SSC Constable GD Exam Guide 2021

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The SSC Constable GD Exam Guide 2021 serves as a beacon for aspirants aiming to secure a prestigious position in the esteemed SSC Constable General Duty cadre. As one of the most sought-after recruitment exams, the SSC Constable GD examination demands rigorous preparation and strategic approach. This guide is meticulously crafted to provide aspirants with comprehensive insights, expert tips, and practical resources to navigate through the complexities of the examination process.

Introduction to SSC Constable GD Exam Guide 2021: Your Pathway to Success

The SSC Constable GD Exam Guide 2021 serves as a beacon for aspirants aiming to secure a prestigious position in the esteemed SSC Constable General Duty cadre. As one of the most sought-after recruitment exams, the SSC Constable GD examination demands rigorous preparation and strategic approach. This guide is meticulously crafted to provide aspirants with comprehensive insights, expert tips, and practical resources to navigate through the complexities of the examination process.

Comprehensive Coverage and Expert Insights: 

Our SSC Constable GD Exam Guide 2021 offers a holistic approach towards exam preparation, covering all aspects of the syllabus in detail. From understanding the exam pattern and syllabus to mastering each subject area, aspirants will benefit from expert insights, proven strategies, and effective study techniques to optimize their preparation journey.

Empowering Aspirants for Success: 

Beyond mere preparation, this guide is designed to empower aspirants with the confidence and competence needed to excel in the SSC Constable GD examination. With a focus on conceptual clarity, practice exercises, and mock tests, aspirants can hone their skills, identify strengths and weaknesses, and refine their exam-taking strategies to maximize their performance on the D-day.

SSC Constable GD Exam Guide 2021

Overview of SSC Constable GD Exam Guide 2021

Overview of SSC Constable GD Exam Guide 2021: Your Path to Success

The SSC Constable GD Exam Guide 2021 is a comprehensive resource designed to assist aspirants in their preparation for the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Constable General Duty (GD) examination. This guide aims to provide aspirants with a structured approach to effectively navigate through the complexities of the examination process and maximize their chances of success.

Comprehensive Coverage of Syllabus and Exam Pattern: The guide offers detailed insights into the SSC Constable GD examination, covering the syllabus, exam pattern, marking scheme, and eligibility criteria. Aspirants gain a thorough understanding of the topics to be covered, enabling them to tailor their preparation strategies accordingly.

Expert Tips and Strategies: Aspirants benefit from expert tips and strategies curated by seasoned professionals to enhance their preparation efforts. From effective study techniques to time management strategies and exam-taking tips, aspirants receive invaluable guidance to optimize their performance in the SSC Constable GD examination.

Practice Exercises and Mock Tests: The guide includes practice exercises and mock tests designed to simulate the exam environment and assess aspirants’ readiness. These exercises enable aspirants to gauge their strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement, and refine their exam-taking skills.

Concept Clarity and Revision Strategies: Emphasis is placed on building strong foundational knowledge and conceptual clarity in each subject area. Aspirants receive guidance on effective revision strategies, memory retention techniques, and quick tips to boost confidence and performance on the exam day.

Post-Exam Guidance and Result Analysis: The guide also offers post-exam guidance, helping aspirants navigate through post-exam anxiety and analyze their performance. Aspirants receive advice on interpreting exam results and preparing for further stages of the recruitment process.

SSC Constable GD Exam 2021 Syllabus

SSC Constable GD Exam 2021 Syllabus Overview

The SSC Constable GD Exam 2021 syllabus encompasses a wide range of subjects and topics designed to assess candidates’ aptitude for general duty roles in various paramilitary forces and government organizations. Below is a table format outlining the key subjects and topics typically included in the SSC Constable GD Exam 2021 syllabus:

SubjectTopics Covered
General Intelligence & ReasoningAnalogies, Similarities and Differences, Spatial Visualization, Spatial Orientation, Visual Memory, Discrimination, Observation, Relationship Concepts, Arithmetic Number Series, Non-Verbal Series, Coding and Decoding, etc.
General Knowledge & General AwarenessSports, History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Polity, Indian Constitution, Scientific Research, etc.
Elementary MathematicsNumber Systems, Computation of Whole Numbers, Decimals and Fractions, Relationship Between Numbers, Fundamental Arithmetical Operations, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Mensuration, Time and Distance, Ratio and Time, Time and Work, etc.
English/Hindi LanguageSpot the Error, Fill in the Blanks, Synonyms/Homonyms, Antonyms, Spellings/Detecting Mis-spelt words, Idioms & Phrases, One-word substitution, Improvement of Sentences, Active/Passive Voice of Verbs, Conversion into Direct/Indirect narration, Shuffling of Sentence parts, Shuffling of Sentences in a passage, Cloze Passage, Comprehension Passage, etc.

