
Which stream has more career option- Non-medical or Commerce?

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RE: Which stream has more career option- Non-medical or Commerce?

Dr. Anand Wadadekar, PhD
Dr. Anand Wadadekar, PhD

A Warm Welcome To!!!
From your query I believe that you are about you pass your HSC level exam or may be you are currently in the HSC level to pass in the next year. I am happy that you decided to approach for seeking guidance to your career concern at a very appropriate time. Seeking guidance at the right place and at the right time is always beneficial.

Table Contents

1.  Medical field

2.  Commerce field

3.  Psychometric test

4.  About Commerce

5.  Future Scope Of Commerce

6.  About Non-medical

7.  Future Scope Of Non-medical

Deciding whether non-medical or commerce is very tricky since both of them are distinct and cannot be compared. You have mentioned 'non-medical' or commerce, this actually means you are sepaking about the same. Non medical means career options other than medical like commerce, arts, fashion, etc. and commerce is already a part of non medical career option.
I think I have to assume some thing here. I will take your query as medical and commerce and will tell you which of them have more career options.
In my more than seven years of career counselling experience, I have seen students comparing the streams in terms of their success and there fore your query is one of the commonly asked one.

Medical field


Medical field is a very vast field than any other field in the world because of the greatest complexities of human anotomy. Medical field has the maximum number of specialisations and is regarded as the toughest career option amongst all.
Medical field requires people who are very disciplined, skilled and patient in every thing.
The medical field encompasses a wide range of disciplines related to healthcare, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases and injuries. It is a vast and diverse field that involves healthcare professionals, researchers, and various healthcare institutions . Here are some key aspects and areas within the medical field:

Medical Specialties: There are numerous medical specialties, including cardiology, dermatology, neurology, oncology, pediatrics, psychiatry, surgery, and many more. Each specialty focuses on a specific area of the body or medical condition.

Healthcare Professionals: Medical field professionals include doctors, nurses, physician assistants, pharmacists, dentists, optometrists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and other allied health professionals. They provide care, diagnose illnesses, prescribe treatments, perform surgeries, and support patient recovery, commerce vs non medical.

Medical Research: Medical research plays a vital role in advancing healthcare. Researchers conduct studies to understand diseases, develop new treatments, improve diagnostic techniques , and enhance overall patient care. This field involves clinical trials, laboratory research, and epidemiological studies.

Medical Technology: The medical field relies on various technologies to diagnose and treat patients effectively. This includes medical imaging technologies (such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRI), laboratory equipment, surgical tools, robotic surgery systems , electronic health records (EHRs), telemedicine, and other healthcare software applications.

Healthcare Institutions: Medical care is delivered through various healthcare institutions such as hospitals, clinics, private practices, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, and public health organizations. These institutions provide facilities, infrastructure, and a platform for healthcare professionals to deliver services, commerce vs non medical.

Medical Education: Medical education involves rigorous training and education to prepare healthcare professionals. This includes medical school, residency programs, fellowships, and continuing medical education to stay updated with the latest advancements in the field.

Public Health: Public health focuses on preventing diseases, promoting healthy lifestyles, and improving overall community health. It involves initiatives such as disease surveillance, vaccination programs, health education , policy development, and disaster preparedness.

Bioethics: Bioethics deals with ethical considerations and dilemmas in healthcare, including issues like patient rights, informed consent, end-of-life care, medical research ethics, and access to healthcare services.

Global Health: Global health addresses health concerns on a global scale, including infectious diseases, access to healthcare in low-income countries, health disparities, and international collaborations to improve health outcomes worldwide.

These are just some of the many aspects and areas within the medical field. The field is continuously evolving with new discoveries, advancements, and challenges that impact patient care and overall health.

Commerce field

The commerce field encompasses various aspects related to business, trade, finance, and economics. It involves the exchange of goods, services, and money between individuals, organizations, and nations. Here are some key aspects and areas within the commerce field:

Business Management: Business management focuses on planning, organizing, and controlling the activities of an organization to achieve its goals. It involves areas such as strategic planning, marketing, operations, human resources, finance, and entrepreneurship.

Accounting and Finance: Accounting deals with recording, analyzing, and reporting financial transactions of individuals, businesses, and organizations. Finance involves managing money, investments, and financial resources. These fields are crucial for financial analysis, budgeting, financial statements, taxation, and investment decisions.

Marketing and Advertising: Marketing involves understanding customer needs, developing products or services, pricing strategies, distribution channels, and promotional activities to reach and engage target markets. Advertising is a subset of marketing that focuses on creating and delivering persuasive messages through various media channels to promote products or services, commerce vs non medical.

