong learning. The college means to:

Students who are unable to attend conventional universities should be offered opportunities for higher education.

Offer adaptable learning choices that permit understudies to learn at their own speed and accommodation.

Take special care of the instructive requirements of students from various age gatherings and different foundations.

Use innovation and inventive helping strategies to improve the growth opportunity.

Advance exploration, development, and scholastic greatness in different fields of study.

Academic progress

By making higher education accessible to all segments of society, NSOU aims to democratize education and encourage lifelong learning. The college means to:

Students who are unable to attend conventional universities should be offered opportunities for higher education.

Offer adaptable learning choices that permit understudies to learn at their own speed and accommodation.

Take special care of the instructive requirements of students from various age gatherings and different foundations.

Use innovation and inventive helping strategies to improve the growth opportunity.

Advance exploration, development, and scholastic greatness in different fields of study.

Educating Approach

NSOU follows a mix of conventional and current helping philosophies to convey quality schooling to its understudies. The college gives printed concentrate on materials to its students, which are uncommonly intended for self-study. Experts in the field create and regularly update these materials to ensure their relevance and accuracy.

Notwithstanding concentrate on materials, NSOU uses advanced innovation to upgrade the opportunity for growth. The college gives online review assets, general media materials, and virtual study halls to help distance students. This mix of innovation in schooling assists understudies with drawing in with the substance successfully and encourages an intelligent learning climate.

Understudy Backing Administrations

Perceiving the one of a kind necessities of distance students, NSOU gives a scope of understudy support administrations to help them all through their scholastic process. A portion of the key help administrations include:

Concentrate on Focuses: In various areas of West Bengal, NSOU has established study centers. These review habitats act as a pivotal connection between the college and the understudies. Students can visit these habitats for scholarly direction, advising, and to submit tasks.


Library Offices: The college has an exceptional focal library, as well as libraries at concentrate on focuses, to furnish understudies with admittance to a tremendous assortment of books, diaries, and computerized assets.

Assessment Backing: NSOU conducts assessments at assigned focuses, and understudies get backing and direction with respect to test timetables and techniques.

Academic Guidance:

The college offers scholastic directing meetings to assist understudies with explaining their questions, figure out complex ideas, and plan their investigations really.

Online Help: NSOU offers online help through its e-learning stage, where understudies can get to concentrate on materials, submit tasks, and cooperate with personnel and individual understudies.


Netaji Subhas Open School through and through influences the preparation scene of West Bengal to say the least. Individuals who had recently had restricted admittance to instructive open doors are presently enabled by the college’s development of advanced education’s venture into far off regions.

NSOU’s versatile acquiring decisions have attracted understudies from various establishments, including working specialists searching for proficient achievement, housewives pursuing high level training while at the same time regulating family commitments, and individuals expecting to continue with their tutoring after a break.

improvement in different disciplines.


The college’s emphasis on advancing deep rooted learning has energized a culture of constant training and expertise improvement among students. This has added to the individual and expert development of various people, improving their employability and extending their vocation possibilities.

Through the incorporation of technology into its teaching methods, NSOU has also significantly contributed to the reduction of the digital divide. By offering on the web concentrate on assets and virtual homerooms, the college has empowered students to get to instruction helpfully and proficiently, regardless of geological hindrances.

Also, the accentuation on exploration and scholarly greatness has prompted the creation of information and added to the general scholastic

Challenges and Opportunities

The college’s emphasis on advancing deep rooted learning has energized a culture of constant training and expertise improvement among students. This has added to the individual and expert development of various people, improving their employability and extending their vocation possibilities.

Through the incorporation of technology into its teaching methods, NSOU has also significantly contributed to the reduction of the digital divide. By offering on the web concentrate on assets and virtual homerooms, the college has empowered students to get to instruction helpfully and proficiently, regardless of geological hindrances.

Also, the accentuation on exploration and scholarly greatness has prompted the creation of information and added to the general scholastic improvement in different disciplines.

