Class 12 physical education sample paper 2020-21

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Class 12 physical education sample paper 2020-21 is a subject that focuses on the various aspects of physical fitness, health, and well-being. It is designed to promote an active lifestyle and educate students about the importance of physical activity in maintaining overall health.

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Overview: Class 12 physical education sample paper 2020-21

CBSE 12 Physical Education is a course aimed at promoting pupils’ physical activity, health and well-being. It covers a wide range of topics including sports, exercise, nutrition and the overall importance of living an active lifestyle. The curriculum is designed not only to teach students the various aspects of physical education but also to instill values of discipline, teamwork and sportsmanship

The key to 12th grade gymnastics is understanding the importance of organization in sports. Students learn a variety of factors to consider when planning sports, including scheduling, venue selection, and team selection. This helps them develop organizational skills and appreciate the efforts involved in organizing sporting events.

Nutrition is another important topic covered in grade 12 gymnastics. Students learn about the role of nutrition in athletic performance and overall health. They learn about the importance of a balanced diet, the types of nutrients the body needs, and the risks of using performance enhancing drugs.

The curriculum emphasizes yoga and lifestyle. Students learn the benefits of yoga for physical and mental health and its role in improving overall well-being. It also recognizes the importance of a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a healthy diet.

Grade 12 physical education also includes topics related to sports psychology. Students learn about psychological factors that can affect athletic performance, such as motivation, stress and anxiety. They also learn about the importance of leadership and teamwork in sport, as well as ways to deal with aggression and aggression.

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Syllabus: Class 12 physical education sample paper 2020-21

  1. Unit 1: Planning in Sports

    • Meaning and Objectives of Planning
    • Various Committees and its Responsibilities
    • Tournament – Knock-Out, League or Round Robin and Combination
  2. Unit 2: Sports and Nutrition

    • Balanced Diet and Nutrition: Macro and Micro-nutrients
    • Performance Enhancing Drugs
    • Doping
  3. Unit 3: Yoga and Lifestyle

    • Concept of Yoga
    • Benefits of Yoga
    • Yoga for Health and Fitness
  4. Unit 4: Physical Education and Sports for CWSN (Children With Special Needs)

    • Understanding CWSN
    • Inclusive Education
  5. Unit 5: Women and Sports

    • Sports Participation of Women in India
    • Issues and Challenges
  6. Unit 6: Test and Measurement in Sports

    • Physical Fitness Test
    • Motor Fitness Test
    • Skills related Fitness Test
    • Measurement of Cardio-Vascular Endurance, Flexibility, Speed, Strength
  7. Unit 7: Physiology and Sports

    • Effects of Exercise on Cardiovascular System
    • Respiratory System
    • Muscular System
    • Skeletal System
  8. Unit 8: Psychology and Sports

    • Motivation and Emotion
    • Stress and Anxiety Management
    • Aggression and Violence in Sports
    • Leadership and Group Dynamics
  9. Unit 9: Training in Sports

    • Planning
    • Periodization
    • Sports Training
  10. Practicals

    • Physical Fitness Test: 50-Meter Dash, Shuttle Run, Standing Broad Jump, Sit and Reach, Push-Ups, Sit-Ups
    • Skill Tests: Any Two of the Following – Basketball Chest Pass, Push-Ups, Sit-Ups, Standing Broad Jump, Shuttle Run (10×4 meters)

Exam Pattern: Class 12 physical education sample paper 2020-21

The exam pattern for Class 12 Physical Education may vary depending on the board. However, it generally includes:

  • Total Marks: The total marks for the exam may vary but are typically around 70-80.
  • Theory Paper: The theory paper usually constitutes the majority of the marks and covers the entire syllabus.
  • Practical Exam: There may be a practical exam that evaluates students’ practical skills in sports and physical activities.
  • Duration: The duration of the exam is typically around 3 hours.

Tips for students preparing for exam

Here are some tips for Grade 11 students to improve academically and make the most of their school year:

  • Understand the curriculum: Familiarize yourself with the Grade 11 curriculum for all subjects. Knowing what you need to learn will help you to plan your study more effectively.
  • Manage time wisely: Create a curriculum that allows you to balance your school commitments with other activities. Set aside specific times for study, research and relaxation.
  • Focus on conceptual understanding: Focus on understanding concepts rather than learning with your mind. This will help not only experimentally but also in future understanding of higher order theory.
  • Organize: Organize textbooks, notes, and assignments. Use folders or digital tools to manage learning materials.
  • Practice regularly: Regular practice is the key to success in any subject. Prepare sample papers, previous year question papers and attend group study sessions to improve your understanding.
  • Ask for clarification: If in doubt, don’t hesitate to ask your teachers or classmates. It is important to clarify your doubts as soon as they arise.
  • Keep Informed: Keep yourself up to date with the latest news and current events, especially around disciplines such as economics and politics.
  • Stay Healthy: Take care of your physical and mental health. Get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, and exercise regularly to stay healthy and focused.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Set realistic goals for yourself and work towards them. Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem.
  • Stay Positive: Stay positive and motivated. Believe in yourself and your ability to overcome challenges and succeed in your learning journey.

 FAQs : Class 11 physics sample paper

Q- Where can I find Class 12 Physical Education sample papers for the 2020-21 academic year?

A- Class 12 Physical Education sample papers for the 2020-21 academic year can be found online on educational websites or provided by schools.

Q- How should I prepare for the Class 12 Physical Education exam?

A- To prepare for the exam, it is important to thoroughly study the syllabus, practice sample papers, and engage in regular physical activity to understand the practical aspects of the subject.

Q- What is the importance of physical education in the overall development of students?

A- Physical education plays a crucial role in the overall development of students by promoting physical fitness, health awareness, and stress management skills. It also teaches important life skills such as teamwork, leadership, and perseverance.

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