Rohit Dubey

How is production engineering different from mechanical engineering

by Rohit Dubey
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RE: How is production engineering different from mechanical engineering

Surabhi Dewra
Surabhi Dewra
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The production engineering and the mechanical engineering both came under the same category though but there are certain differences that separate the both. The core idea of both the engineering streams is about creating and managing the production systems in the organization plants in order to create and manufacture quality goods with strong design principles and without running out the economic budget. Both the streams are a branch of engineering and is a collective study of principles and are the definite study of production management in one way or another, both the streams are totally independent of each other and are different things in many ways possible. In easy words the production engineering is the branch of science that deals different and existing manufacturing technologies and production design principles with an elaborative studies about their working, construction and maintenance as well as design metrics such as mechanical systems that can be used in order to create the better quality products at a lower cost and in more effective way so that productivity as well efficiency of the entire system can be increased and hence will be used in the best possible way. On the other hand in the mechanical engineering, the studies are conducted in order to control the rate of production of machines and manufacturing systems that will lead to better and better quality products that can be created within the boundary of all the existing principles and hence resulting in quality products.

Production Engineering: Set of Engineering and Management

In an elaborative way, Production Engineering can be looked as a collective study of manufacturing in the more organized way with the application of engineering sciences as well as with the management sciences. In other words, the work of a production engineer is to control the production rate and quality without running out the given budget and in the best possible and economic solution without decreasing the quality and meeting with all the requirements. The main idea behind this stream is to increase the uniformity in the production process in the smoothest and best possible way and take out the whole procedure of the production in the best possible way. This is only possible because of this stream deals with the engineering of production as well as the management of production that makes the knowledge of goods and understanding the amount that needs to be taken out easily and hence maximizing the profit. This is why the production engineering is one of the courses that creates industry perfect engineers in their respective field as they have both engineering knowledge as well as the management knowledge.

Mechanical Engineering: Collaboration of all the scientific fields

On the other hand, mechanical engineering is the field that deals with the application of all the existing engineering principles like physics analysis, chemistry, mathematics and material sciences and applies them in the field of manufacturing and maintenance of all the mechanical systems. The mechanical engineering field requires the well understanding of all the core skills on which this discipline is based. Some of these few skills consist of the thermodynamics, kinematics, Field Theory, Mechanics and Knowledge of motion, Structural analysis and electrical sciences, etc. that determine the lifecycle and production control of all the goods in the industry. The scope of the mechanical engineering is very high and almost every engineering that holds the production at a very high scale that can be used in order to take out the manufacturing process at a very high level. The scope of the mechanical engineering is nowadays based on the real industry and in order to carry out automation in production plants. This made the requirement of skilled mechanical engineers in the automobile, production, and development industry very high and make mechanical engineering as one the important engineering in India.

Mechanical has bigger scope than production, Production is more specialized

These are the following differences in the production engineering and mechanical engineering based on the characteristics of the streams and the scope provided by both the fields. Apart from that, the key difference lies between the course agenda and disciple that is taken in both the engineering streams and hence making the importance of each one to the mark. Also on making the deceive idea about which one is better, the answer is mechanical engineering as the scope covered in this engineering is more core and related to production, on the other hand, the production engineering only deals with production management which limits its scope.

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RE: How is production engineering different from mechanical engineering

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