Why Anyone Should Learn To Code

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Always debatable and researched by universities if coding is helpful for young minds, will they accept it the same way as playing games. And as coding is helpful for grown-up students is it good for young students too. When a computer is given to students of 12 year they will use social media, but when they are introduced to coding applications it was discovered that they are curious and come up with ideas of multiplayer car racing, animation, interactive stories, and other features in the same way as they are attractive to minds who know to code. As time is changing children not only love computer games but appreciate new ideas like coding too.


Language of technology, telling a computer what to do. A language that the computer understands, is like another subject. Within coding, you learn to break down a problem into individual steps. It is similar to algebra, there is a particular way to write and rules you follow to code. There may be a motive or no motive in starting to learn to code. There can be any reason to start with coding, maybe you are attracted by the terms hacking, editing tools, animation, graphics, cybersecurity, and apps and you want to learn to code. As a new student figure out what you want to do with coding and start by reducing the options and go for one particular area. Learn with basics, coding is more practical and by implementing only you will understand it. Start reading books on the technology you enjoy.

What Does It Conclude?

Studies by different universities and organizations show that coding makes students rational while taking decisions in life and it is not for musicians, artists, and sportspeople but all people. It develops logical thinking which is helpful in decision making. Thus it is not just for prospective engineers it is for everyone, at any age group, and across all fields of interest. It builds attitude with a dash of creativity. It’s not to turn every child into the next Bill Gates but rather its final objective is to teach approaches for real-life problems. And it isn’t applicable that students doing coding will go for coding jobs. This is not complex as it sounds, but simple as planning your day but with better time management. Not forcing coding on students but introducing them to it.

Why Introduce Coding Early

As logic could be introduced early, as algebra is introduced to students at the age of 12 years, it will make it much more fun to learn. Most students lack the logic which coding can build. And it can be brought to students in 6th standard rather than introducing in 9th standard. But why include it in schools, because parents give more importance to school syllabus rather than hobbies. As students explore different areas at an early age like painting, gardening, cooking the same way they should introduce to coding too to explore. Learning to code can help you to do better in other subjects that you are studying. Because it is impacting in good ways the new education policy is introduced by the Indian government in 2020 including coding in schools.

Coding, New Age Mathematics

Coding is essential to make children ready for the future, it develops computer literacy among the students, and it will help them to make most of the technology. And that’s why coding is new-age mathematics. It develops cognitive skills the same as music, creative writing, storytelling, and singing songs does. Half of the students don’t know what they like, introducing coding earlier in their exploring period will be helpful for them. As 2020 changed and digitized a lot of things, dependency on technology is increased and it will not be going to be lessening in the upcoming days. Billions of peoples are connected to Internet doctors, activists, musicians, bloggers everyone is logging on every day and it is possible because of coding.

Confusion To The Conclusion

If you can explain reasoning around coding design taught to you in simple words. And your interest increases day by day same as when learning your favorite hobby, then the coding is for you or your children. Computers are everywhere in maximum gadgets from self-driving cars, digital watches, 3D printers, drones, and in every job and technology around you. Earlier or later you need to be familiar with technology and the basics of coding. People who learn code can be entrepreneurs, innovators, good problem solvers, and can grow in any area they want. That’s the reason everyone should learn to code. But because learning coding requires lots of time, practice, and patience, and if you are unable to give that much time you may find coding hard. And that’s why it’s said to choose to code when you are interested, but it applies to every other skill as well.

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