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List of Question and Answers on Science

LLB VS MBBS? which is better to adopt?

Mar 21, 2014 ... You are basically a science student-so it is possible to continue study with a science degree e.g, MMBS as well as BSC. LLB both-but the two ...

How to get F.A.G.E certificate from manipal

How to get F.A.G.E certificate from manipal. Please simply query. by Hanoch Kumar. Science & Research. 2 answers. | Share : ...

What are the career option for commerce with infomatic practice and entrepreneurship without maths?

Completing this subject you can very well choose BSc Information technology, BSc Computer science and BSc Information management courses.


The eligibility criteria for B.Tech apart from the engineering entrance exam, is 12th PCM. So assuming that, you are either not a 12th science student or you have ...


1 day ago ... Architecture without opting for science stream in 11th and 12th · I want ... in science but I want to become an advocate so should I opt. science ...

Sir I'm doing BCA.. Can I go Abroad for MCA.?? As they ask for 16 years of Education...

Instead they offer a Masters degree in Computer science, and yes an MSc abroad is equivalent to that of an MCA in India. As said, very very few universities  ...

I am interested in PCMB combination. Is PCMB combination too tough for me?

All the way, I was keen in having a science related career and that led me to study PCMB. I want you to ask the same questions yourself. Do you desire a career ...


Jun 1, 2015 ... Alike of PCME there is also a group of PCMC - Physics,Chemistry,Mathematics and Computer Science; BCME- Biology,Chemistry,Mathematics ...


Apr 27, 2014 ... As Anand wadadekar Sir laughad at my query..I was upset abt that.. bt now I want to clear my doughts abt my caree I have given my 12 sci ...


Mar 15, 2014 ... Fishery science education in India started with the establishment of the Central Institute of Fishery Education (CIFE) in Mumbai in 1961, for in ...