NIT Hamirpur Placement, Recruiters, Packages

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National Institute of Technology Hamirpur (NIT Hamirpur) has a good placement record. In the 2023 placement season, the institute achieved 96.81% placements for its B.Tech. programmes

The placement season was conducted in a hybrid mode, with both online and offline interviews. The institute also conducted a number of pre-placement talks and workshops to help students prepare for the placements.

The good placement record of NIT is a testament to the quality of education and training that the institute provides. The institute’s alumni occupy leadership positions in a variety of industries, and they continue to be strong brand ambassadors for the institute.

Nit Hamirpur

Here are some additional details about the 2023 placement season at NIT :

  • The highest number of offers were made in the IT sector (50%).
  • The average salary for the B.Tech. programme was INR 12.84 LPA, while the median package was INR 10 LPA.
  • A total of 20 new recruiters participated in the placement season.

Factros for strong placement record

  • Quality of education and training: NIT Hamirpur is a well-respected institute with a strong faculty. The institute offers a rigorous curriculum that prepares students for the demands of the corporate world.
  • Industry-relevant curriculum: The curriculum at NIT Hamirpur is constantly updated to reflect the latest trends in engineering. This ensures that students are equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their careers.
  • Strong placement support: NIT provides extensive placement support to its students. The institute has a dedicated placement cell that helps students with their resume preparation, mock interviews, and networking.
  • Competitive students: NIT Hamirpur attracts some of the brightest and most talented students from across India. This competitive environment helps to push students to perform their best.
  • Collaboration with industries: NIT Hamirpur has strong collaborations with industries. These collaborations allow students to gain practical experience and make connections with potential employers.
  • Research-oriented: NIT Hamirpur is a research-intensive institute. This means that students are encouraged to conduct research and publish their findings. This research experience is highly valued by employers.

Placement Process of NIT Hamirpur

  • Pre-Placement Talks (PPTs): Companies interested in recruiting from NIT usually visit the campus to conduct pre-placement talks. During these sessions, representatives from the companies provide information about their organization, job roles, expectations, and career growth prospects.
  • Resume Submission: Students interested in participating in the placement process typically submit their resumes to the placement cell. These resumes highlight their academic achievements, skills, internship experiences, and other relevant information.
  • Shortlisting: Companies review the submitted resumes and shortlist candidates based on their profiles. Shortlisted candidates are then invited to participate in further rounds of the placement process.
  • Written Tests/Online Rounds: Depending on the company and the job role, candidates might need to take written tests or online rounds to assess their technical, analytical, and problem-solving skills.
  • Group Discussions (GD) or Technical Interviews: Shortlisted candidates may participate in group discussions or technical interviews. GDs assess candidates’ communication skills and ability to present their ideas, while technical interviews evaluate their subject knowledge and problem-solving abilities.
  • Personal Interviews (PI): Candidates who clear the earlier rounds might go through personal interviews that delve deeper into their technical knowledge, behavioral attributes, and alignment with the company’s values.
  • Job Offers: Based on candidates’ performance in the various rounds, companies make job offers to selected candidates. Candidates may receive multiple offers and can choose the one that best suits their career aspirations.
  • Acceptance and Placement Statistics: After receiving offers, candidates usually have a specific time frame to make their decisions. The placement cell compiles placement statistics, which include details about the number of offers made, accepted, and declined, as well as salary packages.
  • Internship Placements: In addition to final placements, NIT Hamirpur also assists students in securing internships during their academic years. These internships provide valuable practical experience and industry exposure.

Top Recruiters At NIT Hamirpur

  • TCS
  • Infosys
  • Wipro
  • Microsoft
  • Amazon
  • IBM
  • Samsung
  • Goldman Sachs
  • Morgan Stanley
  • Shell
  • Schlumberger

Placement of NIT Hamirpur

Total students287287
Companies participated95110
Offers made251229
Placement percentage89.3%80%

Packages At NIT Hamirpur

BranchHighest Package (LPA)Lowest Package (LPA)Average Package (LPA)
Computer Science and Engineering52 LPA6 LPA14.84 LPA
Electrical Engineering17.8 LPA6 LPA12.84 LPA
Mechanical Engineering14.5 LPA6 LPA11.2 LPA
Civil Engineering12 LPA6 LPA9.0 LPA
Material Science and Engineering18 LPA6 LPA12.0 LPA
Dual Degree in Computer Science and Engineering1.51 crore6 LPA10.84 LPA

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, NIT Hamirpur emphasizes research and offers various opportunities for students and faculty to engage in research projects and contribute to academic advancements.

Yes, the placement cell often assists students in securing internships, which provide practical exposure and industry experience during their academic years.

The placement cell communicates placement-related information, company profiles, job roles, and updates through the institute’s official communication channels and portals.

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