Fishery Scientist - Career Queries

Dear friend, thank you for your question, since you have asked about the amazing products about fishes, seems that your are also a fishery scientist or you want to be in near future. A fishery scientist a person who looks after the managing and understanding the fishes. It is a multidisciplinary subject which involves limnology, marine biology, oceanography, fresh water biology, conservation, ecology and population dynamics, economics and management an attempt to provide an integrated picture of fishery. The amazing  products in fishery could be the development of fish science, fish biolo

1 answer Vivek Kumar in Fishery Scientist category

Dear friend, you have not mentioned your educational qualifications. The fishery scientist could be a person holding a masters degree or doctoral degree in fishery science. Therefore, the salary will depend upon the educational qualifications. The typical salary of a fishery scientist along with educational qualification also depends upon the place of work. The place of work will be government sector (colleges / universities / research institutions), private and multinational companies and non governmental organization.Fishery science includes the management and preservation of fish population

1 answer Vivek Kumar in Fishery Scientist category

Dear friend, thank you for your question. This is very practical question and is also important from career point of view. Here you have not mentioned your degree, are you a graduate or post graduate or having a doctoral degree in Fishery Science. Since you have written a degree in Fishery Science, I believe you must be having a PG degree. After having a degree i Fishery Science, you have many options both in scientific / academic field and in management. You are a technical person, have knowledge of fishery culture, breeding and other related disciplines. If you obtain the degree of MBA eithe

1 answer Vivek Kumar in Fishery Scientist category

Dear friend, the necessary skills required for a fresher to get a decent job as Fishery scientist is to learn all all the related subjects, starting from graduation to doctoral degree. Let me make one thing very clear, the fishery scientist means a person holding a degree of masters science or  holding a doctoral degree. The reason being is the entry point of fishery scientist is very competitive and to compete and get a job, the doctoral degree is must. As a graduate student, you have learned the basics of fishery science. But as a masters degree student, you have to learn the practical

1 answer Vivek Kumar in Fishery Scientist category

Dear Friend Communication skill is the best seeling approach in business world, business could be anything where you can add fishery scientist also. You have to understand the communication skill not as a course material rather one should take it as the intigral part of personality. An emminent person whether he/she is a scientist, doctor, socialist, phillospher everyone gains the best response based on his communication skill. Now come to your point that fishery scientist needs cmmunication skill, did you ask ever why a scientist needs such skill? what they do exactly? If you understand the n

2 answers Vivek Kumar in Fishery Scientist category

Gratitude for the author's commitment to providing informative articles.

2 answers in Fishery Scientist category

Dear Aspirant, I am glad that you have asked a very good and practical question. You have queried about the premier college. Let me tell you one thing, it is true that college or university do matter while getting a job but this is not the ultimate truth. Let me give you an example. I have a friend who persuaded his degrees (graduation, post graduation and doctoral) from a state university. The university is not famous like IIT, IIM, Symbiosis or AIIMS. But my friend did well in his degree programs and he is well settled as Associate Professor in one of the National Institute of T

1 answer Vivek Kumar in Fishery Scientist category

Dear Aspirant, seems that you are pursuing a degree in Fishery science or you already have. Anyways, i would like to say that the scope of fishery science is huge in India and abroad. Lets me first tell you job opportunities in India. a fishery scientist has job avenues in government as well as in private sectors. In government organization, a fishery scientist will have opportunities in Universities, research institutes. Here the job will be academic and research oriented. In private companies persons are recruited in various fields, such as fish nutrition, fish breeding, fish genetics&

1 answer Vivek Kumar in Fishery Scientist category

Dear Aspirant, you have asked a very good and practical question. In fact for everyone money plays a very important role. But here you have not mentioned your educational qualification. Since you have mentioned Fishery Scientist, it seems to me that you must be holding either a masters degree of a doctoral degree. If you have masters degree in Fishery science then you will be having more opportunities in private sector compared to government. Reason being in government sector you may be inducted as Research Associate or Senior Research Fellow. But in any private industry you can work as qualit

1 answer Vivek Kumar in Fishery Scientist category

Dear Aspirant, you have asked a very practical question. For any job the academic record is very important. It includes your marks or grades specially in graduation, post graduation and doctoral degree. Now a days all the universities or government institutions ask to fill up a form known as Academic Performance Indicators (API index). In this form one has to provide information's like marks obtained, the employment history, trainings organized, trainings / workshop / conferences  organized or attended or participated. API also includes many things like extension education, research aspec