Candidates preparing for the SSC Constable GD Exam 2021 are advised to thoroughly study and understand the syllabus for each subject to ensure comprehensive preparation. Additionally, practicing with previous years’ question papers and taking mock tests can help candidates familiarize themselves with the exam pattern and improve their performance.

SSC Constable GD 2021 Exam Pattern

SSC Constable GD 2021 Exam Pattern Overview

The SSC Constable GD 2021 examination follows a structured pattern comprising multiple stages designed to assess candidates’ suitability for general duty roles in various paramilitary forces and government organizations. Below is a table format outlining the key features of the SSC Constable GD 2021 exam pattern:

StageMode of ExaminationSubjects CoveredNumber of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
Computer-Based Examination (CBE)Online (Computer-based)General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Knowledge & General Awareness, Elementary Mathematics, English/Hindi Language10010090 minutes
Physical Efficiency Test (PET)Physical TestRunning, Long Jump, High Jump, Shot PutQualifying
Physical Standard Test (PST)Physical TestHeight, Chest (for male candidates only)Qualifying
Medical ExaminationMedical TestPhysical Fitness Assessment, Visual Standards, Medical Conditions AssessmentQualifying

In the Computer-Based Examination (CBE), candidates are tested on their proficiency in General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Knowledge & General Awareness, Elementary Mathematics, and English/Hindi Language. The exam consists of 100 questions, each carrying one mark, with a total duration of 90 minutes.

Candidates who qualify the CBE stage are required to undergo a Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and a Physical Standard Test (PST). The PET assesses candidates’ physical fitness through activities such as running, long jump, high jump, and shot put. The PST evaluates candidates’ height and chest measurements (for male candidates only) to ensure they meet the prescribed physical standards.

Expert Tips and Strategies for Preparation

Expert Tips and Strategies for SSC Constable GD Exam Preparation

  1. Understand the Exam Pattern and Syllabus: Begin your preparation by thoroughly understanding the exam pattern and syllabus prescribed by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC). Familiarize yourself with the subjects, topics, and weightage of each section to create a structured study plan.
  2. Create a Study Schedule: Develop a realistic and achievable study schedule that allocates sufficient time to cover all subjects comprehensively. Break down your study sessions into smaller, manageable tasks, and ensure to include regular revisions and practice sessions.
  3. Focus on Conceptual Clarity: Instead of rote learning, focus on understanding the underlying concepts and fundamentals of each topic. Strengthen your conceptual clarity by referring to standard study materials, textbooks, and online resources.
  4. Practice Regularly: Practice is key to success in competitive exams like SSC Constable GD. Solve previous years’ question papers, sample papers, and mock tests to familiarize yourself with the exam pattern, improve your time management skills, and identify your strengths and weaknesses.
  5. Time Management: Develop effective time management techniques to ensure you allocate adequate time to each section during the exam. Practice solving questions under timed conditions to enhance your speed and accuracy.
  6. Stay Updated with Current Affairs: General Awareness is a crucial section in SSC Constable GD Exam. Stay updated with current affairs, national and international news, sports events, awards, and honors, as questions from this section can be based on recent events.
  7. Seek Guidance from Experts: If you encounter difficulties in understanding certain topics or concepts, don’t hesitate to seek guidance from subject matter experts, teachers, or mentors. Joining a reputable coaching institute or online study group can also provide valuable insights and support.
  8. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Along with academic preparation, focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Get adequate sleep, eat a balanced diet, and engage in regular physical exercise to keep your mind and body in optimal condition for effective learning and performance.
  9. Stay Positive and Motivated: Stay positive and maintain a motivated mindset throughout your preparation journey. Believe in your abilities, stay focused on your goals, and celebrate your progress milestones to keep yourself motivated and determined towards achieving success in the SSC Constable GD Exam.
  10. Revise Regularly: Revision is crucial to reinforce learning and retain information effectively. Allocate dedicated time for regular revisions of all subjects and topics covered to ensure maximum retention and recall during the exam.

