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List of Question and Answers on Biologists Careers


Biology is an immensely rewarding and career option.Biologists study living organisms and their relationship to the environment. They perform research to gain ...


Apr 3, 2014 ... Pursuing a career in biology can be immensely rewarding and exciting. Biologists learn how living things work, how they interact with one ...

What are best way to find jobs as a Biologist?

The biologists need to search on the job sites and remain active on them in order to find the right opportunities for them. In the recent few years the job market ...

What are career option for biology? I don't have maths as my side subject

I want to do MBBS and am appearing for the entrance examination this year. can you suggest me other career option which I can select biology as the main ...


Academic record does matter while looking for a job of biologist as thorough knowledge of the basic and advanced concept of the field in which the person has ...

If I do postgraduation (M.Sc./M.S.) in Biology, what kind of jobs can I get both in India and abroad?

An aspirant with a degree in biology has a great career scope ahead. A variety of job roles can be taken up by them in India as well as abroad which includes ...

What are the most lucrative jobs available for Biologists and what is the criteria to enter them?

Most specialize in one area of biology such as zoology , microbiology or biotechnology. A variety of job profiles are being enjoyed by them which includes :-.

Shall we see saturation of jobs of Biologists in the next few years?

New areas have emerged within the field of biology in recent years because of which we don't see any saturation of jobs of biologists in the nest few years.

What are various job roles one can get after graduating as a Biologist?

Environmental Management and Conservation- Biologists in-management and conservation careers work on solving environmental problems and preserving ...

What are the necessary skills required to get a job of Biologist?

Biology is the science of life or living matters in all its forms and phenomena, especially with reference to its origin, growth, reproduction, structure and so on.