Rahul Nawani

For becoming biological scientist what stream to choose after 10th standard?

For becoming biological scientist what stream to choose after 10th standard

by Rahul Nawani
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RE: For becoming biological scientist what stream to choose after 10th standard?

Preeti Taneja
Preeti Taneja
Verified Career Expert
Dy. Manager Education & Counselling, Welspun India Limited
  • Chandigarh

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Biological sciences is the study of living beings i.e. animals & plants. The study of plants is termed as botany and that of animals as zoology. There are number of branches within each subject , such as cell biology, bio chemistry, microbiology , ecology, genetics and bio statistics. Most universities offer these courses at graduate or post graduate level.

For pursuing research in Indian universities the requisite qualification is post graduate degree with or without UGC-CSIRor NET score . Candidates who obtain these scores are entitled for scholarships to supportthem in pursuing research in any institution. Those who have the required and above score with an aptitude for research have opportunities at CSIR labs spread across the country, the labs including CCMB, Hyderabad, ICRISAT, Hyderabad, NCL Pune, NPL Jammu, SIMAP, CDRI Lucknow, NIM Delhi www.nimindia.net/and CLRI Chennai www.clri.org/ .

Among other university departments; research centres , the leading resaerch institutions in India also offer research positions such as research officers and scientists of various grades. The institutes are Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Indian Institute of Technology, IAERI, TIFT and NBPGR in Delhi fields in biology after 10th www.nbpgr.ernet.in/ . There are also specialized research institutions , which offer such positions at CMFRI, cochin and FDRI Mysore.

Table Contents

1.  About Physics

2.  Stream Selector Test

3.  About Chemistry

4.  About Biology

5.  About Mathematics

6.  Biological scientist best collage in indian

About Physics

About Physics

• Physics is a branch of science that deals with the fundamental principles of nature, including the behavior of matter and energy in space and time. It is a discipline that seeks to understand the laws governing the universe and explains phenomena ranging from the smallest subatomic particles to the vastness of the cosmos.

• At its core, physics aims to uncover the fundamental truths and principles that govern the physical world. It explores concepts such as motion, forces, energy, electricity, magnetism, optics, quantum mechanics, relativity, and much more. Through rigorous experimentation, mathematical modeling , and theoretical frameworks, physicists strive to describe and predict the behavior of natural phenomena.

• Physics plays a pivotal role in shaping our understanding of the world around us and has led to significant advancements in technology, engineering, medicine, and various scientific disciplines. It provides the foundation for other branches of science, including chemistry, biology , and astronomy.

• The study of physics not only fosters a deeper appreciation for the natural world but also develops critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. It encourages students to think logically, quantitatively, and abstractly. Moreover, physics pushes the boundaries of human knowledge, inspiring curiosity and the pursuit of new discoveries.

• From explaining the behavior of subatomic particles in particle accelerators to describing the motion of celestial bodies in astrophysics, physics encompasses a vast range of phenomena and applications. fields in biology after 10th It continues to be at the forefront of scientific exploration, driving innovation and shaping our understanding of the universe we inhabit.

Stream Selector Test

Your choice of streams post your 10th class would greatly determine how your career pan out. Many of the students realize later in life that they have made a blunder of a choice and are stuck with the options available or redo everything from the very start. So this decision becomes the most important decision of your life.

We at CareerGuide have come up with a Psychometric test specifically designed and scientifically proven to provide you answers the question – "What to do after 10th?" This career test assesses your aptitude and personality to determine the most suitable stream for you after your class 10. The test is meticulously designed by a panel of psychologists, academic counselors and experienced psychiatrists helps you in your first important decisions.

Deals with a very wide range of courses such as History, Geography, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, languages, Anthropology, Human Resources, journalism etc.

Commerce stream: can be illustrated as study of trade and business. The stream has been increasingly chosen by a large chunk of students after completion of 10th standard, due to its attractiveness in terms of finding early employment and also beginning of entrepreneurship. Subjects which are offered in Commerce: I am confused about my career after 10th, There are many degree and diploma courses which encompasses the Commerce stream. Some of the key subjects which are taught in the commerce stream are as below:

1. Economics
2. Accountancy
3. Business studies and business law

Some of the popular graduate courses offered through the commerce stream are B.Com, BBA, BMS, BBM, CFA, CA, ICWA, CFP etc. fields in biology after 10th Mostly major commerce colleges offer subjects such as Business economics, financial accounting, Business communication, Marketing, Business law, Business finance, Auditing, Cost accounting, Income tax from which students has to choose their subject of interest. A student has to take total six subjects along with English and one additional subject.i am confused about my career after 10th asked by students.

