Ruia College: Infrastructure, Scholarship, and Fee

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Ramnarain College, an esteemed educational institution in Mumbai, stands as a beacon of academic excellence and rich heritage. Founded in 1937 by the Shikshana Prasaraka Mandali, it has been shaping bright futures for generations of students. With a diverse range of courses and dedicated faculty, Ramnarain College offers top-notch education across various disciplines. Nestled in the heart of Matunga, its sprawling campus boasts lush greenery and state-of-the-art facilities, providing students with a wholesome learning experience. The college takes immense pride in its academic brilliance, offering undergraduate and postgraduate courses in arts, science, and commerce. Emphasizing research and innovation, This College fosters critical thinking and societal development. Beyond academics, it cultivates students’ creativity and leadership through cultural and extracurricular activities. Its extensive alumni network further showcases the institution’s impact in shaping successful individuals. With scholarships and rigorous admissions, Ruia College remains a dream destination for aspiring scholars seeking holistic development and academic brilliance.


In the realm of eminent educational institutions in Mumbai, Ruia College looms large as a symbol of erudition and a heritage steeped in grandeur. Its genesis in 1937, at the hands of the Shikshana Prasaraka Mandali, heralded a prestigious establishment that has ceaselessly delivered top-tier education across generations. Offering a diverse spectrum of courses, supported by devoted faculty and a nurturing milieu, Ruia College has emerged as a guiding luminary for aspiring scholars from all walks of knowledge.

1. History and Legacy

The annals of Ruia College are interwoven with the bygone era of pre-independence. Reverently named after the munificent Ramnarain Ruia, the college embarked on its odyssey with a modest enrollment and a handful of academic pursuits. The passage of time witnessed its exponential growth, characterized by a manifold expansion of educational offerings and the embrace of contemporary pedagogical approaches, all while upholding its cultural heritage.

  1. Academic Growth: The college has grown exponentially, offering a diverse range of courses and programs. From its modest beginnings, Ramnarain now caters to students across various disciplines, providing them with comprehensive education.
  2. Research and Innovation: Ramnarain has always emphasized research and innovation. It has encouraged both students and faculty to engage in cutting-edge research across various domains, resulting in numerous contributions to academic and societal advancements.
  3. Cultural Heritage: While embracing modernity, Ramnarain has successfully preserved its cultural heritage. The college actively promotes various cultural events, allowing students to celebrate their diversity and traditions.
  4. Impactful Alumni: Over the years, It has produced a plethora of accomplished graduates who have made significant contributions to society. The college’s alumni network is a testament to its impact on shaping successful individuals in diverse fields.
  5. Quality Education: Ramnarain remains committed to providing quality education, attracting students from all walks of life. Its dedicated faculty ensures that students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for future challenges.

2. Campus and Facilities

Nestled in the heart of Matunga, Ruia College flaunts an expanse of verdant campus bedecked with avant-garde facilities. From well-appointed laboratories to an extensive repository of knowledge in the form of a vast library, the college ensures unfettered access to top-tier resources for the scholastic endeavors of its students. A plethora of recreational activities further enrich the academic journey, fostering a holistic and enriching experience.

3. Academic Excellence

Ramnarain college wears the badge of academic excellence with unparalleled pride. With an extensive array of undergraduate
and postgraduate courses spanning arts, science, commerce, and more, students are bestowed the freedom to embrace disciplines that resonate with their passions. The college’s distinction lies in its high-caliber teaching staff, consisting of distinguished professors and industry experts dedicatedly imparting knowledge with fervor and enthusiasm.

4. Research and Innovation

Ramnarain stands out for its unwavering dedication to research and innovation. The institution fosters a culture of curiosity and exploration, encouraging both students and faculty to delve into cutting-edge research across diverse domains. This emphasis on research is a hallmark of the college’s commitment to academic advancement and societal impact.

The college provides ample resources and support to facilitate research endeavors, empowering students to question, analyze, and propose groundbreaking ideas. Through hands-on research experiences, students cultivate critical thinking skills and develop a deeper understanding of their chosen fields. By nurturing a spirit of ingenuity, It not only contributes to the intellectual growth of its students but also plays a pivotal role in catalyzing societal progress. The discoveries and innovations that emerge from the college’s research initiatives have far-reaching implications, impacting various spheres of society.

Through its research-driven approach, Ramnarain continues to inspire its academic community to push boundaries and explore uncharted territories, shaping the future of knowledge and driving positive change in the world.

5. Cultural and Extracurricular Activities

Education at it’s transcends the confines of classrooms, unfolding into a vibrant cultural and co-curricular panorama. The college plays host to a plethora of events, seminars, and workshops, serving as a fertile platform for students to manifest their talents and ingenuity. Such a nurturing ecosystem aids in the development of their personalities and the honing of their leadership prowess.

6. Alumni Network

The extensive network of Ruia College alumni serves as a resounding testament to its indelible impact in shaping accomplished individuals. Graduates of the college have indelibly left their imprints across a myriad of domains, encompassing academia, business, arts, and politics. The robust bond between alumni and the college continues to flourish, fostering networking opportunities and mentorship for current students.

7. Ruia Institution Campus Infrastructure: A Flourishing Hub of Erudition

Cutting-edge Facilities: Ruia Institution prides itself on avant-garde and well-appointed facilities that foster an exceptional milieu for erudition among its students.