Courses Offered By Nsou

Program Level Courses Offered Approximate Fee Range (in INR)
Undergraduate B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) 3,000 – 5,000 per year
B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science) 3,500 – 6,000 per year
B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) 4,000 – 7,000 per year
Postgraduate M.A. (Master of Arts) 4,500 – 8,000 per year
M.Sc. (Master of Science) 5,000 – 9,000 per year
M.Com (Master of Commerce) 5,500 – 10,000 per year
Professional MBA (Master of Business Administration) 10,000 – 15,000 per year
MCA (Master of Computer Applications) 12,000 – 18,000 per year
PG Diploma Courses 2,500 – 5,000 (approx.) per year
Certificate Certificate in various disciplines 1,500 – 3,000 (approx.) per year

placement details of nsou

 Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU) primarily focuses on distance education, and its placement support may not be as structured as that of traditional, on-campus universities. However, the university does provide career guidance and assistance to its students. Here is the typical placement support at NSOU in list form:

1. Career Guidance: NSOU offers career counseling and guidance to help students understand their career goals and explore various job opportunities.

2. Placement Cell: The university may have a placement cell that organizes placement-related activities and workshops to prepare students for job interviews.

3. Industry Tie-ups: NSOU may collaborate with certain industries or organizations to facilitate placement opportunities for its students.

4. Job Fairs and Recruitment Drives: The university might organize job fairs or recruitment drives where companies visit the campus to hire students directly.

5. Online Job Portals: NSOU might provide access to online job portals or databases where students can search for job openings.

6. Alumni Network: The university’s alumni network can be leveraged by current students to connect with potential employers or job opportunities.

Please note that NSOU’s placement support might not be as extensive as that of traditional, on-campus institutions. Students often need to take proactive steps to explore job opportunities and leverage their skills and qualifications to secure employment.

admission process of nsou

The following steps are commonly involved in the admissions process at Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU) 

1. Notification: NSOU publishes notices of admission on its main website and via various media outlets. The announcement includes details on the available courses, prerequisites, deadlines for admission, and application processes.

2. Eligibility Requirements: Candidates must review the requirements for the particular course they desire to apply for. Depending on the course and its area of specialty, different qualifications may be needed.

3. Online Application: Interested candidates must submit their applications online via the NSOU website or another recognized channel. They must provide the essential information, upload the required files, and, if necessary, pay the application price.

4. Required Documents: Typically, applicants must provide


Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU) highlights in short:

1. Distance Education: NSOU is a renowned distance education institution, offering a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs.

2. Accessible Education: The university provides flexible and accessible education to a diverse student population, including working professionals and those from marginalized communities.

3. Named after Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose: The university is named in honor of the legendary Indian freedom fighter, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.

4. Various Disciplines: NSOU offers programs in disciplines such as Arts, Science, Commerce, Education, Library Science, and more.

5. Student-Centric Approach: NSOU follows a learner-centric approach, utilizing modern technology to deliver course materials and facilitate interactive sessions.

6. Inclusive Education: The university focuses on promoting inclusive education and providing support to students with special needs.

7. Career Guidance: NSOU offers career counseling and guidance to help students make informed choices about their career paths.

8. Affordable Fees: The university strives to provide quality education at affordable fees, making it accessible to a broader range of students.

9. Industry Tie-ups: NSOU collaborates with industries and organizations to facilitate placement opportunities for its students.

10. Continuous Assessment: NSOU employs a continuous assessment system, allowing students to learn at their own pace and ensuring a comprehensive evaluation process.


NSOU UG Admission has started now for the academic session 2023-24. The last date to apply for admission is 11 August 2023.

The University offers seven UG courses, namely ba, bsc, bcom. ed, bachelor of Economics,  mcome, med, msc, mlis and msw. It also offers PhD, certificate, diploma, advanced diploma and PG diploma programmes in various fields.

yes netaji subhash open University is Recognised by UGC and accredited A+ by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).

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