Some important tests for Commerce pursuer after passing 10th standard examination: There are some competitive examinations which can be appeared by a student after passing 10th examination which are mentioned below.

1. C.S Foundation course
2. C.A Foundation course
3. ICWA Foundation course
4. Business Studies

Science stream: It offers lucrative career options to students after 12th standard.i am confused about my career after 10th and It opens up the career options in Engineering and Medical sciences.

The major subjects that are offered in the Science stream are Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, Mathematics, Biotechnology, and Computer Science.

For anyone who wants to study Engineering has to study Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and those who want to study Medical sciences has to choose Biology as a main subject. A student has to take at least six subjects including English.

Arts stream: Arts stream has a wide variety of subjects which can offer exciting opportunities. Selection of Arts stream after 10th examination enables to pave the way for choosing some other gripping careers.

This stream offers subject History, Geography, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, English, Hindi and Sanskrit for the higher secondary level. But one has to opt for four compulsory subjects in addition to English and a Modern Indian Language. If anyone has interest to pursue a career in mass media, journalism, literature, sociology, social service, human psychology, politics, economics and history then you must choose Arts stream after passing 10th examination.

About Chemistry

• Chemistry is the scientific discipline that explores the properties, composition, structure, reactions, and transformations of matter. It is often referred to as the "central science" because it connects and overlaps with other scientific fields such as biology, physics, geology, and environmental science .

• At its core, chemistry seeks to understand the fundamental building blocks of matter and the changes that occur when substances interact with each other. It investigates the behavior of atoms, molecules, and ions, and how they combine to form compounds. Chemistry is divided into several branches, including organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry , and biochemistry, each focusing on specific aspects of matter and its properties.

• Chemists employ a wide range of techniques and methodologies to study and manipulate matter. They conduct experiments, analyze substances using various instruments, and develop models and theories to explain chemical phenomena. Chemistry plays a crucial role in many practical applications, from developing new materials and drugs to understanding the complexities of biological systems and environmental processes.

• The study of chemistry enhances our understanding of the world around us and provides the foundation for numerous technological advancements. It helps us comprehend the chemical processes in our bodies, the composition of the Earth's atmosphere, the production of energy, the design of new materials, and much more. Moreover, chemistry is essential for addressing global challenges such as climate change, pollution, and sustainable development .

• Studying chemistry fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and laboratory skills. It requires precision, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of scientific principles. Chemists work in various settings, including academic institutions, research laboratories, pharmaceutical companies , environmental agencies, and industrial sectors.

• Overall, chemistry is a dynamic and evolving field that continually contributes to our knowledge and drives innovation. It plays a vital role in improving our lives, protecting the environment, and advancing human understanding of the natural world.

About Biology

• Biology is the scientific study of living organisms and their interactions with the environment. It encompasses a wide range of topics, from the smallest subcellular structures to entire ecosystems. Biology explores the diversity of life, the mechanisms of life processes, and the principles that govern living organisms.

• At its core, biology seeks to understand the fundamental characteristics, structures, and functions of living organisms. It encompasses various sub-disciplines, including cell biology, genetics, physiology, ecology, evolution, and more. Through observation, experimentation, and analysis , biologists strive to unravel the complexities of life and uncover the underlying principles that guide biological systems .

• One of the central focuses of biology is the study of cells, which are the basic units of life. Cell biology investigates the structure and function of cells, including their organelles, processes, and interactions. Genetics delves into the inheritance and variation of genetic material, examining how genes encode traits and how they are passed from one generation to the next.

• Physiology explores the functions and mechanisms of living organisms, examining processes such as respiration, circulation, digestion, and reproduction. Ecology investigates the interactions between organisms and their environment, exploring concepts like population dynamics, biodiversity, and ecosystems. Evolutionary biology explores the origins and changes in species over time through mechanisms such as natural selection.

• Biology has significant practical applications and is relevant to various fields such as medicine, agriculture, biotechnology, conservation, and environmental science. It helps us understand diseases and develop treatments, improve crop yield and food production, conserve endangered species and ecosystems, and address global challenges such as climate change and sustainability.

• Studying biology fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. fields in biology after 10th It encourages scientific inquiry, data interpretation, and experimentation. Biologists work in diverse settings, including research laboratories, universities, healthcare institutions , conservation organizations, and government agencies.

