CGPA Full Form : How is CGPA Calculated

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CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average. It is a calculation of a student’s overall academic performance throughout their college career. It is calculated by averaging the grade points earned in all courses taken, weighted by the number of credits each course is worth.

 A grade point is a number assigned to a letter grade, with A typically being worth 4.0 grade points, B being worth 3.0 grade points, and so on. The total number of grade points earned is then divided by the total number of credits attempted.

What is Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA)?

GPA is a numerical measure of a student’s total academic performance in a given educational programme or institution. It is computed by assigning a numerical value to each course grade obtained, often on a scale of 0 to 4, and then average these values to create an overall GPA. The GPA is a standardised measure of a student’s academic progress since it reflects the student’s average level of achievement across all completed courses. 

It considers both the grades obtained and the credit hours connected with each course, giving higher credit value courses greater weight. Educational institutions frequently utilise cumulative GPA for academic evaluation, deciding eligibility for honours, scholarships, or admission to further education programmes. It is a useful tool for evaluating a student’s academic development and can provide a detailed evaluation of their overall performance.

How is CGPA Calculated?

  • Assign letter grades to each course. Most schools use a system that assigns a letter grade to each course and then converts that letter grade into a number of grade points. For example, an A is typically worth 4.0 grade points, a B is worth 3.0 grade points, and so on.
  • Calculate the number of grade points earned for each course. The number of grade points earned for each course is equal to the letter grade for the course multiplied by the number of credits for the course. For example, if a student earns an A in a course that is worth 3 credits, then they would earn 4.0 x 3 = 12 grade points for that course.
  • Calculate the total number of grade points earned. The total number of grade points earned is the sum of the number of grade points earned for each course.
  • Calculate the total number of credits attempted. The total number of credits attempted is the sum of the number of credits for each course.
  • Calculate the CGPA. The CGPA is equal to the total number of grade points earned divided by the total number of credits attempted.
For example, let’s say a student has taken 10 courses and earned the following letter grades:
  • 4 A’s
  • 3 B’s
  • 3 C’s
The number of grade points earned for these courses would be:
  • 4 x 4.0 = 16
  • 3 x 3.0 = 9
  • 3 x 2.0 = 6
The total number of grade points earned would be 16 + 9 + 6 = 31. The total number of credits attempted would be 10. The CGPA would be 31 / 10 = 3.1.

How to Calculate CGPA Percentage?

  • Assign letter grades to each course. Most schools use a system that assigns a letter grade to each course and then converts that letter grade into a number of grade points. For example, an A is typically worth 4.0 grade points, a B is worth 3.0 grade points, and so on.
  • Calculate the number of grade points earned for each course. The number of grade points earned for each course is equal to the letter grade for the course multiplied by the number of credits for the course. For example, if a student earns an A in a course that is worth 3 credits, then they would earn 4.0 x 3 = 12 grade points for that course.
  • Calculate the total number of grade points earned. The total number of grade points earned is the sum of the number of grade points earned for each course.
  • Calculate the total number of credits attempted. The total number of credits attempted is the sum of the number of credits for each course.
  • Convert the total number of grade points earned to a percentage. To do this, divide the total number of grade points earned by the total number of credits attempted and then multiply by 100.
  • List the CGPA percentage. The CGPA percentage is the number of grade points earned expressed as a percentage of the total number of grade points possible.

CGPA Benefits & Limitations


  • Assessing academic performance: CGPA can be used to assess a student’s academic performance over time. This can be helpful for students, parents, and college admissions officers to track progress and make decisions about future education.
  • Determining eligibility for scholarships and awards: Many scholarships and awards require a minimum CGPA for eligibility. This can motivate students to maintain a high GPA in order to be eligible for these opportunities.
  • Providing a sense of accomplishment: Earning a high CGPA can be a source of pride for students and can help them feel a sense of accomplishment. This can be motivating for students to continue working hard in their studies.
  • Motivating students to work hard: CGPA can be a motivating factor for students to work hard in their studies. Students who want to maintain a high GPA may be more likely to study for exams, complete assignments on time, and participate in class discussions.


  • Not a perfect measure: CGPA is not a perfect measure of academic performance. It does not take into account factors such as the difficulty of courses, the rigor of the school, or the student’s individual strengths and weaknesses. For example, a student who takes a challenging course and earns a B may have a lower GPA than a student who takes an easier course and earns an A.
  • Can be stressful: Some students may feel stressed about maintaining a high GPA. This can lead to anxiety and burnout.
  • Can be unfair: CGPA can be unfair to students who have taken more challenging courses or who have attended schools with a different grading scale. For example, a student who attends a school with a very strict grading scale may have a lower GPA than a student who attends a school with a more lenient grading scale, even if they have the same level of academic achievement.
  • Can be gamed: Students may be tempted to take easier courses or to cheat in order to boost their GPA.

Frequently Asked Question

CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average.

GPA stands for Grade Point Average. CGPA is a calculation of a student’s overall academic performance throughout their college career, while GPA is a calculation of a student’s academic performance in a particular semester or year.

A good CGPA depends on the school, the program, and the student’s individual goals. However, a CGPA of 3.0 or higher is generally considered to be good.

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