Online Translation Tool for Business: How to Find the Good One?

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In an interconnected world where businesses are looking to expand globally, having a good translation tool is vital. It ensures that all your documents are in the right language for everyone to understand. Whether you are a small business looking to expand into new markets or an established one seeking global ambitions, the right translation tool is indispensable in your strategy. So, how do you ensure that you find the right one? Read on!

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1. Ease of Use

There is nothing as satisfying as knowing that your selected tools are easy to use and navigate. A good online translation tool such as gives you a clean and simple interface for you to find all your documents and access all the important computer-assisted translation tools.

When shopping for a translation tool, consider how well you and your employees can use it to translate your files. If possible, involve them in the search and highlight your desired features such as content localisation.

2. Reliable Tech Support

While companies focus on ensuring 99.9% uptime, the 0.1% is inevitable. It would be so disappointing if you could not reach tech support during troubling times with your translation tool. When selecting these tools, ensure that they have reliable tech support 24/7. Remember that you may be dealing with international clients and international timelines.

Before you can subscribe or pay for a tool, test out their customer or tech support at the initial stages. If your initial query is terribly handled, you can be sure that they won’t offer quality support. Additionally, check the expertise or specialisation depending on your industry. Some systems are most suitable for medical translations while others work best for tech-related projects.

3. Turnaround Time

How long does it take you to get a quality translated copy? Apart from the quality of the translation, you must also consider how quick the turnaround time for the project is. If you need to revise the content being translated, you need to be sure that the translation tool like Systransoft can quickly implement the changes within no time.

The best translation tool should allow you to upload a document or file and get a translation within minutes (depending on the size). Others will even go the extra mile and provide you with transcripts for audio and video files.

4. Pricing

Everything comes down to the price and how much you are willing to pay for the service. With the many translation tools in the market, it is easy to get confused about the most viable option. Your focus should be on finding a translation tool that strikes a balance between quality and affordability. Even though most people assume that high prices equals high quality, you need to know that it is not always the case.

As you search for a translation tool, consider finding one with a freebie. This allows you to test some features of the tool before fully paying for it. With a freebie, you know what you are paying for!

5. Reputation and Reviews

Lastly, check online for the reputation of your selected online translation tool. According to research, more than 84% of Internet users read reviews before purchasing a product or a service. The reviews are by previous customers and will help you know what you are getting yourself into. If most of the reviews regarding the translation tool are negative and narrate a terrible experience, you can bet on the same.


Getting the right translation tools either makes or breaks your business. Companies that use real-time translation services outperform their competitors while still offering their clients the best services. As seen above, choosing the right tool doesn’t have to be difficult. You only need to settle for a tool that is easy to use, has a quick turnaround time, and has reliable tech support. Don’t forget to consider the pricing plans alongside its reputation.

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