• Overall, biology is a dynamic and rapidly advancing field that provides insight into the complexities and wonders of life. It shapes our understanding of ourselves, the natural world, and the interconnectedness of all living organisms.

About Mathematics

About Mathematics

• Mathematics is a fundamental and abstract discipline that deals with the study of numbers, quantities, shapes, patterns, and structures. It is considered one of the core sciences and plays a crucial role in various fields, including physics, engineering , economics, computer science, and more. Mathematics provides a language and framework for understanding and describing the patterns and relationships that exist in the world.

• At its core, mathematics is concerned with logical reasoning and problem-solving. It involves concepts such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, probability, statistics, and more. Mathematics provides tools and methods for analyzing and interpreting data, making predictions, modeling real-world phenomena, and formulating abstract theories.

• Mathematics has both theoretical and practical applications.fields in biology after 10th On the theoretical side, mathematicians explore abstract concepts, develop mathematical theories, and prove theorems. This pure mathematics research aims to deepen our understanding of mathematical structures and their properties. On the practical side, mathematics is used in various applied fields to solve problems and make informed decisions based on quantitative analysis.

• Mathematics is the foundation of many scientific and technological advancements. It underlies the principles of physics, enabling us to describe and predict the behavior of physical systems. It forms the basis of computer science and cryptography, ensuring secure communication and data encryption. It is essential for engineering and designing structures, algorithms, and systems. Additionally, mathematics is used in finance, economics, and statistics to analyze data, make predictions, and model complex systems.

• Studying mathematics develops critical thinking, logical reasoning, and problem-solving skills. It enhances quantitative and analytical abilities, fosters abstract thinking, and improves pattern recognition and logical deduction. Mathematics also encourages creativity, as mathematicians often explore new ideas, invent new techniques, and discover new mathematical phenomena.

•Mathematics is a diverse and broad field, offering various career paths. Mathematicians work in academia, research institutions, industries, finance, technology, government agencies, and more. They contribute to advancements in science, engineering, technology, and various other fields.

• Overall, mathematics is a powerful discipline that provides a framework for understanding patterns, relationships, and structures in the world. It is a universal language that transcends cultural boundaries and forms the backbone of scientific inquiry and technological progress.

Biological scientist best collage in indian

India is home to several esteemed institutions that offer excellent programs in biological sciences. Here are some of the top colleges for biological sciences in India:

1. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi
2. Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi
3. Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore
4. University of Delhi, New Delhi
5. Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore
6. National Institute of Immunology (NII), New Delhi
7. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai
8. University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
9. Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi
10. St.Stephen's College, New Delhi

These institutions are known for their strong academic programs, research facilities, and contributions to the field of biological sciences in India. However, it's important to note that the "best" college can vary depending on your specific interests, career goals, and personal preferences.

When choosing a college, consider factors such as faculty expertise, research opportunities, infrastructure, placement records, collaborations with other research institutions, and the availability of specialized programs or areas of study within biological sciences. fields in biology after 10th It can also be helpful to visit the official websites of these institutions, explore their course offerings, and reach out to current or former students for their insights and experiences.

Remember that the best college for you will depend on your individual goals, interests, and circumstances. It's important to carefully evaluate your options and choose a college that aligns with your academic and career aspirations.

RE: For becoming biological scientist what stream to choose after 10th standard?

manojjnu Kumar
manojjnu Kumar

Very good question, this is the right time to understand your capacity for a particular subject so you will start to incubate it with your motivation, dedication, competitiveness and overall your interest.

As you are awarded that biology - botany and zoology is the primary requirement in general but many examples are there in exception that one can realize the goal irrespective of fundamental facts.

Many nobel laurates are the examples to inspire you but it is relevent to the late joinee, as we know mathematicians, engineers from all the disciplines are joining biological sciences and serving the humanity with multidisciplinary or trans-disciplinary approach.

Now come to the point how to prepare to be a biological scientist:

  1. First you have to take up biology at 12th level not for the sake of qualifying the exam rather understand it with interest and then solve the analytical questions with the help of your teacher. Please be awarded that chemistry, physics and maths are also equally important for doing the biological studies. After all it a core natural -flora and fauna study so that entire natural (living and neutral) aspects must be understood.

  2. After 12th you can prepare for the following entrance test: AIPMT conducted by CBSE, CPMT at state level, AFMC conducted by defence service, AIEEE/IIT-JEE for biotech engineering or other engineering courses at B.Tech and M.Tech level.

