TET Exam for Engineering students

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Nowadays engineering students also want to teach in schools. But as teaching criteria change with time, and not everyone can teach. many students have dought that can btech student apply for tet or not this is the beggest problem for btech students. But there are certain exams and after qualifying them there are chances that you can become a teacher. GATE and NET and TET exam for engineering allow becoming a professor in colleges. But to become a teacher in a school training course or B.Ed is required.

Engineering students and teaching

Teaching in school requires particular subject combinations. And engineering curriculum does not contain those subject combinations like Science, English, Mathematics, etc. Therefore if you are an engineering bachelor you can teach to primary students only. To teach higher class students B.Ed is required.

TET Exam & Engineering students

If you are interested and passionate about teaching then only you should go into this field and take the exams. Have clarity about what you want to do in your life because you can teach after M.Tech too. Nowadays coaching institutes, giving online tuitions to students, etc are paths available too. Expertise in a few subjects, or teach your favorite subjects to add value.

TET (Teacher Eligibility Test)

There is CTET and TET exam for engineering, a student can give. can btech student apply for tet for state-level exam, after clearing the exam you are eligible to apply for teachers posts in your state’s schools. And if you will clear CTET you are eligible to apply for schools at the central level.  

TET exam Eligibility

Students need to have a minimum of 45% in 12th with B.Ed for teaching from 1st class to 5th class. And a bachelor’s degree with B.Ed is required to be eligible for teaching up to 8th class. Students who have completed the course and who are in their final year both are eligible 

TET selection process

can btech student apply for tet exam and select in tet exam. tet exam selection is a three-step process. There is a paper one, paper two, and an interview process.  Aspirants who want to become a teacher for class 1st to 5th class students need to give a paper one. And aspirants who are interested in teaching from 6th class to 8th class students need to give paper two. And if you want to teach from 1st class to 8th class then you need to give both the papers, paper one and paper two as well.   

TET syllabus and pattern

Paper one has subjects like child development and pedagogy, language one, language two, environmental studies, and mathematics. All subjects from paper one are of 30 marks. There are a total of 150 questions with 150 marks. The second paper has subjects like child development and pedagogy which has 30 questions of 30 marks, language one and language two, also has 30 questions each of 30 marks. Then, social science, science, or mathematics is of 60 marks and has 60 questions in the paper. There is a little difference in both papers. Both papers have 150 questions for 150 marks.  

TET preparations

If you are preparing for any teaching exam then you can prepare by self-studies or with the help of tuition. If you are a student of the B.Ed course then study your semester books as it will also help in TET exam preparation. State board books, B.Ed books, previous year’s papers, class 3rd to 8th class books, YouTube series on TET exam for engineering, etc can help you to prepare and clear the exam. If you are weak in any subject, then you need to have a few subjects which are strong this way your overall score will increase.

How to apply

Aspirants can apply through the official website. Online form filling is easy and you can fill the form easily. Form filling is the same as in most of the exams. There you need to register yourself. You need to fill in your name, mother’s name, father’s name, email id, exam fee, and then after filling in all the information you need to submit the form. 

TET Vacancy

Every year there are a lot of vacancies and posts through the TET exam for engineering students. After clearing TET an aspirant becomes eligible for the government teacher vacancies. There are different TET exams like CTET, UPTET, super TET, etc. Therefore vacancies differ state-wise, and you can apply accordingly.

Extra Points

  • Uttarakhand Teacher Eligibility Test (UTET) has to notify the vacancies for teaching posts. Similarly, there are notifications for every state’s vacancy.
  • Take a printout of your application form after submitting it and keep it with you.
  • TET exam fees vary from 500 INR to 1000 INR.
  • Be updated with the official exam notifications.
  • Promotions also help in teaching.
  • Basic concepts always help in the exam. 
  • Prepare for the exam with interest.
  • Go for the free courses instead of paid courses.
  • The recruitment process can take time, as an aspirant have patience.
  • Teaching experience can increase your income and value.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q:What is TET?

Teacher Eligibility Test is referred to as TET. A state-level test is necessary to pass in order to qualify to teach in government schools in India. The relevant state’s education board or government administers the test.

Q:Can engineering graduates apply for TET?

The requirements for TET eligibility vary from state to state. The majority of the time, however, engineering graduates are qualified to apply for TET. On the website of the relevant state government or education board, you may find the exact qualifying requirements for engineering graduates.

Q:What are the subjects that are covered in TET?

From state to state, different themes are covered in TET. However, the most typical topics are:

Language, Pedagogy, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies in Children

Q:How often is TET conducted?

Depending on the state, TET is done either once or twice a year. The dates of the exams are often released a few months beforehand.

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