Government and Private Institutions

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Nowadays when parents think of admitting their child into the school, the first thing they think about is whether they should choose a government school or a private school. The number of private schools is now more government ones. What does this indicate? Are private institutions more preferable to parents for their child? Are government schools not good?

If you are having these questions too in your mind then you are at the right place. This article will be throwing light on government and private institutions. It will mention all the pros and cons of the organizations.

Before directly coming to the pros and cons, we should first know what government and private schools are and how they are different.

Let us have a look at that-

Government Schools/organizations-

These include government-funded institutions. The government-funded means that all the costs and prices are for the government. The salary is given by the government. The fees are submitted by the government.

People prefer government colleges but not government schools. This happens because government colleges have great goodwill connections with other government or top companies which can provide students with the placement package they want and deserve.

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Private Schools/organizations-

The private organizations, on the other hand, include non-government-funded institutions. There is some semi-government College, in this; some of the responsibilities are to be fulfilled by the Government. But in private institutions, every funding is done by the owner/s of that institution. And this is the reason for it having a big fee structure. People prefer private schools but not private colleges, as these schools give the education and facilities one needs to have as a student.

Let us now have a look at the comparison of both the schools-

Fee Structure

One of the main differences between government schools and private schools is their fee structure. The fee structure of government schools is much less than that of private ones. Some of the government schools also provide free education to students till class 8th. This happens so that families from the lower class can afford the education. On the other hand, private schools try to provide students with top-class facilities and for this; they charge high fees from them. They charge students for the maintenance of their school.

Facilities provided by the schools

Another great difference between government and private schools is the facilities provided by them to the students.

Private institutions always manage to offer students basic facilities such as electricity and good classrooms. On the other hand, the government institutions fail to provide students with proper classrooms and electricity. We often come to know that in government schools, there is no proper environment for the better education of the student.

Apart from education, the private institutions provide students with better infrastructure and equipment facilities, so that the students can develop physically too.

government institute

Quality of teaching

The teaching quality depends on the teachers of the institution. The private schools admit very qualified teachers. They have masters in their specific fields. On the other hand, government schools also admit very qualified teachers but they are not in a good direction. The selection criteria for the selection of the teachers of government schools is very tough. So only qualified teachers are there in a government school. But the faculty of the teachers is not much staffed.

So, if compared the quality of teaching of both the institutions then private schools have a better teaching quality.


When a student takes admission to a College, the first thing they see is placement (if they have similar plans).  Placements are one of the most important parameters taken into consideration while choosing for a College.

Everybody nowadays craves a government job because they have stability. But if someone is looking to be a part of a government job through a placement then they should try getting admission to a government college. It is in a government college where a lot of government companies and very renowned private companies come for placement selection. So, if we compare the placements of both the colleges, we can say that there is a lot of good scope in government institutions.

government institute

This is all about the pros and cons of both, government and private colleges. We got you all covered for both the colleges. Choosing a College or a school is a very difficult thing to do. Especially when you know that you are going to spend your next few years there. College plays a huge role in setting us up for further life i.e., for job and future.  

In this chaos of finding the right college, the most arisen question is whether to choose a government college or a private college.  We hope this article was helpful for you and you found the right answers. Wishing you all the luck in your future.


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