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Hi saurabh,All diploma courses in Nutrition and dietetics are offered after graduation. Where Bsc / Bachelors program in nutrition and dietetics is being offered by various colleges. But, two degree at same time is not valid. IGNOU , Bangalore university offers distance certificate program in nutrition and dietetics which you can opt to do.All the best

1 answer Adiba Shahab in Nutritionist category

Sir, I am from jaipur.  And sir which is a better option dietician or nutritionist?  

4 answers in Nutritionist category

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2 answers Bharati Kumari in Nutritionist category
0 answer Minoli Vartak in Nutritionist category
0 answer Neeraj Tolani in Nutritionist category
0 answer Siddharth Bhalla in Nutritionist category

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1 answer Adnan Buland Khan in Nutritionist category
0 answer in Nutritionist category
0 answer in Nutritionist category
0 answer in Nutritionist category

There are good career opportunities for nutritionist & dietitian in India. With the increase of health awareness, most of the people are taking consultation regarding diet plan & exercise tips from nutritionist/dietician. The demand for nutrition experts are tend to grow with time. By taking nutrition and dietetics course, you can learn concepts like food nutrition, weight management, nutrition support, diet therapy, sports nutrition, clinical nutrition, food microbiology etc. Know about the best nutrition course. 

2 answers in Nutritionist category

1 answer Meghna Mukherjee in Nutritionist category

1 answer Prathamesh Kapote in Nutritionist category

It depends on the course you take. If you take a master class in nutrition & dietetics course, you will learn broader and in-depth concepts like food nutrition, clinical nutrition, sports nutrition, weight management, diet therapy etc. 

2 answers in Nutritionist category
0 answer in Nutritionist category

Being a dietician or a nutritionist is going to be an emerging field in India. People are getting cautious about their health. Everyone wants to live a healthy and fit life. The deep desire to maintain body health is leading the new generation towards healthy and nutritious diet plans. It gives rise in demand of dieticians and nutritionist oflate. After completing graduation with science subjects, one can opt for various Diploma, Bachelor degree, Master degree, Doctorate or short-term certificate courses in nutrition and deictics for being a dietician. Various institutes provide several course

1 answer Surabhi Dewra in Nutritionist category
0 answer in Nutritionist category

Career as a dietician and nutritionist is an emerging career in today's era of changing lifestyle and busy schedules. A dietician plays a vital role in managing our food habits. On the other hand, a nutritionist is the one who takes care of a healthy mind and body by adding a healthy and nutritional diet in our meals. Everyone needs a healthy diet for building stamina including kids, teenagers, adult or an old age person. Each and every stage need some extra diet as per his body requirements, body growth, recovery from illnesses or to stay fit. A protein rich and nutritional diet is especially

1 answer Avadhut Desai in Nutritionist category

In today's scenario, due to change in lifestyle there comes a dire need for an individual to maintain his physical health. The role of a Dietician and a Nutrition professional in one's life helps him to maintain his weight and body health by following some diet charts. Scheduled well-balanced diet in one's day-to-day life helps him to stay fit and free from various illnesses.   Diet therapy is like a remedy in stressful daily routine. Our body requires nutritional diet to boost all the parts of the body in a proper way. A balanced diet is helpful in all the aspects such as age, work routi

1 answer Avadhut Desai in Nutritionist category

Sir, I am from jaipur.  And sir which is a better option dietician or nutritionist?  

4 answers in Nutritionist category

Hi Draman, Interesting career choice.  A Nutritionist, is someone who guides individuals in terms of their dietary plan, knowing the composition of food and its health benefits. They cater to all sorts of issues right from weight loos to weight gain, health care, addressing health issues etc. They have opportunities in clinics, hospitals, gyms or fitness centres, schools or educational institutes and at the same time can work independently by having their own clinics.   Answering your question. There are majorly no undergraduate programs separately, but colleges do have a B.Sc in foo

1 answer Meghna Mukherjee in Nutritionist category
0 answer in Nutritionist category
0 answer in Nutritionist category
0 answer in Nutritionist category

Hello Amitandu, You are in one of the most needed profession.   These days everyone we see right from kids to teenagers to adults to older people all are health conscious. But just being health conscious is not everything. Maintaining good health is a combination of exercising and proper diet. That is where you step in. As a Nutritionist, depending on the issue of your client, you would give the necessary diet to them. Your services are required in areas like: Loosing weight Weight gain health Issues, whereby the patient has to work on their diet. Staying fit Thus you can find jobs in:

1 answer Meghna Mukherjee in Nutritionist category
0 answer in Nutritionist category