  3. Similarly you can join B.Sc / B.Sc Hons or B.Pharma / B. Nutraceuticals / other medicine related or biology related subject/ B.Sc agriculture/ B.Sc Forestry/ B.Sc Clinical research and many more programs are available to join the tertiary program of biology that is top notch for the scientist. Be assured that competition is very tough to get it done from any prestigious institution so your preparation is critical at each and every level while getting admission or while passing the semester based examination to obtain the degree.

  4. After being a graduate at B.Tech/B.Sc/B.Sc hon level now opt out Master degree program in your respective subject which must be coherent otherwise your basic studies will go in vain.
    In some cases after B.Tech you can join any research organization either in private or public forum and get the appointment letter of scientist.

People are required to obtain higher degree -Ph.D, Post-doc to understand science in specialized manner --medicine research, plant biotech, cancer research, immune, etc.

All the best

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RE: For becoming biological scientist what stream to choose after 10th standard?

manojjnu Kumar
manojjnu Kumar

Dear student to be a biological scientist just follow the steps below:

  1. Complete your schooling with excellent performance in all the subjects which is the first requirement at elementary level before joining inter college are college.

  2. Based on your interest and of course your interest driven subject biology must be giving you boost and confidence to go ahead at 12th level. Either take Biology (Botany and Zoology) as main course or stream and then also opt biology as optional and complementary course for future growth. Physics, Chemistry and language are the essential ingredients in the curriculum as these subjects cime under natural sciences which gives you primary support to your understanding of biology. It will be realized at advance level so develop the futuristic and interesting approach for all these mentioned subjects above along with your main course of interest biology.

  3. With deep interest, effort, and competency you will be scoring distinction and then go ahead for under graduate level of studies in biology which will be specialized step by step where you will spend more time in biological sciences along with other subsidiary courses -chemistry and zoology
    physics and maths will be asides due to biological modules as the main course in multiple specializations. Accordingly you will obtain B.Sc or B.Sc hons in Botany/zoology/Biochemistry etc.

  4. Professional degree courses based on technology like B.Tech in Biotechnology, Marine engineering, nanao technology, food technology etc. which requires math as well as biology both at elementary level and institutes like IIT offers you engineering degree in Biotechnology. It is also one of the way to achieve the higher degree in Biotechnology.

  5. Now at PG level you are more specialized so you are attaining the top level with narrowing down your poin of specialized interest. After PG you need to qualify certain exams to achieve the credential in research as well as academics like NET-JRF/ SRF conducted by CSIR, UGC, ICMR, ICAR etc or GATE exam for Biotech engineer. These qualification will lead you to the phillosphical world in sciences and technology where you will be conferred doctorate in specialized are of interest and then you will be certified as researcher or scientist or professor. Govt of India will employ you, many industries will employ you with full benefits and you can realize your dream.


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RE: For becoming biological scientist what stream to choose after 10th standard?

manojjnu Kumar
manojjnu Kumar

Dear Friend

After 10th make your decision based on your personal judgement and interest which is probably reflect in your marksheet or transcript and accordingly you will be given further admission in biological sciences at 12th level. Now students from maths background joining biology in different format which is specfically designed in technological format and degrees are offered as btech/mtech and degree holders are called engineer in specfic module.

After 12th go for IIT-JEE or AIEE or other relevant competitions which suits your background and join biology in any format as mentioned above.

Understand Botany and Zoology as the elementary subjects and also read the complete set of physics, chemistry and maths to claim the biological sciences and technology in proper manner otherwise you will be struggling after join it.

Once you qualify IIT-JEE you will be given admission in any of he IITs in India and you will obtain B.Tech and will be employed as an engineer in any research organization. Moreover you can join as scientist to carry out the research, organization like ISRO, DRDO can employ you.
As you know the standard of this prestigious exam which requires at least ninety percent at 12th level and cut off marks for final selection is very high so be prepared accordingly.

AIEE requires the same preperation which enables you for btech in NIT or any other private organization like BITS Pilani, BIT Mesra, SRM, AMITY, and othe rinstitutes for biotech study.

Above mentioned universities have the various programs in biology designed to the requirement of industry where you can take admission and spend three to four years. These Universities offers you very good exposures as well as having placement cell to help your for the campus placement.

After B.tech/m.tech or B.Sc/M.Sc one can go for higher studies to join higher level of positions in biology. As per suitability one must qualify CSIR-JRF, UGC-NET, ICAR, ICMR and then join Ph.D. These qualification leads you to the higher education at premium organizations like JNU/ Delhi University/ IISER/IISc/NIT/IITs/ DBT or DST or CSIR sponsored research institutes recognised as deemed university confer you Ph.D degree.

