Swami Shraddhanand College: Courses,Fees,Faq

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Education is the cornerstone of society progress, and educational institutions are essential to developing the minds of coming generations.Swami Shraddhanand College is one such institution that stands as a beacon of knowledge and illumination. This college is well renowned for its dedication to academic success, holistic development, and developing a feeling of community among its students. It is located in the center of Delhi. We shall explore the rich heritage, superior academic standing, and energetic environment that characterize Swami Shraddhanand College in this blog.

1.A Historical Glimpse

Swami Shraddhanand College

Founded in 1967, Swami Shraddhanand College is named after the eminent freedom fighter and social reformer Swami Shraddhanand, who dedicated his life to the upliftment of society through education. The college has its roots in a noble cause, carrying forward the legacy of its namesake by providing quality education and empowering students to make meaningful contributions to society.



Undergraduate Courses

B.A. (Hons.) in English, History, Hindi, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Geography, Psychology, Sanskrit, Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physical Education
B.Com. (Hons.) in Accounting and Finance, Business Economics, and Marketing
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Microbiology, Physics, and Zoology

Postgraduate Courses

M.A. – INR 14,591 per year

M.Com. – INR 14,591 per year

M.Sc. – INR 14,687 per year

The tuition fees for undergraduate courses at Swami Shraddhanand College are relatively affordable. The fees for postgraduate courses are slightly higher. The fees for the academic year 2023-24 are as follows:

Undergraduate Courses

B.A. (Hons.) – INR 14,355 per year
B.Com. (Hons.) – INR 14,355 per year
B.Sc. (Hons.) – INR 14,455 per year
Postgraduate Courses

M.A. – INR 14,591 per year
M.Com. – INR 14,591 per year
M.Sc. – INR 14,687 per year
The fees are subject to change. For the latest information on fees, please visit the college website.

3.Placement Opportunities


The college’s dedication to holistic development extends to its efforts in ensuring students are well-prepared for the professional world. Swami Shraddhanand College boasts a dedicated placement cell that works tirelessly to connect students with top-tier companies and organizations. The placement cell organizes workshops, seminars, and training sessions to enhance students’ employability skills, helping them secure rewarding job opportunities upon graduation. The college’s strong industry connections and alumni network further bolster the placement process.


Swami Shraddhanand College offers a modern and well-equipped campus that facilitates a conducive learning environment.Modern classrooms, well-stocked libraries, cutting-edge labs, and athletic facilities all add to a well-rounded educational experience. The college’s dedication to provide first-rate facilities guarantees that students have access to the tools they need to succeed in their academic endeavors.

5.Teaching Quality

At the heart of any educational institution is its faculty, and Swami Shraddhanand College takes pride in its team of dedicated and experienced educators. The faculty members are experts in their respective fields and are passionate about imparting knowledge and nurturing students’ growth. With a student-centric approach, the college ensures that learning goes beyond textbooks, encouraging critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

6.Academic Excellence

Swami Shraddhanand College is affiliated with the prestigious University of Delhi, a center for academic achievement. Numerous undergraduate and graduate courses in the arts, sciences, business, and other fields are available at the college. Thanks to the school’s dedicated faculty, which is made up of specialists in their respective fields, students are guaranteed a well-rounded education that places equal emphasis on academic knowledge and practical abilities.

The college’s dedication to academic excellence is demonstrated by the constantly strong academic results that have made it one of Delhi University’s top-ranking colleges. Swami Shraddhanand College has continuously produced graduates that thrive in a variety of professional disciplines, whether it be in the realms of science, the humanities, or business, acting as role models for future generations.

7.Holistic Development

Education is not limited to textbooks and classrooms; it extends to the overall development of an individual’s personality. Swami Shraddhanand College recognizes this, and it actively promotes holistic development through a myriad of extracurricular activities, clubs, and societies. From cultural events to sports competitions, the college provides students with ample opportunities to showcase their talents, explore their interests, and develop skills beyond academics.

8.Vibrant Campus Life

The campus life at Swami Shraddhanand College combines academic excellence with cultural flair. The campus is a mash-up of various cultures, ethnicities, and viewpoints, providing an accepting atmosphere where students can gain knowledge from one another’s experiences. The yearly college festival, which brings students together to celebrate their skills, originality, and togetherness, is a monument to this vivacious attitude.

9.Community Outreach and Social Initiatives

Swami Shraddhanand College is fiercely committed to giving back to society in order to uphold the heritage of its namesake. With the intention of supporting the less fortunate and promoting the neighborhood’s wellbeing, the college actively participates in community outreach events, social initiatives, and service projects. These initiatives give young people a sense of social responsibility while also offering them first-hand exposure to issues found in the real world.


Swami Shraddhanand College stands as a testament to the power of education to transform lives and shape a brighter future. With its rich history, dedication to academic excellence, commitment to holistic development, and vibrant campus life, the college continues to inspire and nurture generations of young minds. As Swami Shraddhanand College marches forward, it will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on the educational landscape, producing responsible citizens and leaders who will contribute positively to society.


Swami Shraddhanand College was founded in 1967 and is named after the renowned freedom fighter and social reformer, Swami Shraddhanand. The college has a rich history of providing quality education and contributing to the holistic development of its students.

The college offers a diverse range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in various disciplines, including Arts, Commerce, and Sciences. Courses like B.A. (Hons), B.Com (Hons), B.Sc. (Hons), M.A., and M.Sc. are part of the curriculum.

The college is committed to providing affordable education. The fee structure varies depending on the course and the academic year. It is relatively competitive and ensures accessibility for students from different economic backgrounds.

Swami Shraddhanand College has a dedicated placement cell that facilitates interactions between students and potential employers. The college organizes workshops, seminars, and training sessions to enhance students’ employability skills and help them secure placements in top companies.

The college boasts modern infrastructure, including well-equipped classrooms, laboratories, libraries, sports facilities, and more. These facilities contribute to a conducive learning environment and cater to the overall development of students.

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