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Bank Clerks
Each year thousands of students for the exams conducted for the position of Clerk. The perks and allowance along with a handsome salary are enough to grab the attention of many aspirants. Exams such as IBPS Clerk and other Scheduled banking exams are specially conducted for filling up the position of clerks in all the reputed banks. The starting salary of a Clerk is between 20-25k per month. This is the salary in cities which has a population more than 45 lakhs. The cities in which the population is below 45 lakh, the salary is a bit lower. So, as you can see the benefits are huge if you are l
Hello My Dear... Accounts jobs which are in the lower to middle level range very much require tally knowledge. Please understand my dear, that tally is such a great application that without it no business today is running. It is a fact and that is the strength of Tally software package. Since you are interested in clerical jobs, I hope you understand that clerical work in the depart of finance and accounts consists of passing journal entries, keeping ledger accounts, keeping vouchers in safe custody, maintaining all the important and almost every details of transa
Dear Aspirant, BBA, Animation and Real Estate, all these courses and qualification wont give you a job in banking sector, since for the simple reason that you do not know banking theoretically at all. Can I know why the stress on banking sector only for a job? BBA is a good under graduate qualification, but can be useful only when you do Masters in Management or Banking Finance. An MBA in Finance / Banking is required. You can also appear for Po or IBPS examinations to enter into the public sector banks. Looking at your previous qualifications, it appears that you are still confused what t
Pleased to meet you! Check out the response I provided for a question of a similar nature. I hope that will assist you in giving the appropriate advice. Best wishes!! io games
Dear Vishnu,Thanks for approaching [CareerGuide][1] for seeking guidance to your career concern. I am happy that you have chosen the right platform. [Banking sector][2] in India is of two types. One is [public sector banks][3] and another is private sector banks. Today private sector banks are at part with public sector banks and are now superseding the government banks in almost all aspects like employee strength, turnover, profits, margins, loans, deposits, etc.Choosing banking sector is a good thinking. If you wish to enter into public sector banks, then you need to appear for IBPS exam or
I am going to Las Vegas this new year. Super-excited..!!yey..!!
I am a human being with 2 hands,2 eyes, one nose, two legs and all the necessary parts that a human body has. But One thing I have which you don't have. "Brain" Help yourself, bro...because you are so lost.
Dear Sneha, I am very glad to see you approach for seeking guidance and clarifications for your career development. Let me assure that you have selected the right platform to get advice from. I think I can guide you considering my more than 10 years of experience in counselling and industry. I appreciate your query and very happy to see your inclination and ambition to study further inspite of difficulties. Sneha, I would suggest that a distance learning course would be ideal for you considering that you are working. If you can afford you should do Distance MBA may be from Sy
Founder - ReInventions (Professional Banker, Career & Image Coach
Retd Senior Manager from a nationalised bank in India
Career Counsellor and Co-Founder of CANVAS CAREER
Career Counselor
Mananger at Etoe Group/Career Counselor
Career Counselor/ professor at ITS Ghaziabad
Vice President at Professional School of Indian Banking
Director, Career Counselor at Aakar Career Counselors
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