Biologists - Career Queries

Dear Aspirant, I apprecaite your question and aspiratation. You have written biologist, it means that you must be holding minimum a masters degree. A biologist could be a microbiologist, biotechnologist, biochemist, pharmacologist, botanist, zoologist. Let me give you my example. I am also a biologist, I have done masters and doctoral degree in Microbiology. After completing my doctoral degree, I joined a research project (these are time bound projects), after that I joined as lecturer in a college. Just like you, I was having and still have a great desire to rise in my academic career. During

Dear Aspirant, you have asked the question, in terms of earning money. Let met tell you giving some practical examples. A [biologist][1] or discipline of biology such as [microbiology][2], [biotechnology][3], bioinformatics, biochemistry and pharmacology have huge scope in government as well as private sector. Normally a biologist has an aim to become medicament (lecturer, teacher, Professor) or researcher (scientist) or both. Now a days, money is also very important factor and we look for a job with high return.A biologist, (after obtaining his or her doctoral degree) has [opportunities t

Dear Aspirant, you have asked a very practical question. A biologist is supposed to work in the field of science specailly as academecian or as a researcher or scientist. Critically speaking a biologist is supposed to do a job other than a management person. Means that a biologist is not supposed to take care of management or administration issues. This is a typicall case in private company or in industrial sector. A biologist (Microbiologist, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Botany, Zoology, Genetics) in university or research institute is also involved in administration besides teaching and rese

Dear Aspirant, a biologist a lot of scope in public sector organizations. In India the biology has many sub disciplines such as Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Bioinformatics, Zoology and Botany. All these subjects have lot of scope in public sectors such as universities, colleges, research institutions and research organizations.Lets me tell you about job opportunites in universities. As biologist (Microbiologist, Biotechnologist) you can compete for an entry level of Lecturer or Assistant Professor. After selecting you will be involved in teaching and research. In resear

Dear Friend, the biologist interacts with many persons from morning till evening. Technically speaking , a biologist is a social animal. The biologist is an academicain as well as a researcher or scientist. As academician a biologist interacts with students, colleagues, superiors and clients. A biologist (it could be a botanist, zoologist, biochemist, microbiologist, biotechnologist, environmental scientist) has also to take classes, here he has to interact with students, within the class and outs side the class. Some students ask their queries in the class room, while some dont feel comfortba

Dear FreindBiologist make the day very typical I do not know how much it is true or false? A professionalist makes the day as  the requirement and need of any professional ism which looks very typical for others those are not involved into that profession. Observing others while doing a job like earthenpot maker devote day night in shaping something which attracts me how they do it but that perfectionist never wonder about his or day to day life as thery are involved in complete sense, similarly being biologist I never get excited about my day rather i use to be sincere and justify the jo

Dear Aspirant, if you get a degree in Biology from India or outside country. Technically speaking there is no difference between a degree of Indian origian or abroad origin. But practiclly speaking there is lot of difference between the two  degree. Another thing, as you have written that a degree in Biology, in India, there is no institute or university which offers a course in Biology. But he Indian universities and institutes offers courses in allied biology subjects like; Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry etc. The universities in western hemisphere do offer degree in Biology a

Dear aspirant Thank you for approaching counsellors at Good to see students of this age are also thinking of teaching jobs. As i keep saying a professor is a highly responsible job and also a reputable one in the society, only those who have sincerity and passion towards teaching are suitable for this post. To become a professor of Biology there are certain eligible conditions. 1. Pass 10th with a over all first class and also have studied science that includes Biology in it. 2. Pass 12th class with a over all first class and also have studied Biology in it. The

Dear Friend There are two ways to convince the world one is natural talent which is known as intelligent or brilliant in structural or constructive language respectively and other one is hard labor driven potential. These two are very much complementary to each other so be clear about these quotes before joining any academic and scientific world. Similarly [biologists][1] are not the exceptional and like wise no other streams need tentio this type of special attention so that people start to think specifically that I have to be biologist and my attitude and [aptitude][2] must be according t

Dear aspirant, after graduating as biologist there are lot of scopes. Let me clrify it more about graduate. IN Indian scenario graduate means, a person who has obtained a degree of Bachelor. But in western hemisphere, a graduate means a higher degree, it could be Masters. In Indian context, mere graduation will fetch you jobs but not that much. After graduation as biologist, I beleive that Indian universities are not offering a apecial course in Biology, it could be Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Genetics along with chemistry and many more combinations. IN my opini

To excel as a biologist, you need a diverse Tunnel Rush set of aptitudes and skills. 

Dear Friend: The communication skill is the inevitable power in any world, as far as biology is being understood eighth the help of Intelligence and communication. A [biologist][1] connect him/herself to the nature and then understand it with academic niche and then utilize the skill of communication and discover the biological arrays related to diseases, [agriculture][2], [health][3], [environmental][4] etc. Biological science is the most phenomenal subject which can not be understood without neural networking at the system level which convinces you first before coming out with your concept

1 answer manojjnu Kumar in Biologists category

Private sector is classified based on it product types and accordingly they recruit manpower with specialized biological sciences. Companies are being created as per requirement in society and academic institutes also create the certificate/diploma/degree program as per the placement scenario in various sectors. Before exploring any company job you must know your own specialization/level of study/ strength /skill  and then attempt the company through the job portal or placement agencies which is generally available in college campus or on commercial basis you can join.In general all insti

1 answer manojjnu Kumar in Biologists category

Dear FriendBefore getting the list of top institutes for biology one must know the criteria of being top ranker and its facts behind the success:Several factors are involved to get a tag of topper or excellence in academic world. National education system adheres the stricts guidelines to award any excellence certificate to any university/institute/organization. MHRD/DOE/UGC are responsible govt regulatory bodies which have responsibility of making our education system as a transparent medium of integration for education and society. Similarly these regulatory authorities set the benchmarks fo

1 answer manojjnu Kumar in Biologists category

Hi Dear FriendA biologist must be  working in a healthy atmosphere it is universal truth. Now one has to define what is the pace and work efficiency for a biologist. Biology is a natural phenomenon and one has to set goal to follow nature in the natural terms and conditions. For example you are working with cancer problem and you have to collect samples day night not as per your comfortability rather you need to understand the qualitative and quantitative approach of your set experimentation therefore biologist run after the meaningful approach rather minding his or her own day to day sch

Biology is the science of life or living matters in all its forms and phenomena, especially with reference to its origin, growth, reproduction, structure and so on. There are several career paths one can follow as a [biologist][1] including Research- Research biologists study the natural world using the latest scientific tools and techniques in both laboratory settings and the outdoors to understand how living systems work. Biologists may develop public health campaigns to defeat illnesses such as AIDS, cancer, tuberculosis and heart diseases. Some work to prevent the spread of rare, dead

1 answer Preeti Taneja in Biologists category

With the emergence of new areas within the field biology such as [biotechnology][1], Bioinformatics, bio medical science , [genetics][2] etc and the life threatening challenges such as global warming, excessive environment pollution has significantly changed the role of biologist over the years. More specifically the Swift advances in knowledge of genetics and organic molecules spurred growth in the field of biotechnology, transforming the industries in which biological scientists work. Biological scientist now manipulate the genetic material of animals plants, attempting to make organisms

1 answer Preeti Taneja in Biologists category