SP Full Form: Application Process & Salaries

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SP stands for Administrator of Police. It may be a senior police officer who is dependable for a area or locale. SPs are regularly capable for the generally law and arrange circumstance in their zone, as well as for the examination of wrongdoings. They moreover have a part to play in catastrophe administration and open security.

SPs are as a rule enlisted from the Indian Police Benefit (IPS), which could be a central government benefit. IPS officers are required to have a bachelor’s degree in any teach and must pass the Respectful Administrations Examination (CSE). After passing the CSE, IPS officers experience thorough preparing at the National Police Institute (NPA) in Hyderabad.

Functions of Superintendent of Police

Superintendent Of Police

Here are some of the functions of a Superintendent of Police (SP):

  • Maintaining law and order: SPs are mindful for guaranteeing that law and arrange is kept up in their range. They do this by sending police officers to anticipate wrongdoing and by exploring wrongdoings that have been committed. They too work with other government organizations, such as the locale organization and the legal, to preserve law and arrange.
  • Investigating crimes: SPs are capable for examining genuine wrongdoings, such as kill, assault, and theft. They work with criminologists and other law authorization authorities to accumulate prove and to recognize and capture suspects. They moreover work to anticipate wrongdoing by analyzing wrongdoing designs and creating techniques to address them.
  • Disaster management: SPs have a part to play in catastrophe administration. They work with other government organizations to reply to characteristic fiascos, such as surges, seismic tremors, and violent winds. They too offer assistance to clear individuals from dangerous zones and to supply alleviation to those who have been influenced by calamities.
  • Public safety: SPs are capable for open security in their range. They work with other government organizations to avoid mishaps and to advance street security. They too work to avoid wrongdoing and to create beyond any doubt that individuals feel secure in their communities.
  • Supervision of police personnel: SPs are mindful for the supervision of police faculty in their area. They guarantee that police officers are appropriately prepared and prepared to carry out their obligations. They too guarantee that police officers are restrained which they take after the law.
  • Liaison with other agencies: SPs are capable for liaising with other government organizations, such as the locale organization, the legal, and the insights offices. They work with these organizations to share data and to facilitate their endeavors to preserve law and arrange.
  • Public relations: SPs are capable for keeping up great relations with the open. They meet with community pioneers and organizations to examine their concerns and to work together to address them. They too work to make strides the picture of the police constrain and to construct believe between the police and the open.

Steps to Become Superintendent of Police

Here are the steps to gotten to be a Director of Police (SP) in India:

  1. Complete your education: You must have a bachelor’s degree in any teach from a recognized college.
  2. Pass the Civil Services Examination (CSE): The CSE could be a national-level exam conducted by the Union Public Benefit Commission (UPSC). It could be a three-tier exam that comprises of the Preparatory Examination, the Most Examination, and the Identity Test.
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  • Secure a place in the Indian Police Service (IPS): The IPS may be a central government benefit that initiates officers to the Indian police constrain. To ended up an IPS officer, you must secure a put within the IPS through the CSE.
  • Undergo training at the National Police Academy (NPA): Once you have got been chosen for the IPS, you may undergo training at the NPA in Hyderabad. The NPA may be a chief preparing organized for police officers in India.
  • Get posted as an Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP): After completing your preparing at the NPA, you’ll be posted as an ASP in a police locale. You may pick up involvement in different viewpoints of policing, such as law and arrange, wrongdoing examination, and open relations.
  • Get promoted to Superintendent of Police (SP): After a couple of years of benefit as an ASP, you’ll be advanced to SP. As an SP, you’ll be capable for keeping up law and arrange in a locale or locale. You may moreover be dependable for examining wrongdoings and for guaranteeing open security.

Physical Fitness Conditions for Superintendent of Police

Here are the physical fitness conditions for Superintendent of Police (SP) in India:
Height165 cm155 cm
Weight60 kg50 kg
Chest80 cm (unexpanded)75 cm (unexpanded)
Expansion5 cm5 cm
100 meters run13.2 seconds15 seconds
800 meters run2.25 minutes2.5 minutes
1.6 km run7.3 minutes8 minutes

What is the Selection Process for Superintendent of Police

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The determination prepare for Administrator of Police (SP) in India is as takes after:
  • Preliminary Examination: The Preparatory Examination may be a screening exam that comprises of two objective-type papers, Common Considers and Inclination Test. The Common Considers paper tests the candidate’s information of current issues, history, topography, financial matters, and common science. The Fitness Test paper tests the candidate’s thinking, quantitative fitness, and common information.
  • Main Examination: The Most Examination may be a more challenging exam that comprises of seven papers, Common Ponders, Paper, two papers on discretionary subjects, and two dialect papers. The Common Considers papers test the candidate’s information of current undertakings, history, topography, financial matters, and common science. The Exposition paper tests the candidate’s composing abilities. The discretionary subjects papers test the candidate’s information of a subject that they have chosen. The dialect papers test the candidate’s capability in English and Hindi.
  • Personality Test: The Identity Test could be a subjective exam that evaluates the candidate’s authority, communication, and interpersonal abilities. The Identity Test is conducted by a board of specialists who are commonplace with the Indian Police Benefit.

Subject & Marks

  • General Hindi: 150
  • Essay: 150
  • General Studies Paper: 1 – 200
  • General Studies Paper: 2 – 200
  • General Studies Paper: 3 – 200
  • General Studies Paper: 4 – 200

Interview Process of Superintendent of Police

The meet handle for Director of Police (SP) in India is as takes after:

  • The interview panel will consist of a few senior IPS officers.
  • The interview will be conducted in Hindi or English.
  • The interview will last for about 30 minutes.
  • The interview will assess the candidate’s personality, leadership skills, and knowledge of police work.

Salaries of Superintendent of Police

Here could be a table of the compensations of Director of Police (SP) in India:

GradePay Scale (in INR)
Junior SP56,100-1,77,500
Senior SP1,18,500-2,68,000
Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG)1,31,100-2,92,300
Inspector General of Police (IG)1,44,200-3,18,600


SP, or Administrator of Police, may be a higher-ranking police officer than DSP, or Appointee Director of Police. SPs are mindful for the by and large law and arrange circumstance in a area or locale, whereas DSPs are capable for a littler zone inside a area.
No, SP isn’t higher than IPS. IPS could be a benefit, whereas SP could be a rank.
The rank of SP, or Administrator of Police, could be a senior-level position within the Indian Police Benefit (IPS). SPs are dependable for the by and large law and arrange circumstance in a locale or locale. They are moreover dependable for examining violations and for guaranteeing open security.
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