Amity university, gwalior: Courses,Fees,Infra

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Amity University, Gwalior, is part of the esteemed Amity Group known for its commitment to excellence in education. Nestled in the historic city of Gwalior in Madhya Pradesh, the university is recognized for its holistic approach to education and its emphasis on preparing students for a rapidly evolving global landscape.



Amity University, Gwalior offers a wide range of Courses.
1)Bachelor of Engineering (BE)
2)Bachelor of Technology (BTech)
3)Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
4)Master of Business Administration (MBA)
5)Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
6)Master of Laws (LLM)
7)Bachelor of Architecture (BArch)
8)Master of Architecture (MArch)



Amity University Gwalior places paramount importance on the financial concerns that both students and their families often grapple with when embarking on higher education. This recognition of the significance of affordability has led the university to firmly commit to providing a fee structure that is not only transparent but also accessible to a broad spectrum of students.

In a steadfast endeavor to alleviate the potential financial strain associated with pursuing quality education, Amity University Gwalior has meticulously designed its fee model. This model is thoughtfully constructed to reflect the diverse economic backgrounds that its student body represents. By tailoring the fee structure to accommodate varying financial capabilities, the university ensures that no deserving student is deterred from accessing education of the highest caliber.

Central to Amity University Gwalior’s ethos is the notion that financial constraints should not become barriers to knowledge acquisition and personal growth. The university firmly believes in upholding the principle of equal opportunity, and as such, the fee structure reflects its dedication to providing an equitable educational environment.

Moreover, the commitment to affordability does not compromise the quality of education offered by Amity University Gwalior. The university maintains an unwavering focus on ensuring that students receive a robust and comprehensive education that equips them with the skills, knowledge, and perspectives required to excel in their chosen fields.


Amity University Gwalior’s expansive and precisely planned campus is a physical representation of the values of modernism and creativity that the university upholds. The campus is filled with an ethos of progress that permeates every area, giving students a setting that promotes education, creativity, and personal growth.

The technologically enhanced classrooms that serve as centers of interactive learning are at the center of this campus. Modern teaching tools that go beyond conventional pedagogical methods are available in these classrooms, along with cutting-edge audio-visual aids. They act as places where stimulating conversations take place, where ideas are traded, and where cooperative learning flourishes, cultivating an intellectual vitality that reverberates throughout the university.

Well-equipped laboratories that showcase Amity University Gwalior’s dedication to experiential learning are a perfect complement to the classrooms.



Amity University Gwalior’s unwavering commitment to preparing its students for the professional world is manifest in its robust and strategic approach to placement opportunities. Recognizing the paramount importance of bridging the gap between academic learning and real-world application, the university has devised a multifaceted plan to ensure that students seamlessly transition from their educational journey to a thriving career.

Central to this approach is the university’s proactive engagement with various industries and corporate partners. Through collaborations and partnerships, Amity University Gwalior ensures that its curriculum is aligned with the evolving demands of the professional landscape. This alignment enables students to cultivate the skills, knowledge, and competencies that are highly sought after by employers. By involving industry experts in curriculum design and delivery, the university ensures that graduates are well-equipped to tackle the challenges of their chosen fields.

Amity University Gwalior’s commitment to providing practical exposure is further exemplified through the organization of workshops, seminars, and career fairs. These events serve as pivotal platforms for students to interact with professionals, gain industry insights, and develop a nuanced understanding of the practical aspects of their chosen domains. The knowledge gained from these events enriches students’ perspectives and equips them with a holistic understanding of their fields beyond theoretical concepts.

In essence, Amity University Gwalior’s approach to placement opportunities embodies a comprehensive strategy that integrates industry collaboration, practical exposure, and alumni engagement. By nurturing graduates who are not only academically proficient but also industry-ready, the university ensures that its students step into the professional world with confidence, competence, and a clear trajectory toward success.

5.Teaching Quality

The heart of Amity University Gwalior lies in its dedicated faculty members who bring a wealth of expertise to their respective domains. The university adopts a student-centric approach to teaching, prioritizing interactive sessions, experiential learning, and research-driven education. With a focus on personalized attention due to manageable class sizes, students benefit from engaging with faculty members and peers in a conducive learning environment.

In conclusion, Amity University Gwalior shines as an institution that combines academic rigor with holistic development. Its diverse courses, affordable fees, modern infrastructure, robust placement initiatives, and commitment to teaching quality collectively make it a hub for students seeking a well-rounded education that prepares them for the challenges and opportunities of the future.


In conclusion, Amity University Gwalior stands as a beacon of educational excellence, offering a holistic and transformative journey for its students. The institution’s commitment to providing a well-rounded education is evident through its diverse courses, which cater to a wide range of academic interests and aspirations. The transparent and affordable fee structure reflects the university’s dedication to ensuring that quality education remains accessible to all, regardless of economic backgrounds.

Amity University Gwalior’s modern infrastructure, equipped with cutting-edge facilities, sets the stage for immersive learning experiences. From advanced classrooms that promote interactive learning to well-equipped laboratories that foster hands-on exploration, the campus facilitates an environment where curiosity thrives.

The university’s emphasis on bridging the gap between academia and industry through placement initiatives is commendable. By collaborating with industries, organizing workshops, and facilitating internships, Amity University Gwalior equips students with the practical skills and industry insights necessary for a successful career journey. The strong alumni network serves as a testament to the institution’s ability to nurture future leaders and provides invaluable guidance for students stepping into the professional realm.

The heart of Amity University Gwalior lies in its dedicated faculty members who adopt a student-centric approach to teaching. This approach, coupled with manageable class sizes, ensures personalized attention, fostering an environment where students are encouraged to excel academically and personally.


Amity University Gwalior is situated in the historic city of Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India.

The university offers a diverse range of courses, including undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs, spanning various disciplines such as engineering, management, arts, sciences, law, and more.

The university is committed to providing an affordable and transparent fee structure that takes into account the economic backgrounds of its students.

Amity University Gwalior boasts a modern campus with cutting-edge facilities, including technologically advanced classrooms, well-equipped laboratories, extensive libraries, and recreational spaces.

The university collaborates with industries, organizes workshops, seminars, and career fairs, and encourages internships to provide practical exposure. A strong alumni network enhances placement prospects by offering insights and guidance.

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