Online Classes and Students’ Health: How to stay healthy

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Our health is a priceless asset that we neglect in our busy lives, but adopting a healthy lifestyle can take you a long way in life. Sometimes it becomes difficult to get time to do exercises or to have a nutritious meal. However, your attempts done in the right direction will pay off all along with your life.

Some of the Rules you Should Follow to Stay Healthy

Balanced Diet

Taking a well-balanced, high fiber diet containing whole grains, pulses, vegetables, fruits, and fat in low amounts. Your diet should be low in saturated fat, salt, and sugar.

Right Skill = Bright Future

Physically Active

It is good to be physically active for at least half an hour daily.  When you are very busy, then instead of skipping it, divide this into three 10-minute sessions. You can walk, play any outdoor game, dance, do yoga,
outdoor game or any activity you enjoy.

Physically Active, parents and children, outdoor game, outdoor game, students' Health

Manage Mental Health

You may experience stress while managing work, family, and other matters, leaving less time for yourself. Try to balance your life by keeping some time for yourself that will improve your physical as well as mental health.

Family and Friends

Connect with your family and friends.

Positive Attitude

Adopt a positive attitude and do things that keep you cheerful.

Positive Attitude, stay healthy

Manage Stress

Acknowledge stress which can be in different forms like headache, disturbed sleep, and irritable bowel, getting angry, and having food, drugs, and alcohol to deal with stress. Once you recognize stress, you can cope with it by regular exercise, healthy eating, and meditation. Talk to your family members and friends that will also help a lot.

Which Skill Should You Master?

How Online Classes Affect the Health of Students

Online classes are the need of the hour in this time of pandemics. These classes have both good as well as bad effects. Schools that provide online classes along with co-scholastic activities and peer-to-peer interaction at regular intervals show better mental health among students. The schools that don’t include such activities show some uninteresting effects like increased anxiety and hyperactivity among children. What they need is peer-to-peer learning.

Online Classes

1. Social learning is not occurring as they lack friends to talk to and to boost new friendships. Building friendships is important particularly in the lower age groups, to provide security and self-esteem that adds a sense of belonging.

2. Many children are tired of online classes. In some schools, online classes are dull, hence, these students switch off the camera and do other activities during classes, just to pass the time.

3. The students are also facing some health issues such as headache, eye strain, and fatigue from looking at the screen for a long time, along with mental health.

4. Also, sports education and extracurricular activities have stopped. The situation is more serious for the parents who are working and the child is all alone in the house, so the children cannot interact with anyone.

Learn to play guitar, extracurricular activities

5. Many students miss their friends, want to be out of the house, have developed variable sleep habits, and are becoming impulsive. Many are tackling the trauma of a sick or lost family member, economic deprivation, and changes to the life they were living before.

Right Skill = Bright Future

What Can be Done?

As the pandemic is stretching itself longer, it is obvious that not all kids are alright. According to a survey, 3 in 10 parents say that their child is having emotional or mental anxiety due to social distancing and school being shut for so long.

A Better Virtual Learning Environment

Schools can consider using the virtual learning environment to build a new relationship between teachers and children, not only a place where kids are helped in solving maths problems, but where children and teachers have more discussions about the current situation & of their well-being & mental health.

Virtual Class

Support the Children

Parents should support their children by listening to them, making new routines to inculcate self-esteem and self-care by talking, playing, and eating with them. The alliance among schools, families, and health officers will be more helpful to support children as the world is fighting with the Coronavirus.

Overall development of the child is important and we know that learning is beyond book knowledge and should also affect the physical, emotional, mental, and social wellbeing of the child. We have to introduce the smaller groups of students and provide them a chance to interact with their peers during the classes.

Physical Exercises

Regular physical exercises will help to crack the sedentary lifestyle and to promote exercise. The student-teacher talking time at the beginning of the day can be of great help, where the teacher can chat with the students to figure out what they are doing.

By- Suman Lata

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