Based on the given instruction you can think of any option and join biology after 10th.


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RE: For becoming biological scientist what stream to choose after 10th standard?

Vivek Kumar
Vivek Kumar
Verified Career Expert
Counselor / Subject Matter Expert in Microbiology
  • Meerut

Dear Aspirant, a biological scientist needs to study biology subject/s after 10 standard or starting itself from 10th standandard. Well, let me first explain you what a Biological Scientist is? A biological scientist is person who study the biological aspetcs of things, obviously the living things, it could be plants or animals or minute organisms.

After 10 standard you have to choose Bioogy as one of the subject along with other subjects, if you choose chemistry and physics (normally this this the combination of subjects as per the CBSE) then you will be eligible to take biology subjects in graduation.
In grduation, there are many options for the Bioloical subjects, such as Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Botany, Zoology, Environmental Sciences. You have to choose at least one these subject along with other optional or compulsory subjects.
After good marks in graduation, now a master degree (MSc) is must, here specialization of subjects will let you know more about the things. For example you may choose Microbiology (if you want to study about the microorganisms), biochemistry (if you want to know about the biology and chemistry of living being), Biotechnology (if you want to study the technological aspects of Biology), Botany (if you plan to study about plants).
Another better option could be that after 12, you may choose a Bachelor of Technology (BTech) degree instead of simple graduation (BSc), this will open a better job avenues for you compared to a simple degree holder. Here you have to do Masters in Technology (MTech). The common courses for BTech and MTech are Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences.
After completion of Masters degree a doctoral degree is must to become a scientist in Biology. A doctoral degree will give you an idea how to carry out research program independently and logically. This is a degree and a training program, so that a scientist or researcher can carry out research independently.
Indian universitities do not offer a degree in Biology, they usually offers degree in the subjects, wjich I mentioned abobe. Most of the western universities offer Master and doctoral degree in Biology. After obtaining a doctoral degree you will be eligible to apply for the post of Lecturer, scientist or assistant Professor. Then your hard work and type of work will fulfill the dream of Scientist in Biology.
Good Luck...

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RE: For becoming biological scientist what stream to choose after 10th standard?

Gomathi Venkat
Gomathi Venkat
Verified Career Expert
Managing Director at GV Counseling Group
  • Bengaluru

Dear aspirant

I appreciate your interest in becoming a Biological scientist and for this very high ambition it is required to reach studying to a doctorate level in Biology. There are many ways that you can do to become a biological scientist in future. As you are just 10th class completed you have two options to choose in 11th and 12th. You should get above 60% overall in both 10th and 12th.



First is the PCB Physics chemistry and biology stream. This stream will give you options to study BSc degrees like the Bsc Biology, Bsc chemistry, Bsc Biochemistry, botany, zoology, biotechnology, medical biotechnology, genetics, micro biology or molecular biology. Whatever you choose at the BSc level, aim to score a minimum first class in it. After this Bsc, you can choose to study the MSc degree in the same stream. After Msc degree you should write UGC NET exam to be qualified to apply for a Doctorate degree in Biology. With a BSc, MSc, UGC NET you are qualified to apply for a PhD degree in Biology or related bio disciplines that i mentioned above. After studying this phD degree you are known as a scientist in biology or in the stream you have specialised in your PhD. Some students also study MSc integrated Biology/ Biotechnology directly after 12th standard and such students are also eligible for applying a PhD with a UGC NET score. If you also want stipend during your PhD, then you should appear for UGC JRF exam and qualifying this exam will give you a monthly stipend of 12000 to 18000 depending on the institute.

The above route is applicable for PCB students in school level. Alternatively if you like maths as also then you can study PCMB route in 11th and 12th. Physics, chemistry, maths and biology are desirable subjects and most importantly biology and maths are the important subjects to qualify you for a four year professional engineering degree related to Biology. If you score a minimum 60% in 12th in this group, therefore you will be eligible to study BTech biotechnology/ industrial biotechnology/ medical biotechnology/ genetic engineering/ pharmaceutical engineering and technology, bio bioinformatics, bio nano technology and bio medical engineering. You can choose your favorite subject to study as this four year degree. After Btech you can then study Mtech in the related discipline. After MTech then you can qualify for a PhD in similar line of your Mtech. Completing a PhD you can work as a scientist in biology or biotechnology.

All the best.

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RE: For becoming biological scientist what stream to choose after 10th standard?

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