International Trade: International trade deals with the exchange of goods, services, and capital across national borders. It involves import and export activities, tariffs, trade agreements, supply chain management, and understanding cultural and legal differences in global markets.

E-commerce and Digital Business: E-commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. It includes online retail platforms, digital payment systems, online marketplaces, and other online business models. Digital business encompasses the use of digital technologies to transform traditional business processes and create new business models.

Economics: Economics studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It analyzes factors such as supply and demand, market trends, pricing, inflation, economic policies, and economic development. Microeconomics focuses on individual markets, while macroeconomics examines the overall economy, commerce vs non medical.

Supply Chain Management: Supply chain management involves the coordination and management of the flow of goods, services, and information from the raw material stage to the final product delivery. It encompasses sourcing, procurement, production, logistics, inventory management, and distribution.

Business Law and Ethics: Business law deals with legal regulations and obligations related to businesses, contracts, intellectual property, employment, and other legal aspects. Ethics in commerce focuses on ethical decision-making, corporate social responsibility, fair business practices, and sustainability.

Risk Management: Risk management involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks that may impact businesses and their operations. It includes areas such as insurance, financial risk management, legal compliance, and crisis management.

Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship involves identifying business opportunities , starting new ventures, and taking risks to create innovative products, services, or business models. It encompasses aspects such as opportunity recognition, business planning, funding, and growth strategies, commerce vs non medical.

These are some of the many aspects and areas within the commerce field. The field is dynamic and continuously evolving, influenced by technological advancements, changing consumer behaviors, globalization, and economic factors.

Psychometric test

Psychometric tests are assessments designed to measure a person's abilities, personality traits, aptitudes, and other psychological attributes. These tests are often used in various contexts, including educational settings, employment selection processes, career development, and personal self-assessment. Here are a few commonly used types of psychometric tests:

Cognitive Ability Tests: These tests assess an individual's intellectual capabilities, including verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, abstract reasoning, and spatial reasoning. They measure a person's problem-solving skills , critical thinking, and logical reasoning.

Personality Tests: Personality tests evaluate an individual's personality traits, preferences, and behavioral tendencies. They provide insights into aspects such as extraversion/introversion, openness to experience, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and emotional stability. These tests help in understanding an individual's work style, interpersonal interactions, and potential career fit.

Aptitude Tests: Aptitude tests measure specific abilities and skills related to particular occupations or tasks. They assess areas such as mechanical reasoning, spatial awareness, data interpretation, logical reasoning, and numerical proficiency. Aptitude tests are often used in career assessments to identify individuals' strengths and potential areas of expertise.

Emotional Intelligence Tests: Emotional intelligence tests evaluate a person's ability to recognize, understand, and manage their own emotions, as well as to perceive and respond to the emotions of others. They assess skills such as empathy, self-awareness, emotional regulation, and social skills, commerce vs non medical.

Interest Inventories: Interest inventories assess an individual's interests, preferences, and motivations. These tests help individuals explore potential career paths and identify areas of work that align with their personal interests and values.

Values Assessments: Values assessments measure an individual's personal values and beliefs. They help individuals understand their priorities and what is most important to them in various aspects of life, including work and relationships.

Situational Judgment Tests: Situational judgment tests present individuals with hypothetical scenarios or workplace situations and assess their judgment and decision-making skills . These tests measure how individuals respond to different workplace challenges and their ability to handle complex situations effectively.

It's important to note that psychometric tests should be administered and interpreted by qualified professionals to ensure accuracy and reliability. The results of these tests can provide valuable insights for personal development, career planning, and selection processes but should be considered in conjunction with other factors and assessments, commerce vs non medical.

About Commerce

Commerce is a broad field that encompasses various activities related to the exchange of goods, services, and money between individuals, businesses, and nations. It involves the buying, selling, and distribution of products or services in the market. Here are some key aspects and concepts related to commerce:

Trade: Trade refers to the buying and selling of goods and services. It can occur at different levels, including local, national, and international trade. Trade can involve both physical goods, such as manufactured products or agricultural commodities, and services, such as consulting or transportation.

Marketing: Marketing involves activities aimed at promoting, selling, and distributing products or services to customers. It encompasses market research, product development, pricing, promotion, and distribution strategies. Effective marketing is essential for businesses to attract customers and create demand for their offerings.

Finance: Finance is a crucial aspect of commerce that deals with managing money, investments, and financial resources. It includes financial planning, budgeting, risk management, financial analysis, and investment decision-making. Finance plays a vital role in managing cash flow, raising capital, and ensuring the financial stability of businesses.

