VNIT Nagpur Placements, packages, recruiters 2023

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Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Nagpur (VNIT Nagpur) is a public engineering institute located in Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. The institute was established in 1960 and is one of the National Institutes of Technology (NITs) in India.

VNIT Nagpur has a good placement record. In the 2023 placement season, the institute placed 90% of its students.

The placement cell at VNIT Nagpur is working hard to secure good placements for all the students. They are organizing training programs and workshops to help students improve their skills and prepare for interviews. They are also reaching out to companies to invite them to the institute for campus recruitment drives.

The placement season for VNIT Nagpur in 2023 is still ongoing. However, the placement process has already begun with the on-campus internship recruitment session. Companies have started visiting the institute to conduct presentations and interviews.

Vnit Nagpur

Factors for strong placement record

  • The quality of education: The institute must provide students with a quality education that prepares them for the workforce. This includes having a well-qualified faculty, up-to-date curriculum, and ample opportunities for hands-on learning.
  • The institute’s industry connect: The institute must have strong relationships with employers in the industry. This will help them to recruit students for internships and full-time positions.
  • The institute’s placement record: The institute’s track record of placing students in good jobs is a good indicator of its future placement success.
  • The student’s skills and experience: The student’s own skills and experience will also play a role in their ability to get a good job. Students should take advantage of opportunities to gain relevant skills and experience, such as internships, part-time jobs, and extracurricular activities.
  • The overall economic climate: During a recession, it may be more difficult for students to find jobs. However, a strong institute with a good placement record should still be able to place most of its students, even during tough economic times.

Placement Process of VNIT

  • Pre-Placement Talks (PPTs): Companies interested in recruiting from VNIT Nagpur usually conduct pre-placement talks. These talks provide students with insights into the company’s work culture, job roles, career paths, and other relevant information.
  • Registration: Students interested in participating in the placement process typically register with the institute’s placement cell. This registration helps the placement cell understand the preferences and aspirations of the students.
  • Resume Submission: Students are required to submit their resumes to the placement cell. Resumes highlight their academic achievements, projects, skills, and any relevant experiences.
  • Skill Enhancement: VNIT Nagpur often organizes workshops, seminars, and training sessions to enhance students’ technical skills, soft skills, and interview readiness. These activities prepare students for the placement process.
  • Internship Opportunities: Some companies might offer internship opportunities to students before the final placement process. Internships provide students with real-world experience and insights into the company’s operations.
  • Placement Drives: Companies conduct placement drives on the campus. These drives might include various rounds such as aptitude tests, technical tests, group discussions, coding rounds, and interviews. The selection process varies based on the company and role.
  • Selection Process: Based on students’ performance in different rounds of the placement process, companies shortlist candidates for further evaluation. The shortlisted candidates are then offered job roles based on their suitability.
  • Job Offers: Selected candidates receive job offers from companies, specifying the job role, compensation package, location, and other terms and conditions.
  • Acceptance and Joining: Students who receive job offers have the option to accept or decline them. Those who accept the offers follow the company’s joining process and timeline.
  • Post-Placement Activities: The placement cell might engage in post-placement activities, which could include feedback sessions, interaction with placed students, and continuous monitoring of placed students’ progress.

Top Recruiter of VNIT

  • TCS Ninja
  • L&T
  • Accenture
  • Infosys
  • Wipro
  • HCL Technologies
  • Robert Bosch Engineering
  • Tech Mahindra
  • UST Global
  • Mindtree

Placement of VNIT

ParticularsStatistics (2022)Statistics (2023)
Total students672669
Companies participated180238
Offers made6301235
Placement percentage93%90%

Packages at VNIT

BranchHighest average packageLowest average package
Computer Science and EngineeringINR 13 lakhs per annumINR 8 lakhs per annum
Electrical EngineeringINR 12 lakhs per annumINR 7 lakhs per annum
Mechanical EngineeringINR 11 lakhs per annumINR 6 lakhs per annum
Civil EngineeringINR 10 lakhs per annumINR 5 lakhs per annum
Chemical EngineeringINR 9 lakhs per annumINR 4 lakhs per annum
Electronics and Telecommunications EngineeringINR 12 lakhs per annumINR 7 lakhs per annum
Production and Industrial EngineeringINR 11 lakhs per annumINR 6 lakhs per annum
BiotechnologyINR 10 lakhs per annumINR 5 lakhs per annum
Metallurgical EngineeringINR 9 lakhs per annumINR 4 lakhs per annum
Mining EngineeringINR 10 lakhs per annumINR 5 lakhs per annum

Frequently Asked Question

VNIT Nagpur’s placement process typically includes pre-placement talks, resume submission, skill enhancement activities, placement drives, selection rounds, and job offers.

The institute conducts workshops, seminars, mock interviews, and skill development programs to enhance students’ technical and soft skills, making them job-ready.

The placement cell might provide guidance and resources for off-campus placements, assisting students in exploring opportunities beyond on-campus drives.

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