Three Main Advantages of Participating in a Placement Year

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Many students are questioning their future intentions after deciding to participate in a placement year during their time at university. What exactly do they do? Have they decided to take a year off from their studies? Or do you want to jump right in and gain that valuable experience? While some students may feel more compelled to continue their education and progress to their final year, the benefits of a placement year are incalculably significant and should not be overlooked if at all possible. 

1. Improve your employability

They improve your chances of landing a job once you have finished college. You will have the finest possible foundation for your future profession if you spend a year working in your chosen field. You will obtain a wealth of knowledge and abilities that will make it very impossible for future companies to turn you down as a graduate with experience if you choose to continue your education.

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In the case of graduates who did not complete a sandwich placement, going out of university without any relevant experience makes it extremely difficult to get work immediately after graduation. The majority of recent graduates will discover that every job description requires a minimum of one year of experience. Some job searchers who are looking for a graduate position that requires executive-level expertise may believe that this is unattainable. (If you are currently in this situation, we recommend that you read our blog post on how to obtain a job with no relevant previous work experience). Consequently, if you want to gain a head start on your job search, a placement year is a fantastic opportunity and a crucial addition to your CV.


2. Acquire knowledge and experience

A placement year is quite similar to a graduate position in terms of responsibilities. You will most likely be required to work in a variety of areas and even departments in order to gain a thorough understanding of how everything operates. This, of course, allows you to gain a better grasp of the various responsibilities and which sectors are most suitable for your abilities. Assistance in narrowing down the kind of positions you would like to apply for in the near future.

Consequently, you will meet new individuals and work alongside colleagues who will be able to assist you in learning and developing your professional self. As a result, this is an excellent opportunity to meet with and network with your coworkers. When you are looking for a career in the future, it can be quite advantageous to know people in the sector and maintain contact with them in order to receive valuable advice or to learn about new job prospects.


You will gain vital job experience during your placement year, and you will have a better understanding of the working world as a result of your experience. Immerse yourself in the daily grind of full-time employment and the routine that comes with it. You should also keep in mind that working overseas might be an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in other cultures and languages. In addition to all of that, it provides an opportunity to take a vacation from the classroom and typical university life by participating in real-world working situations.

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3. Establish a competitive advantage in a highly competitive graduate job market

The graduate employment market is competitive, and there is a lot of rivalry. In order to set oneself apart from the competition, you must have prior experience. This will offer your CV a significant boost, as well as a plethora of real-life examples to draw upon in the event of an interview.


Don’t forget that many students are offered a full-time position once they have completed their internship. After making a good impression on the employer, they can move on in their professional development within the organisation. The chance of landing a job after graduation is a significant advantage of completing a placement year. It will relieve you of the worry of finding graduate employment and will place you in a position to begin working immediately.

By – Priyanka Dhillon

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