Accounting: Accounting involves recording, analyzing, and reporting financial transactions of businesses. It provides information about the financial performance, position, and cash flow of an organization. Accounting principles and practices help businesses maintain financial records, prepare financial statements, and comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

E-commerce: E-commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. It has become increasingly important in modern commerce, enabling businesses to reach a global customer base and conduct transactions online. E-commerce platforms, online marketplaces, and digital payment systems facilitate online commerce activities, commerce vs non medical.

Supply Chain Management: Supply chain management focuses on managing the flow of goods, services, and information from suppliers to customers. It involves coordination, logistics, inventory management, and ensuring the timely and efficient delivery of products. Effective supply chain management helps businesses optimize costs, reduce lead times, and enhance customer satisfaction .

International Trade: International trade deals with the exchange of goods, services, and capital across national borders. It involves import and export activities, trade agreements, tariffs, customs regulations, and international market dynamics. International trade offers opportunities for businesses to expand their markets, access resources, and foster economic growth.

Business Law: Business law encompasses legal regulations and obligations related to commerce and business activities. It covers areas such as contracts, intellectual property, employment law, consumer protection, and corporate governance. Understanding and complying with business laws are essential for businesses to operate legally and protect their interests.

Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship involves starting and managing businesses, taking risks, and pursuing innovative ideas. Entrepreneurs identify business opportunities, develop business plans, secure funding, and navigate the challenges of starting and growing a business. Entrepreneurship plays a vital role in economic development and job creation, commerce vs non medical.

These are some of the key aspects and concepts within the field of commerce. The commerce field is diverse, dynamic, and influenced by various factors such as technological advancements, market trends, and economic conditions.

Future Scope Of Commerce

Commerce is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of activities related to buying and selling goods and services. The scope of commerce is vast and includes various areas such as marketing, sales, finance, accounting, logistics, supply chain management, e-commerce, and international trade. In this article, we will discuss the scope of commerce in detail.

Marketing: Marketing is an essential component of commerce. It involves identifying customer needs, developing products or services to meet those needs, and promoting them through advertising, sales promotions, and public relations. Marketing plays a crucial role in the success of a business, as it helps to increase sales and profitability. Marketing job roles include marketing managers, market research analysts, and advertising executives.

Sales: Sales are another critical component of commerce. It involves persuading customers to purchase products or services through personal selling, telemarketing, or online sales. Salespeople must have excellent communication and interpersonal skills to build strong relationships with customers. Sales job roles include sales managers, sales representatives, and sales associates, commerce vs non medical.

Finance: Finance is the study of money management, including investments, budgeting, and financial planning. In commerce, finance plays a critical role in managing the financial resources of a business, including accounting, financial analysis, and investment management . Finance job roles include financial analysts, accountants, and investment bankers.

Accounting: Accounting is the process of keeping track of a business's financial transactions, including revenue, expenses, and profits. It involves preparing financial statements, maintaining records, and ensuring compliance with financial regulations. Accounting job roles include auditors, bookkeepers, and financial analysts.

Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Logistics and supply chain management are essential components of commerce. Logistics involves the movement of goods and services from the point of origin to the point of consumption, including transportation, warehousing, and inventory management. Supply chain management involves managing the entire process of producing and delivering products and services, including sourcing, manufacturing, and distribution. Job roles in logistics and supply chain management include logistics coordinators, supply chain managers, and procurement managers, commerce vs non medical.

E-commerce: E-commerce has become an increasingly important aspect of commerce in recent years. It involves buying and selling goods and services over the internet, including online shopping, online payments, and digital marketing. E-commerce job roles include web developers, digital marketers, and e-commerce managers.

International Trade: International trade is an essential component of commerce, involving the exchange of goods and services between different countries. It requires knowledge of international trade regulations, customs, and tariffs, and the ability to conduct business in different languages and cultures. International trade job roles include international trade analysts, import/export managers, and trade compliance managers.

In conclusion, the scope of commerce is vast and offers a wide range of career opportunities in different sectors. Whether you're interested in marketing, sales, finance, accounting, logistics, supply chain management, e-commerce, or international trade, there is something for everyone in the world of commerce. With the increasing globalisation of markets, the scope of commerce is only set to grow, providing exciting career prospects for individuals with the right skills and knowledge.

About Non-medical


"Non-medical" is a term used to refer to fields or areas that are not directly related to the medical or healthcare industry. It encompasses a wide range of industries and sectors that do not involve the provision of medical care, diagnosis, or treatment of diseases. Here are some common areas within the non-medical field:

Business and Commerce: This includes various business activities such as management, marketing, finance, accounting, entrepreneurship, supply chain management, and international trade.