Verdant Campus: The institution premises are embellished with luxuriant verdure, engendering a tranquil and delightful ambiance conducive to scholarly pursuits.

Advanced Laboratories: Ruia Institution accommodates state-of-the-art laboratories, nurturing research and pioneering spirit across various disciplines.

Spacious Lecture Halls: The capacious and elegantly furnished lecture halls ensure a congenial space for students to partake in interactive scholarship.

Digital Repositories: The institution proffers access to a myriad of digital repositories, encompassing e-libraries and online databases, augmenting the academic sojourn.

Athletic Complex: The athletic complex beckons students to participate in physical endeavors, advocating a salubrious lifestyle.

Cafeteria and Gastronomy Plaza: The campus houses a vivacious cafeteria and gastronomy plaza, serving delectable and hygienic repasts to cater to diverse palates.

Wi-Fi Connectivity: The entire campus is ensconced with high-speed Wi-Fi, facilitating seamless ingress to online resources.

State-of-the-art Auditorium: The institution’s auditorium plays host to sundry events, symposiums, and cultural galas, accommodating a sizable assemblage.

Easily Accessible Locale: Situated in a prime locale, Ruia Institution is readily reachable through sundry modes of transportation.

8. Admissions, Scholarships, and Fee Structure

Securing a coveted spot at it’s constitutes a cherished aspiration for numerous students. The admissions process entails rigorous evaluation, with applicants assessed on the merits of their academic prowess and co-curricular achievements. Additionally, the college extends scholarships to deserving students, ensuring that financial constraints shall never impede the pursuit of knowledge for worthy aspirants.

M.Sc₹37,295 (1st Year Fees)Graduation
B.M.M₹18,700 (1st Year Fees)10+2
B.Sc₹7,450 (1st Year Fees)10+2
BA₹4,825 (1st Year Fees)10+2
PGDM₹1 Lakh (Total Fees)Graduation

9. Financial Aid and Scholarships

At Ruia Institute, we firmly believe in the power of education to transform lives and shape a brighter future. We are committed to ensuring that every student with potential has the opportunity to receive a quality education, regardless of their financial background. To achieve this goal, we offer a comprehensive range of financial aid and scholarship opportunities designed to support and empower our students throughout their academic journey.

  1. Merit-Based Scholarships: We take pride in recognizing and rewarding academic excellence. Our merit-based scholarships are awarded to high-achieving students who demonstrate exceptional performance in their studies. These scholarships serve as a testament to their hard work and dedication and significantly reduce the financial burden on them and their families.
  2. Need-Based Financial Aid: We understand that financial challenges can hinder a student’s educational aspirations. To address this, we provide need-based financial aid, personalized to meet the specific requirements of students facing financial constraints. Our comprehensive assessment process ensures that we identify deserving students who require assistance the most.
  3. Special Scholarships for Underprivileged Students: We are committed to fostering diversity and inclusivity within our student community. To provide equal opportunities to talented individuals from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, we offer special scholarships tailored to their unique needs and circumstances.
  4. Sports and Cultural Scholarships: At Ruia Institute, we value holistic development and encourage participation in sports and cultural activities. To support students excelling in these areas, we offer scholarships that recognize their talents and dedication.
  5. Research and Project Grants: We believe in cultivating an environment of intellectual curiosity and innovation. To facilitate research and innovative projects, we provide grants and financial support to students pursuing such endeavors.
  6. Government Scholarships and Schemes: We actively assist our students in applying for various government scholarships and schemes. By maximizing these opportunities, we aim to help students access additional financial support.
  7. Educational Loan Assistance: To make education more accessible, we collaborate with leading financial institutions to offer educational loan assistance with favorable terms and interest rates. This ensures that students can pursue their educational dreams without undue financial stress.
  8. Work-Study Programs: We believe in promoting self-sufficiency and equipping students with essential life skills. Through our work-study programs, students can earn while they learn, gaining valuable work experience alongside their studies.
  9. Transparent Application Process: We strive to make the application process for scholarships and financial aid as transparent and straightforward as possible. This approach ensures that all eligible students can apply without unnecessary obstacles, making it easier for them to access the support they need.

At Ruia Institute, investing in student success is not just a philosophy; it is at the core of our mission. By offering a wide range of financial aid and scholarships, we aim to create a nurturing and inclusive educational environment where every student can thrive and reach their full potential. We are dedicated to supporting our students’ dreams and aspirations and enabling them to become leaders and change-makers in their chosen fields.

10. Conclusion

Ramnarain College remains an exemplar of academic brilliance and all-encompassing development. With its illustrious legacy, esteemed faculty, and steadfast commitment to nurturing young minds, it perennially retains its preeminence as the preferred sanctuary for students seeking to soar in their chosen realms of expertise. As the torchbearers of Ruia College continue their march, they shall indubitably continue to chisel bright futures for generations to come.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Not at all! Ruia College embraces students from across India and beyond its borders.

Some of the sought-after courses include Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Commerce, and an array of postgraduate programs.

Indeed, Ruia College offers hostel facilities catering to both male and female students.

The college periodically announces scholarship programs during the admission process, enabling eligible students to apply accordingly.

Absolutely! Ruia College maintains academic liaisons with a host of national and international institutions, fostering research and exchange programs.


2RFX+CXJ, L. Napoo Road, Matunga East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400019


+91 022 24143098, 022-24143098


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