
Madhabi Swar

After completing b.tech how I can join in any govt or private polytechnic college as faculty in west bengal,India?may I get any job alert?

Teaching in college specially in govt or private polytechnic college as I am b.tech in electronics & instrumentation in west bengal,India is my dream job.how I can get? may I get any job alert for this type of job through my mail from this site? I want the answer through my mail.

by Madhabi Swar
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RE: After completing b.tech how I can join in any govt or private polytechnic college as faculty in west bengal,India?may I get any job alert?

Gomathi Venkat
Gomathi Venkat
Verified Career Expert
Managing Director at GV Counseling Group
  • Bengaluru

Dear aspirant

Thank you very much for approaching counsellors at Mera career guide. I appreciate your interest in teaching and to become a professor. From your question, i understand you are currently studying BTech Electronics and instrumentation. Have you passed out of the college with the degree now?

Please do these two things if you are a graduate now and not currently studying.

1. If you have passed out please register for the UGC LEC exam. UGC Lec is the Lectureship exam run by the government of India twice every year. This exam is conducted in July and Dec and you are required to register at least prior to 4 months before the exam. Passing this exam you are qualified to work as a lecturer in any college.

2. If possible you can study B.Ed degree. This degree will certainly qualify you to work as a teacher in schools and international schools and also at colleges who accept B.Ed degree as a teaching qualification.

3. You can also consider writing UGC NET exam. Most colleges accept UGC NET qualification in place of UGC LEC too. So try to either take UGC NET/ UGC LEC and passing either one will qualify you as a lecturer.

4. In case you missed the deadlines for any of the exams, check if you can attempt to sit for UGC SET. This is a state level teaching qualification exam and passing this exam will qualify you to work as a lecturer within your state. However, with this exam you can only work within your state of West Bengal and most colleges/ universities who are outside your state might not accept the SET exam. I had a client in the past, a lady who appeared for SET in Karnataka and after marriage she migrated to Mumbai and with a SET qualification she was not recruited by many of the colleges in Mumbai. Then she again wrote NET to be qualified. With a UGC NET you can move around any where across India to work. So taking UGC NET is advantageous and valid rather than UGC SET. If you have no plans to move out of your state, UGC SET will alone be sufficient for you.

5. Register with the national employment agency in your state. This will incraese your opportunity to be recruited by government colleges in your state. You can also register your CV on national job portals like Naukri, Monster India, Times jobs, Shine, vfreshers, govtjobs.co.in and thinkvidya.com You need to create a profile, upload your latest CV and then a good telephone number and email id to reach you. Prospective recruitment agencies/ employers will see your resume on the site and will call you to fix an interview.

I also suggest you to sit for an MTech degree and with a MTECH, UGC-NET colleges prefer you the most compared to BTech pass outs. Most colleges allow its MTech students to conduct teaching in their second year for BTech students. You can also use this route to incraese your qualifiaction as well gain some teaching experience. Private colleges that allow its MTech students to teach for BTech studnets also give some portion of tuition fee reduction. this may be useful to you too. So please explore.

All the best.

RE: After completing b.tech how I can join in any govt or private polytechnic college as faculty in west bengal,India?may I get any job alert?

manojjnu Kumar
manojjnu Kumar
Dear Friend
Thank you very much for approaching MearCareerGuide, as your query is very important for us and try our level best to facilitate you with the best suited option / s for your career. You have not mentioned clearly that whether you are pursuing B.Tech or planing to opt I am not informed. Anyway I will provide you with the detail route-map to reach the destination of your interest.

To teach in any private engineering college B.Tech is the minimum eligibility whereas govt institution will not offer you without any relevant experience or higher degree as per the academic policy in India which is set by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) and University Grant Commission (UGC). These two monitoring bodies have been constituted to regulate the Indian Academic System at higher level in University and Colleges (Private as well as Govt). Therefore all academic institutions are to abide by the rules and regulation as per the academic affiliation act (UGC act 1956). This act make sure a healthy and progressive teaching and research system in all the disciplines at college or University level where teachers academic record and profile is also one of the prime concerns.

Keeping all these pre-requisites in mind you give yourpreparation a defined and focused way so that you will be in comfortable situation and will full fill all the criteria for a college teacher in electronics and instrumentations.
Just after B.Tech as per the AICTE act score minimum 5.5 CGPA for any suitable job or higher education in technical stream. Then qualify General Aptitude Test for Engineering (GATE) which becomes prevalent to be a teacher in college. At this stage your chances forlectureshipis still remote so either go for job and training which is quite possible and you will earn better than a college teacher with fresh B.Tech degree. You can explore the job online as well as print media:
1. www.timesjobs.com
2. www.naukri.com
3. academicjobs.com
4. Times of India (Ascent) weekly Wednesday-English version
5. Employment news-fortnightly
6. Middle East -UAE job for you explore online

In parallel youcan join M.Tech program for academic prospective.

My best wishes for your future career.

Good luck !

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RE: After completing b.tech how I can join in any govt or private polytechnic college as faculty in west bengal,India?may I get any job alert?

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