Why Work: The Reasons People are Choosing Careers In the Online Casino Industry

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The increasing number of casino enthusiasts means people have to get to work. As more customers pour in, so do the employees, the dealers, the bartenders, and everyone else who contributes to the gaming process.

As the number of visitors to land casinos has grown, more people have started to work in the industry. In Casino hotels alone in the USA in 2023, there were 613,411 people employed, IBIS World stated. This growth has also transferred over to the online casino industry because of different factors. 

Internet access has increased tenfold and so have the numerous options for online entertainment and gaming. As a result, many roles of casino employees have transferred to online casino games. Live dealer games often still have dealers for online tournaments as do some online blackjack games. However, not all online casino employees exist in the realm of the games. Other jobs in online casinos include customer service representatives, content writers/copywriters, graphic designers to design the website and games, and typical roles in HR and PR also, among other roles. 

Come with us on the journey to explore the key reasons why more and more people are choosing to work in online casinos.

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Increasing job opportunities in the online space

To state the obvious, as the number of online casinos is increasing, the number of staff needed to supplement this demand also increases. The roles in the digital online space extend from regular involvement in the games and standard job roles, as they expand to digital roles. People are needed in online casinos to create elements of the games and make sure they run smoothly. In these roles, creatives in graphic design, software development, quality assurance, and digital customer service will be responsible for the smooth running of casino games and the online casino’s website. For the increasing number of graduates with creative degrees, this offers them direct access to an industry where their transferable skills are needed and valued which creates more room for employee growth and employment opportunities. 


In land casinos, this is much different, as the smooth running of the casino will mostly likely be down to the employees themselves. If there are human errors, this can jeopardize the casino operations. However, online this is different as the employees are working with the digital world, not necessarily away from it.

The accessibility of the positions

While we have already touched on the benefits of working in an online casino, accessibility is a benefit and a gateway to employment. As online casinos aren’t governed by time, those working for them can work remotely from anywhere worldwide, provided they have access to the software and development tools needed to work! For those looking to delve into gaming or work creatively in the industry, this is appealing because it means they can work from home whilst working on a suitable schedule to their time zone. As more and more people are turning towards flexible work, online casinos are gaining more employees.

 Additionally, the accessibility provided by these positions, given that they are in the digital space means that it is likely employees are working with people from many cultures and countries which broadens the diversity in the workplace.

Creativity and design elements in online casinos

The backbone of online casinos is their design and their software. Because of this, they are consistently changing the look of their websites, games, and homepages to make the casino appealing to casino enthusiasts. For creatives, this means there is a consistent stream of work whether this is on a freelance or a full-time basis which helps to bring together designers, software engineers, game developers, and testers from across the board to make the online casinos the best that they can be. As online casinos are often fast-paced and dynamic in their environments, they become an exciting place to work for creatives as they directly contribute to the finished product of the casinos they work for.

An increased interest in careers in video and online games

The increased interest in video games, coding, and online careers has drastically increased interest in careers in the gaming industry. The career benefits of working in video games can be simple. It’s exciting, and cutting-edge and allows those with a passion for gaming to get ahead in the industry.

The increased interest in careers in video and online games has also come from those who make a living out of doing it. Streamers like Ninja and Lex Veldhuis have made an honest living out of streaming their gaming and poker adventures and well, without the developers who made it, there would be no streamers to watch! 

An obvious incentive for gaming enthusiasts considering working behind the scenes in video gaming is passion but also a good salary. Senior-level video game developers can earn up to $115,000 a year in the USA. Starting salaries can drastically differ depending on the size of the company and a person’s experience. 

Reasons for those who are choosing to transition into the online casino industry are far and few between. Some have a passion for gaming, others may be keen for the development opportunities and many are in it for the exciting workplace. 

As the industry continues to grow and change, we are seeing a rise in opportunities for new positions in the online casino industry.

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