How to check CBSE Result

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How to check CBSE Result To check your CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) result, you can visit the official website of CBSE and navigate to the “Results” section. There, you will find options to check results for various exams such as Class 10 or Class 12 board exams. Click on the appropriate link and enter the required details like your roll number, school code, and other relevant information as prompted. Once you submit the details, your result will be displayed on the screen. You can also download and print the result for future reference. Additionally, some third-party websites may also provide CBSE results, but it’s always best to rely on the official CBSE website for accurate and authentic information.

How To Check Cbse Result

How to check CBSE Result

To check your CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) results, you can follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Visit the Official Website: Go to the official CBSE results website, which is
  2. Select the Relevant Link: Click on the link for the specific examination results you are looking for (e.g., “CBSE Class 10 Results” or “CBSE Class 12 Results”).
  3. Enter Your Details: Input your Roll Number, School No., Center No., and Admit Card ID as provided on your CBSE admit card.
  4. Submit the Information: After entering the required details, click on the ‘Submit’ button to view your results.
  5. View Your Results: Your CBSE results will be displayed on the screen. Check all the details carefully.
  6. Download and Print: You can download a PDF of your results and take a printout for future reference.
  7. Alternative Websites: If the official site is down due to high traffic, you can also check your results on alternative websites like or through the UMANG app and DigiLocker.

Preparing Before the Results: What You Need

Preparing for the release of your CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) results can be a stressful time. Here’s a list of points to help you get ready before the results are announced:

  1. Gather Necessary Information: Ensure you have all required details such as your roll number, school number, center number, and admit card ID handy. These will be essential for accessing your results online.
  2. Verify Login Details: If you plan to use sites like DigiLocker or the UMANG app to check your results, make sure your login credentials are correct and working. Register or update your details ahead of time if needed.
  3. Check Internet Connectivity: Ensure you have a stable internet connection on the day results are released. High traffic can slow down websites, so having a reliable internet service can minimize delays.
  4. Familiarize with Websites: Familiarize yourself with the official CBSE results website and alternative sites where results can be accessed. Know exactly where to go to avoid confusion at the last minute.
  5. Plan for Different Scenarios: Prepare yourself mentally for any outcome. Discuss plans for both positive and less favorable results with your family or mentors, so you are ready to take the next steps no matter what your scores are.
  6. Keep Calm and Stay Positive: The anticipation can be overwhelming, so it’s important to stay calm. Engage in activities that help you relax and maintain a positive outlook.
  7. Support System: Ensure you have a support system in place. This could be family members, friends, or teachers who can provide emotional support and guidance once the results are out.
  8. Backup Plans: If the official websites go down, know what your alternatives are for accessing your results, such as other websites, apps, or even contacting your school directly.
  9. Important Contacts: Keep a list of important contacts such as your school’s office phone number, a helpline number from CBSE, or contact details for educational counselors, in case you need to get in touch with them immediately following the release of results.
  10. Document Safety: Keep your original documents and a few photocopies in a safe place, as you might need them for admissions or other formalities soon after getting your results.

Alternative Websites to Check CBSE Results

  • When the official CBSE results website experiences high traffic and slows down, it’s useful to have alternative websites in mind where you can check your results. Here are some reliable alternatives:

  1. This is a Government of India portal that often hosts results for various educational boards including CBSE. It is designed to handle large volumes of traffic and is a good backup option.
  2. This site partners with various state and central educational boards to publish exam results. It’s a popular alternative that provides quick access to results.
  3. This website also aggregates results from different boards, including CBSE. It is user-friendly and updates frequently.
  4. DigiLocker: This is a secure cloud-based platform initiated by the Government of India. CBSE often uploads student marksheets and certificates here. You’ll need to sign up and set up an account if you don’t already have one.
  5. UMANG App: The Unified Mobile Application for New-age Governance (UMANG) app is another government initiative that provides access to a variety of government services, including CBSE results. It’s available for download on various smartphone platforms.
  6. School Website: Some schools may also post their students’ results on their official website shortly after they are released. Check if your school offers this service.
  7. SMS and IVR Services: During the results period, CBSE sometimes activates services that allow students to receive their results via SMS or interactive voice response (IVR) systems. Information about these services is typically announced closer to the result date.
  8. News Portals: Major educational news websites and portals might provide links or instructions on how to access CBSE results, especially during high traffic times.


In conclusion, preparing for and accessing your CBSE results requires careful How to check CBSE Result  planning and consideration. By gathering necessary information, verifying login details, and familiarizing yourself with alternative websites, you can minimize stress and ensure a smoother experience when the results are announced. Additionally, staying calm, maintaining a positive outlook, and having a support system in place are essential for managing expectations and navigating any outcome. Remember to keep important contacts handy and store your documents safely for future reference. With these preparations in place, you can approach the release of your CBSE results with confidence and readiness to take the next steps in your academic journey.


Q: 1How can I check my CBSE results online?

Ans:: T You can check your CBSE results online by visiting the official CBSE results website (, selecting the appropriate result link, entering your roll number and other required details, and submitting the information to view your results.

Q: 2 What information do I need to check my CBSE result online?

Ans: To check your CBSE result online, you typically need your roll number, school number, center number, and admit card ID as provided on your CBSE admit card.

Q:3 What should I do if I forget my roll number or other details?

Ans: If you forget your roll number or other details required to check your CBSE result online, you may contact your school or the CBSE helpline for assistance. They may be able to provide you with the necessary information.

Q: 4Is it safe to check my CBSE result online?

Ans: Yes, it is generally safe to check your CBSE result online through the official CBSE results website or other trusted alternative websites. However, it’s important to ensure that you are on a secure and official website to avoid any potential security risks.

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