Two Choices: Relationships and Career

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After all, all of us are social creatures and require companionship for handling different kinds of problems, pressure and for a supportive environment. At such times, it is important to balance our relaxation time along with our educational and professional life.

Choosing the right partner is important. One should find a partner who is as motivated as you are. Most of the people tend to lose time management and seriousness of their dreams when they get into a relationship. This is exactly the reason why teachers and parents tell us not to pay attention to relationships at this age.

However relationships can be best managed when the two partners have a common goal and work towards the goal together. Working towards the goal together also makes efforts easy. It would always be easy to study something along with the person that you are interested in rather than studying alone. They also know the priority of each other’s time.

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Most of the time, partners try to control each other and get possessive about each other. Such feelings should not influence any career choice. Moreover, choices in the career path should never be influenced by the career choices that your partner makes. Next, many relationships tend to get toxic and the partners cannot detach themselves from each other. Such relationships do not end up in relaxation but in stressful situations. Thus, it is advisable that you do not get too emotionally attached to a partner. Relationships made at school or college are surely not the end of life.

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Couples who are students also tend to waste a lot of time, effort and money in gifting each other on special occasions or making a pomp show about their relationship status. Being a student means that one is dependent on their parents and do not earn on their own. It is wrong to spend loads of money on a partner in such circumstances. Girls on the other hand must also be careful about opening up much with their partner.

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Not all partners are trustworthy and every step which increases closeness must be taken with great caution. If anything goes wrong knowingly or unknowingly, these events have a stressful effect on staying motivated about career. Thus, one must take care of all the above mentioned facets. Staying calm and not getting much emotionally and personally involved is the golden tip for managing a relationship effectively with a career.


By: Debarati Pal

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