What Are the Benefits of Studying in Canada?

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Over the last decade, Canada has gradually become a destination of choice for higher studies. Indian students mostly prefer visiting the country to strengthen their educational background. Quality education with internship opportunities, along with liberal government policies related to immigration and post-study work, makes Canada a heaven for Indian students.

Canada offers the best universities from where you can access cost-effective and brief programs. If you wish to study in Canada, look at AbroAdvice.com for the much-needed information. AbroAdvice is a legitimate website that will boost your chances of admission to top Canadian universities. Even though there are a lot of advantages of studying in Canada, here are nine of the most potential ones:

  1. Academic Excellence — Canada’s provincial governments ensure high-quality education is consistent throughout the country regardless of the institution type. To pursue a relevant degree according to your eligibility, get in touch with one of the top overseas education consultants look at AbroAdvice.com. For a shorter route where you can gain similar skills, you can pick from a number of diploma courses as well. Remember that a degree from a Canadian university serves as a symbol of excellence and trust. Be it IT, engineering, sports, accounting, agriculture, management, mining, petroleum, economics, or any other stream, you can find relevant programs in Canada with ease.

2. Focus on the Development of Skills — You must be aware that high-quality education is not only about what we learn in classrooms. It’s all about how we can prepare ourselves for the real world. To solve this, Canada has an excellent structure in place called cooperative work. In simple terms, co-ops give students opportunities to work in relevant fields while they continue to participate in classes. Thus, during their studies, engineering students get the option to work for engineering companies. This instils discipline and exposes students to the work environment early on, preparing them for life in the real world.

3. Affordability — Course fees that are high act as a barrier for many students who want to study abroad, but this is not the case in Canada. The fees are lower than most of the other popular destinations, which is the main reason behind the student rush. The cost of living varies per province, and a student’s expenses can range between CAD 820 to CAD 2200, depending on transportation, housing, recreation, food, and other expenses.

In addition to this, when it comes to return on investment, consider excellent work opportunities, which are a viable option, especially for Indian students. If you are eligible, you can apply for a wide range of Canadian scholarships to reduce educational costs significantly.

4. Multiple Research Options— The National Research Council urges international students to actively participate in medical, biological, and physiological research. There will be plenty of opportunities for international students to work with numerous researchers in their field of specialization. The fact that industries and universities work together to improve research and development is one of the main benefits of the Canadian educational system.

5. Earn While You Learn — Besides co-op, working part-time for nearly 20 hours a week on campus or outside is an option. You can easily find a part-time job in Canada as your study permit allows you to do so. You can also apply for a post-study work permit for up to 3 years as well depending on the course duration.

6. Safe and Peaceful Life — One of the safest countries today is Canada. As an international student, you can have similar rights as any Canadian. Basic needs like fresh air and water, less population density and competition, a sense of space, and other elements of life like having access to top-notch medical care and well-developed educational resources are all related to one’s overall quality of life in Canada. Most importantly, a lot of Canadian universities run their in-house services to facilitate student transport to and from their home with security attendants.

7. Cultural Diversity — The nation is extremely warm and welcoming. For a long time, people have been choosing Canada as a place to live forever. This gives the nation an edge in terms of cultural diversity. Canadians consider that diversity as their strengthStudents can take part in festivals of all ethnic groups all year round, and the highlighting part is that the celebrations are not only for the ethnic group but the whole county participates in every festival. From Diwali to Christmas and from Holi to Chinese New Year, just name it! 

8. Immigration Opportunities — Students migrating to Canada for studies usually spend a long time, which is what makes them the perfect fit for future citizens of the country.  While they study, they get enough time to grasp and familiarize themselves with the Canadian culture. Moreover, they get a minimum of three years to grasp the nation’s work culture and what it takes to succeed after they finish their studies. Post that, if someone wishes to live in Canada for a lifetime, he/she can do so via the IRCC platform.

9. Top-Notch Healthcare Services— Medical insurance is a requirement for all international students pursuing education in Canada. The nation’s provincial healthcare system covers both emergency care and basic and preventive medical services. To use these services, you must be an international student holding an active study visa and eligible for a provincial medical card.

To sum up,

Because of its excellent educational system, cultural diversity, and high standard of living, students chose Canada. The attention to detail on research, post-graduation employment opportunities, and a cooperative environment all add to a well-rounded academic experience. From the points mentioned above, you already know that Canada is a popular destination that offers a solid foundation for potential achievement and an unparalleled educational experience.

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