Frugal Innovation- Foldscope

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Frugal innovation or engineering refers to a process by which the complexity and cost of the good, as well as its production, is reduced. It is done by removing non-essential parts or features from the durable products. It helps in cutting the cost of the product without compromising its efficiency and effectiveness. This technique has tremendous scope in developing countries where the purchasing power of people is less but, the need for such products is ever-expanding. The emerging markets find this technique as the best way to sell their products. One such frugal innovation is Foldscope- a microscope.


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What is Foldscope?

Foldscope is a tough origami microscope assembled from a sheet of paper and a lens. It was designed to solve the problem of accessibility in science. Though it was designed to be at par with conventional research microscopes, yet it is different in the way that it is portable and durable. It gives the advantage of ease and affordability of carrying it around. It is a noble step taken by the company which aims to break the barriers between the people who are curious about scientific inventions, innovation, and technologies but, are unable to afford them. So, they devised Foldscope, which is an ultra-affordable microscope. It ensures that such tools are available for all communities of the world. It has reached 1 million people and, this says a lot about its significance in the scientific community. It was designed and developed by Manu Prakash, an assistant professor of bioengineering at the Stanford School of Medicine. 


Manu Prakash stated when he was in Thailand at the field station there was a very expensive microscope. People were curious about such technologies and were curious to explore this microscope. They were very afraid to touch it as it was way more than people’s affordability range. That is when an idea struck him. He wanted to design a microscope for such a community so, they do not have to compromise and let down their curiosity because of the affordability issues. Thus, Foldscope was born to create such a microscope that can be sturdy enough to be placed and worked at the field stations and gave people a sense of ownership. This idea came to him in 2011 and, after putting in three years of extremely hard work, the prototype of Foldscope was developed in 2014. 

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Features of Foldscope

It has a magnification of 140X and 2-micron resolution. This enables it to see very micro things like blood cells, bacteria, single-celled organisms, etc. At the same time, it also sees comparatively larger things like fabric, organic tissue, insects, etc. While many wonders if Foldscope is a real microscope, the answer to this question is, Yes. It combines the features of traditional and conventional microscopes and, it has used the technique of Frugal innovation or engineering to cut down the cost by removing non-essential items from traditional microscopes. It does not require the use of a phone or camera to put it in use. It was done so that the technology remains independent. 


Manu Prakash and his team dispatched 50,000 Foldscope kits to students that were included in some research. The company opened a website and asked people to share their experiences and how they had put Foldscope to use. People actively turned in their experiences. Some of the projects that people completed using the technology of Foldscope are: 

  1. Checking cow feces for parasites- done by Maasai children in Tanzania. 
  2. Examining fungi, on banana crops- done by a plant pathologist in Rwanda. 
  3. Teaching students in biology, chemistry, and physics- the project was sanctioned by the Department of Biotechnology in 2015. It aimed at making Foldscope available at 80 approved colleges all over the country. The department of Biotechnology also aims to work in collaboration with Manu Prakash to produce more such low-cost scientific tools. 

The one challenge that remains with this technology is that it still has not been accepted as a reliable means to be used as a medical diagnostic tool. It was so because when the research was conducted in Ghana to treat schistosomiasis, the urine samples got contaminated. However, further works are done to overcome this drawback. 



To conclude, we can say that frugal innovation is the future of work, and if one is passionate about developing such technologies, then one should give it a try as it is the need of an hour. Manu Prakash undertook this initiative with a noble cause and intention. The success of Foldscope is the result of such a noble intention. The thought he had put to work towards the scientific community is truly inspiring and appreciable. 


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Frequenlty Asked Questions

 Foldscope exemplifies Frugal Innovation by providing an inexpensive yet powerful tool for scientific observation. It enables people, particularly in low-resource settings, to access microscopy capabilities that were previously unavailable due to cost or logistical challenges.

Foldscope is lightweight, portable, and easy to assemble. It provides magnification of up to 140x and can be used to observe a variety of specimens, including cells, microorganisms, and small particles. It is also designed to be durable and can withstand rough handling.

Foldscope has democratized access to microscopy, making it possible for individuals and communities to engage in scientific research and education. It has empowered students, researchers, and citizen scientists worldwide, enabling them to explore and understand the microscopic world.

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