Previous Years' Question Papers Analysis

Analyzing previous years’ question papers is an invaluable strategy for SSC Constable GD exam preparation. Here’s how to effectively analyze them:

  1. Identify Pattern and Trends: Examine the distribution of questions across different subjects and topics. Identify recurring patterns and trends in question types, such as the frequency of certain topics or the difficulty level of questions.
  2. Topic-Wise Weightage: Determine the weightage of each topic based on the number of questions asked in previous years’ papers. Focus more on topics with higher weightage while ensuring coverage of all subjects.
  3. Understand Question Types: Analyze the types of questions asked in each subject area. Identify whether questions are conceptual, factual, or require application of formulas or rules.
  4. Difficulty Level: Assess the difficulty level of questions in previous papers. Determine whether questions are easy, moderate, or difficult to answer. This will help you gauge your preparedness and prioritize topics accordingly.
  5. Time Management: Evaluate the time taken to solve each question and the overall duration of the exam based on previous papers. This will help you refine your time management skills and allocate time effectively during the actual exam.
  6. Identify Weak Areas: Identify your weak areas by reviewing questions that you struggled to answer or got wrong in previous papers. Focus on strengthening these areas through targeted practice and revision.
  7. Learn from Mistakes: Analyze the mistakes you made while attempting previous papers. Understand the reasons behind your errors and learn from them to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the actual exam.
  8. Practice Mock Tests: Use the insights gained from analyzing previous years’ papers to create mock tests simulating the exam environment. Practice solving these mock tests to assess your preparedness and improve your performance.
  9. Track Progress: Keep track of your progress by regularly analyzing your performance in mock tests and previous papers. Monitor your improvement over time and make necessary adjustments to your study plan.
  10. Stay Updated: Stay updated with the latest trends and changes in the exam pattern by analyzing recent years’ question papers. This will help you adapt your preparation strategy accordingly and stay ahead in your exam preparation journey.

SSC GD Website Link

  1. Visit the official Staff Selection Commission (SSC) website:
  2. On the homepage, under the “Examinations” section, navigate to the link that says “Constables (GD) in CAPFs, SIs in BSF and CRPF.”
  3. This will lead you to a dedicated page for the SSC GD Constable exam, containing crucial information such as:
    • Exam notification: Details about eligibility criteria, exam pattern, syllabus, and important dates.
    • Recruitment process: Explanation of the different stages of selection, including written exam, physical efficiency test, and medical examination.
    • Previous years’ question papers: Sample questions to help you understand the exam format and content.
    • Important announcements: Updates and clarifications from the SSC regarding the exam process.


Comprehensive Guide for Success

Empowering Aspirants: 

The SSC Constable GD Exam Guide 2021 stands as a beacon of guidance for aspirants venturing into the realm of competitive examinations. Through its comprehensive coverage, expert insights, and strategic approaches, the guide empowers aspirants with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to navigate through the complexities of the SSC Constable GD examination.

Structured Approach to Preparation: 

With a structured approach to preparation, the guide offers aspirants a roadmap to success. From understanding the exam pattern and syllabus to mastering each subject area, aspirants benefit from expert tips, practice exercises, and mock tests designed to enhance their preparation journey. By fostering conceptual clarity, refining time management skills, and providing targeted strategies, the guide equips aspirants to tackle the challenges of the SSC Constable GD exam with confidence.

A Companion for Success: 

Aspirants embark on their journey towards success with the SSC Constable GD Exam Guide 2021 as their trusted companion. Beyond mere preparation, the guide serves as a mentor, guiding aspirants through every stage of the examination process. With its invaluable insights, practical resources, and unwavering support, the guide empowers aspirants to realize their dreams of joining the esteemed ranks of the SSC Constable General Duty cadre.


The SSC Constable GD Exam Guide 2021 is a comprehensive resource designed to assist aspirants in preparing for the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Constable General Duty (GD) examination.

The guide offers expert tips, strategies, practice exercises, mock tests, and insights into the exam pattern, syllabus, and preparation techniques to help aspirants excel in the SSC Constable GD examination.

The guide provides aspirants with a structured approach to preparation, fostering conceptual clarity, refining time management skills, and offering targeted strategies to tackle the challenges of the SSC Constable GD exam.

Yes, the guide is suitable for aspirants of all levels, whether they are beginners or experienced candidates. It offers valuable insights and resources to help aspirants at every stage of their preparation journey.

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