9 Ways To Utilize Your Time During The Pandemic

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Pandemic is the toughest time of your life. We all face a lot of difficulties. Many of us lost our loved ones, many of us lost our source of income. GDP is lessening day by day and, Inflation at its peak. We all need to stay home to stay safe and keep others safe. But it is not that easy for everyone. People feel anxious and depressed. We can tackle the unpleasant state by utilizing our time on meaningful activities. These activities not only motivate us in enjoying life but also maintain our mental peace.

Do yoga/ meditation 

Start your day with yoga/meditation. It will help you de-stress yourself and keep fresh and energetic the whole day. Everyone needs to start their day with some positivity and, this will help a lot. Yoga/ meditation not only helps you stay fit but also gives you mental peace. It also helps you to open up your thoughts.

Set your priorities 

Plan your whole day rate your work, therefore you don’t miss any necessary work. This can assist you to run your day consistently. Create a list for the day and follow it. Each morning arrange your day consequently. 

Explore yourself

This is the time when you can explore yourself. Be creative explore your interests and hobbies. Do what makes you happy, it can be anything – cooking, dancing, singing, painting, art, and craft, etc. 

Read A Book

Book is our true friend and gives us valuable knowledge. Reading is one of the best habits. It helps you make your vocabulary strong. A Book can inspire you a lot. Reading can help you to cope up with this time. 

Watch a movie

The movie does not just entertain us but also motives us and inspires us. Isn’t it crazy how We always relate our lives to movies? It might be the craziest things, but the movie always teaches us we are the lead role of our life and, we have to fight every day for ourselves.

Spend your time with your loved ones

We always crave the time to spend some quality time with our loved ones. We always busy with our studies and work and, we miss this family time in this chaos. Well, this is the time we are waiting for. As we know, family time is the best time, the time we spend with our loved ones is precious. Spend your time with your loved ones and do different activities with them – play games together, do whatever makes you happy. This is the best way to utilize your time during this quarantine period.

Online courses

This the time when you can learn some new and interesting skills. We always use to think I will do that, or I will do this when I have some extra time. This the extra time. There are many Interesting online courses that we can pursue during this quarantine period. We can accomplish anything in our interest. 


During this lockdown period, we can’t interact with each other especially, with our friends. Utilize your time and interact with them through social media and other platforms. We can do face time. In this way, we feel connected.

Take a break

Take a break from your studies and work. Continuous studies and work can make you feel uncomfortable. That’s why a break is important. As we know, everyone needs a break. 

:By- Sananda Kumari

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