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Nanda Dave Edit
Director- The Mentors - T & M Consultants. Edit
Vadodara, Gujarat
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Ms. Nanda has more then 20 years of corporate experience in HR, she is a Founder Director of The Mentors & Enablers - Trainers & Management Consultant .she has an experience in Behavioral trainer of repute and excels in specializing of world class psychometric tools.she has been providing counseling support to youth, entrepreneurs and budding professionals.She also writes blogs and has widely traveled promoting Indian Ethos in management. Nanda Dave, Director- The Mentors - T & M Consultants., is a career counsellor based at Vadodara, Gujarat area. View all career counsellors from Vadodara
Dear Friend, You did not mention what is your present status ? What is current field of study ? The first step is to qualify your self for [Human Resource studies][1] before you branch out as a working professional. Hence u first need to graduate. U can choose BBA / BMS / B Com with HR. This basic degree equips you to understand the field and check your seriousness to pursue higher education. A PG degree is always better than a PG Diploma. Degree courses are usually for 2 years. PG Diplomas may be full time / part time / distance education programs as well. Any
[Human Resources][1] is a function dealing with complex subject of managing people. Human behavior related principles are surely established but these principles should be considered as guiding principles than a ready science of mathematics. [The HR field is full of creativity since no ready solutions work necessarily all the time][2]. At times it requires courage to think differently and stand against established norms and bureaucracy. Addressing people related issues requires out of box thinking, precedence does not necessarily work. HR manager needs to take in
Dear Friend, [Human Resources field mainly deal with people and all issues concerning human beings.][1] working with people is more an art than science. Chemical equations can not be established while dealing with people. hence Human Resources is more a common sense. The theories are guidelines for dealing with difficult situations and people. Hence general awareness is definitely a decisive factor. Besides this Human Resources practitioners will surely agree that a lot a learning happens by observation than attending theory classes. Theories give a perspective for sure.&nb
I addressed this question differently before a day. Repeated question on this subject indicates that more and more professionals are becoming aware and are consciously active to grow in skills and abilities in their field of interest. [There are 9 key skills to be mastered for an effective HR manager][1] : 1. Organizing skills - ability to arrange all documents / information and retrieve when required 2. Multi Tasking - ability to quickly switch over from one subject to another, one situation to another without getting perturbed about it 3. Managing ambiguity
Congrats that you think about long term scenario before taking a plunge. First of all, no one starts as a human resource manager. managerial ship in its real form and spirit needs to be earned building competence and track record. Other wise the very meaning of managerial role is defeated. Any way, assuming that one is designated as HR manager, where does one go forward ? In terms of : Designation Position Compensation Lets examine the context of the question. Designation is the tag u enjoy. Position is your position in the hierarchy - Junior /
To [get an entry in to HR discipline related education, any graduate who may clear respective entrance exam will be eligible.][1] However, [HR is a field dealing with human beings.][2]Hence interest in HR related concerns and issues is the basic requirement. Hence some interest in human psychology, how human mind woks, basics of human development, learning theories, how human mind and behavior is impacted, how behaviors get culminated, basics of personality development, how beliefs and thinking gets shaped, how human habits are formed and how they influence positively as well as nega
There are 9 key skills 1. Organization - Meticulousness, retrieving of information and documents just in time - maintaining orderliness 2. Multi Tasking - You may be delaing with multiple people and multiple issues at a time hence ability to handle multiple tasks with varying degree of concentration with equal efficiency 3. Dealing with ambiguities - while dealing with people, every rule and definition may not be in place.There will be grey areas to deal with. You may have to deal with things / situations where there is no precedence available. 4. Negotiation - not ju
Working in a start up is a good idea because its like writing on a clean slate. However start up could mean that you are starting with a green field project for an already established business or that you are starting with a completely new venture. Let me take both the scenarios. When u work for a green field project or an established company, you may already have guidelines, basic systems and policy reference. This gives u a way forward and freedom to make corrections when u need to apply the same for ur specific location When u start with a completely new entre
You need to have a valid graudation qualification. [To get into HR,][1] appear for Master in Social Work /[Master in Human Resource Management][2] /[MLW - Master of Labour Welfare][3] /MBA - specialising in HR /PG Diploma in HRM / PG Dip in IRPM - Industrial Relations & Personnel management /PG Dip in HRD /Certificate course from ISTD - Indian Society for Training & Development /DLP - Diploma in Labour Practices /MA in Industrial Psychology Distance education programs from IGNOU / Symbiosis / NMIMS, Mumbai etc. Look for PG courses in your area - Full time 2 yea
The question reflects your proactiveness so that you can job ready at the present and then climb up the ladder with better preparedness as well as your performance. Hence i congratulate you for your proactiveness. [As a fresher, please master the HR knowledge, theories, applicable laws and the likes.][1] As a fresher, you will have these major disciplines to get thorough exposure : Recruitment & Selection Compensation management Performance Management system Employee /Industrial relations T&D, Organization Development The above disciplines a