1 answer Vivek Kumar in Fishery Scientist category

Dear Aspirant, for a fishery scientist or any branch of science or any other field besides academic qualifications, the interpersonal skills and technical skills are very important.Let me explain you in detail, the academics makes you technically qualified, this shows that you know the subject and you have a required qualification. By acquiring academic degree you become eligible to get a job. Whatever we have studied or learned in our masters or doctoral degree program, becomes obsolete (not all but some) after some time. You have to update yourself by reading latest books, latest research ar

1 answer Vivek Kumar in Fishery Scientist category

Dear Aspirant, seems that you are a fishery scientist or soon you are going to join this field. A fishery scientist has to work as per the mandate of the organization in which he or she is working. If you are working in a university then your nature of job will be primarily teaching. Here you will be interacting with students (graduate, masters and doctoral degree) Your responsibilities will be course curriculum development, conduction of theory and practical classes. Besides these the department may assign you other jobs such as preparation of question papers, the job of examination con

1 answer Vivek Kumar in Fishery Scientist category

Dear Aspirant, I am glad that you have asked this question. Let me tell you now a days, no body thinks about interpersonal skills, and even people don't want to know about it. Let me tell you that in every field, where one has to encounter with many persons, whether clients, customer , students, colleagues or close ones, the interpersonal skills are very important part of the personality of the person. Let me first tell you something about interpersonal skills then you will come to know the importance of this skills.Interpersonal skills are life skills we use every day to communicate and inter

1 answer Vivek Kumar in Fishery Scientist category

Dear Aspirant, you have asked a very good question and I am happy to answer it. To be a successful [Fishery Scientist][1], besides being excellent in [academic and research skills you should have good interpersonal skills.][2] The work values are principles or beliefs that are important to you and they affect all aspects of your life, whether [personal or professorial][3]. Knowing which work values are important for you will help you make decisions about career jobs or work path will suit you most. Now question arises how do you like to work, whether you wish to work in public sector or pri

1 answer Vivek Kumar in Fishery Scientist category

Dear Aspirant, you have not mentioned your educational status, whether you are a post graduate in fishery science or you are holding a doctoral degree. The working hours of a fishery scientist depends upon the type of job and whether he or she is working in government or private organization. Technically speaking, a fishery scientist means a person holding a degree minimum in masters or having  a doctoral degree. I f you are working in government sector means a college, university or research institute. In a college the fishery scientist will work as lecturer. As you have asked, the f

1 answer Vivek Kumar in Fishery Scientist category

Dear Aspirant, the resume of a Fishery Scientist should reflect many things, which will help him or her to get a desirable job. Let me tell you one thing that, now a days a universal resume does not work, you have to make or modify your resume as per the requirement of the job. If you wish to pursue your career in academics then you have to highlight the academic as well as the research part of your career. If you are going to apply in private organization, then you have moify your resume as per the qualification demanded by the job. Here you have to show that you are well versed with the tec

1 answer Vivek Kumar in Fishery Scientist category

Dear Aspirant, you really asked a very good question, and I believe that you have clarity in your mind about your future career planning. The Fishery scientist have many job opportunities not only in India but also all over the globe. Interestingly, the job opportunities are in government as well as in private sector also. Let me first take the first part of your question, the lucrative jobs for a fishery scientist; now it depends upon you, what you want to do. You want a to join a government organization such as universities or research institutions. Do you want to join a private company invo

1 answer Vivek Kumar in Fishery Scientist category

Dear Aspirant, As a fishery scientist, the scopes are vast and sky is the limit for a hard working and dedicated person.Lets first discuss about the scope of a Fishery Scientist, as the name suggest "scientist" it means you will work as researcher in an organization or institute of university. Here your nature of job will be to teach the subject/s of fishery science or Fish Technology to undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degree students. So you will also work as a teacher, besides being scientist, you will also supposed to carry out research projects. You have to work in collaboration with

1 answer Vivek Kumar in Fishery Scientist category

Thanks for contributing to my knowledge with your insightful writing.

3 answers in Fishery Scientist category

Dear aspirant,To become a professor in Fishery science, the eligibility criteria is that you should have doctoral degree in Fishery sciences.Before a doctoral degree  you should have a masters degree in Fishery sciences.In your graduation level you should study biology subjects, specially Zoology. In post graduate degree you have to choose fishery science, that is Masters in Fishery Sciences (M.FSc). There are many institutes and universities in India, which offers this degree programs. A fishery science encompasses the study of life, habits and breeding of various species of fish. Fish b

1 answer Vivek Kumar in Fishery Scientist category