Information Technology (IT): IT encompasses computer systems, software development, programming, networking, cybersecurity, data analysis, and IT infrastructure management.

Engineering and Technology: Engineering disciplines such as civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer engineering fall under the non-medical field. It also includes technology-related fields such as robotics, telecommunications, and aerospace engineering.

Education: Education focuses on teaching and learning in various contexts, such as primary and secondary education, higher education, vocational training, adult education, and educational administration .

Arts and Entertainment: This sector includes fields such as visual arts, performing arts, music, film, television, theater, literature, and media production.

Social Sciences: Social sciences encompass disciplines like psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science, economics, geography, and history. These fields study human behavior, societies, cultures, economies, and political systems, commerce vs non medical.

Law and Legal Services: Law involves the study and practice of legal systems, legislation, and legal principles. It includes fields such as corporate law, criminal law, intellectual property law, international law, and legal consulting.

Environmental Sciences: Environmental sciences focus on studying the environment, ecosystems, natural resources, climate change, conservation, and sustainability.

Hospitality and Tourism: This sector includes industries related to travel, accommodation, restaurants, event management, tourism planning, and hospitality services.

Sports and Recreation: Sports and recreation encompass activities such as professional sports, amateur sports, fitness, recreational programs, sports management, and sports marketing .

Social Services and Non-profit Organizations: These fields involve providing assistance, support, and advocacy for various social issues, such as healthcare access, poverty, homelessness, education, and community development.

Government and Public Administration: Government and public administration encompass roles in public service, policy-making, public finance, public safety, and government administration, commerce vs non medical.

These are just a few examples of the diverse range of fields within the non-medical sector . The non-medical field offers a wide array of career opportunities and areas of specialization, catering to different interests and skills.

Future Scope Of Non-medical

The future scope of the non-medical field is vast and offers numerous opportunities for growth and innovation. Here are some key areas that hold significant potential for the future:

Information Technology (IT): The IT sector is expected to continue expanding rapidly, driven by advancements in technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, cloud computing, and cybersecurity. Emerging fields such as data science, internet of things (IoT), and blockchain present new avenues for innovation and employment.

Renewable Energy: With the increasing focus on sustainability and the transition to clean energy sources, the renewable energy sector is expected to experience substantial growth. This includes fields like solar power, wind energy, hydroelectric power, and energy storage solutions.

Digital Transformation: The ongoing digital transformation across industries is creating opportunities in fields such as digital marketing, e-commerce, software development, user experience design, and digital consulting. Companies are increasingly adopting digital technologies to streamline operations, improve customer experiences, and stay competitive.

Environmental Sustainability: The growing awareness of environmental issues and the need for sustainable practices create opportunities in fields like environmental consulting, green building design, waste management, renewable resource management, and sustainable agriculture.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation: AI and automation technologies are expected to transform various industries, including manufacturing, logistics, finance, customer service, and transportation. The development of autonomous vehicles, robotics, and AI-powered systems will create new job roles and change existing job requirements.

Cybersecurity: As the digital landscape expands, the need for robust cybersecurity measures becomes increasingly critical. The demand for professionals in cybersecurity, including ethical hacking, threat analysis, and information security management, is expected to grow significantly, commerce vs non medical.

Data Science and Analytics: The ability to collect, analyze, and derive insights from large amounts of data is becoming increasingly important across industries. Data science, data analytics, and business intelligence will continue to be in high demand to support data-driven decision-making and predictive modeling.

Sustainable and Ethical Business Practices: Consumers and businesses are placing greater emphasis on sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical practices. This creates opportunities for professionals in fields such as corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainable supply chain management, and ethical consulting .

Remote Work and Digital Nomadism: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of remote work and digital nomad lifestyles. This trend is likely to continue, leading to the emergence of new job roles and opportunities in areas such as remote project management, virtual collaboration tools, and digital entrepreneurship, commerce vs non medical.

Healthcare Technology: While not directly medical, the intersection of technology and healthcare presents significant opportunities. This includes fields like telemedicine, health informatics, wearable devices, remote patient monitoring, and health app development .

These are just a few examples of the future scope within the non-medical field. The key drivers shaping the future include technological advancements, sustainability concerns, changing consumer behaviors, and evolving business needs. It is essential for professionals in the non-medical field to adapt to these changes, upskill themselves, and stay abreast of emerging trends to capitalize on future opportunities.

RE: Which stream has more career option- Non-medical or Commerce?


Both streams have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the decision should be based on your personal preferences and aspirations. You can also explore some interdisciplinary and alternative fields that do not require a specific stream or choose suika game if you want to become a gamer.

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