How to get over what people think of you

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The world to big to care and rethink what every person thinks about if you will start caring about this then you will never be able to enjoy and live a happy life. So here are some steps that will help you overcome the fear of what other people think about you.

thinking of people

Recognize when it happens

You can’t change anything and you can’t change what people think about you as that is their own perspective about you if you want to happy and a peaceful life you have to let go of what other people think to stop paying attention to what people think about you or who is looking at you in the mall or who is talking to you or who is not talking to you can you stop caring about what every people think about you then you will. Start living your life happily because if you try to make everybody happy and make people like you will somewhere lose what you are in this process and that’s when you won’t like yourself and not liking yourself is the worst thing you’ll come across. Rather than just letting other people don’t like you so just recognize what is happening and when it is happening and cut off yourself from that situation because that’s who they are and you can’t help.

Have self-acceptance

Normally when we feel these uncomfortable feelings usually want to run away ignore people or just hide in a room with a blanket and watch Netflix. But no, this is not the right way to accept yourself just go out there and tell people yes I accept myself whoever I am and this is what I like about myself try to have compassion in your own life. Rather than just thinking that that person doesn’t like me it’s not that you have a problem in yourself it means that the person doesn’t like that activity and there is no problem in not liking anybody. But that doesn’t mean you will hide what they think bad about you because somewhere you don’t like about something about the other person so does that make sense that that person starts hating themselves “NO”.

thinking of people


Try to challenge yourself every day get out of your room get out of what people think about you get out of what you think about yourself and start working on yourself make yourself word I if you think that you are so worthless go to a gym go to a section enjoy your life and be more likable to none other than yourself.

You need to change things about yourself make yourself likable to your own self just don’t live or do anything because other people like you dress up for your own self get up in the morning have a glow obsession with yourself feel good about yourself because thinking good about yourself is the first step to move towards the satisfied happy and peaceful life.


What happened between you and your friend try to reframe all the situations and see where and what went wrong if you think that you are wrong then just go out there and apologize to your friend and when you think that no the other person is wrong tell them that they did wrong over here and they are thinking wrong about you. Nothing is going to help you thinking in your own mind and creating first suggest go out there and accept end tell whatever is wrong.

The goal is to come up with a new thought. One to replace the automatic thought that came to mind you to your limiting belief. With new thought comes new in motion with that new emotion comes new behavior and that’s the change you need in yourself and in your life so just don’t fear away from changes challenge yourself accept the challenge and bring the drastic change in yourself because you wanted not because you can be likeable to another person.

thinking of people

Let Go

Letting go is the last and final step of getting over what people think about you in accepting what you think about yourself let go of whatever people told you about you and start thinking what you think about yourself because you are the only person who is going to make it worth and make it waste. So, you just get to a point where you start making your life worth. Try to meditate as meditation will make you more of a peaceful can a patient person. You are working on cultivating a new behavior, a new you, and new habits one that allows you to let go of all that is no longer serving you. So, pull up your socks and be ready to meet the ultimate and new you who acknowledges, accepts, and loves itself in however manner they are. Welcome your new self with an open mind.

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