Udit Bajaj

I am confused to choose my specialisation

I want to do mba with marketing and sales and I am not talkative so it will be beneficial for me.

by Udit Bajaj
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4 answers

RE: I am confused to choose my specialisation

Kashinath Kapte
Kashinath Kapte
Verified Career Expert
Career Counselor and Director at Yuvaskills
  • Latur

MBA ( Marketing ) is good to do.

RE: I am confused to choose my specialisation

Kashinath Kapte
Kashinath Kapte
Verified Career Expert
Career Counselor and Director at Yuvaskills
  • Latur

It is myth that in the field of marketing the person should be talkative you can do MBA in Marketing.

RE: I am confused to choose my specialisation

Dr. Anand Wadadekar, PhD
Dr. Anand Wadadekar, PhD

Hello There!

You say that you are not talkative and yet you are interested in marketing and sales field. My Dear, you can become talkative. Talkativeness can be learnt, only thin you require to do is open up your mind, personality and be confident. Thats it!

If you are really interested in Marketing and Sales which definitely involves speaking, communicating, talking on phone or email or personal visits, then you should go ahead and do an MBA in Marketing and Sales. In fact, while you do your MBA, the environment, your classmates, assignments, field visits, projects, will actually make you talk naturally more and more and you will forget that you are non talkative person. Even if you go to any other field other than Marketing and Sales, being a little outspoken and extrovert helps.

However here I would really suggest you to undergo a Psychometric Assessment Test from CareerGuide.com. May be you can under go Stream Selector Assessment. This test will help you to also know what are the other career options which are suited to you other than Marketing and Sales and who knows you may like those career option and decide to do one of them?

My Dear, it is best to understand first what you are best at, what are your strengths, weaknesses, interests, passion, ability, competence, communication skills, soft skills, personality, etc. All these aspects are very very important before making a career choice, since always remember that if you choose a career option which is not compatible with your strengths, passion, interests, personality then it will land you in grave problem and which will then make you frustrated, depressed and may be you will not be able to come back or will have to entirely leave the career path and choose a different career path altogether which will consume immense time and wastage of money and energy.

You say that you are not a talkative person, which means may be, there may be another career path which may be suited best to you and your personality.

However as I said already, MBA Marketing and Sales through a very good and reputed Institute will make you talkative, extrovert and confident personality and you get successful in the field through experience and skills.

Best Luck

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RE: I am confused to choose my specialisation

Dr Aparna
Dr Aparna
Verified Career Expert
PhD Organizational Psychology
  • Hosur

This is a very common myth that marketing and sales job needs a person to be talkative. Frankly speaking, being talkative is not an essential criteria in any business function but being interactive is very essential in every business function. If you are talkative, you are ruining your business and this is a hard truth. However if you are interactive you are saving your business from loss.I believe you get to understand this difference.

To be a corporate professional and work in any area of the business be it human resources, sales, marketing, strategy, customer management or project management, the only quality that will keep you on your foot and keep you stable is the 'interactiveness'. You dont have to be talkative at all. Imagine what happens when you are a talkative person? You tend to speak everything and anything right? Do you think your client will have time to listen to all your talks? Definitely no. They will give you an appointment within a speculated time frame and you should speak to the point and close the deal within the time. If you are talkative, then it means you are using a free talk style and this way you are never going to be on your point during the deal time.

Effectively interacting during a given business time is known as 'efficient business communication'. You should develop effective business communication skills to be able to work in a sales or marketing job profile. Effective communication means:
1. Be a good listener - first sit patiently and listen to your customers needs and requirements. You should be a very good listener and not interrupt the customer when he explains his expectations.

2. Explain your product - now you should explain your product and its effectiveness, and further go to explain how it can fulfill your clients needs. This is where you have to talk about the strengths of your product.

3. Negotiate - once you communicate the strenths of your product, you should mention the price you are looking for to close the deal. This is where your client will request you to close the deal with the price in
his mind. Here you should demonstarte excellent negotiating skills where you explain why your product is worth paying the money you quote, or accepting for a mutually agreed price.

4. Close the deal - Once the mutual agreed price is worked, you should close the deal and put on a word about your upcoming products. You should keep your client aware of your other products and also keep them interested.

So all through of this process, you should have effective business communication skills and not be talkative.Please remember talkative is a free talk style where as business communication is not a free talk style. So all you have to do now is develop effective business communication skills and then you are sure to rock your sales and marketing job profile.

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RE: I am confused to choose my specialisation

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