How to Improve one’s Vocabulary and Written English

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Not just students in the junior classes but students who have completed graduation or even professionals in several fields face difficulty in writing in English. This is either because they had not had the opportunity to study in an English medium school or because even their English medium schools did not take strict action against children speaking in vernacular languages and allowed them to take the English subject lightly. However, the subject is such that it can be worked on at any point of time and any stage of career.

Try to Converse in English as much as Possible

Writing in English in an effortless style not just requires grammatically correct writing but also grammatically correct thoughts. They are the thoughts that we finally pen down. It seems like there is an imaginary dictation in our minds when we write in a flow and for impressive writing, these thoughts in our minds need to be structurally and grammatically correct first. This skill can be developed by surrounding ourselves with similar people who want to learn the language and mutually help each other by speaking to each other in English.

Get Someone to Correct whatever you Write initially

It is of prime importance that in the initial stages of learning, there is always someone to correct your work. Often, English learners shy away from accepting their mistakes before the person who corrects them and makes excuses. This is something that should be avoided and it must be genuinely accepted that you will benefit from the corrections that a more proficient person in the field would make. Instead of shying away from the mistakes, one must ask in depth about each specific mistake from the corrector so that it is never repeated.


Read and read and read

Reading is perhaps the best way to boost one’s vocabulary and understand different styles of narration that appeal to a reader. An effective writer places oneself as a reader to judge the impact that his lines would make.

"There's Always A Scope Of Improvement"

Write to your daily diary

Maintaining a daily diary where one can describe the experiences of one’s daily life has many benefits. It can improve your habit of writing in English, it brings emotional peace, it remains as great memories if you happen to open them a few years later and also helps one not run out of topics. The only drawback of this method is that one might not be comfortable getting one’s diary corrected, otherwise it works like a charm.

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Make the Dictionary your best friend

In the initial times, handling a dictionary might seem very hectic but this is the key to enhancing your word strength. Googling words helps but does not help to attain an in depth knowledge about the word unless someone devotes that much time to look up each word in detail over the internet. Nowadays, pocket dictionaries are available which can be carried along very easily.

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Have Entertainment in English

Learning about trendy words and styles of expression in the English language can be best understood with the help of movies and songs in English. Often, parents play the English version of cartoons to teach their kids the language. The exact tactic works on adults when they watch their entertainment content also in English.

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Play Word Games

For young learners, playing word games are fun learning methods while for elders, the same can be in the form of games like Scrabble. Playing such games does not always require a partner. Nowadays, phones too have word games of different levels- basic, intermediary and master levels and they can be played at any time with or without a companion.

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Be surrounded by Grammar Nazis

We have all those annoying friends who point out flaws in our grammar while we speak instead of understanding the meaning of what we are trying to say. Such irritating persons can also be used for our own benefit by taking up their corrections rather than feeling ashamed about the correction.

Learning English can be made fun by many methods. The most important point is that it is alright not to know fluent English and one can be learning the skill steadily with patience and perseverance


By: Debarati Pal

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