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Mechanical Engineer - Career Queries

Hi, You are also eligible to appear in the CSIR NET Physical Science as you completed your B. E. in Mechanical Engineering. There is no need of doing M. Sc. in Physics if you want to appear in the CSIR NET Physical Science Exam. Thanks

Please check physical parameters first of all. If you are fit as per their standards, start preparing for it. Also first check, whether you are really interested Or anything else is motivating you. 

Hi Arati, After ITI, you can do Polytechnic course followed by B.Tech.. Each of these 2 courses would be of one year less duration for you.  Best wishes, Himanshu

Hi Riteshbhai, There are always scope if you are really interested in what you are doing. Before moving ahead, attempt  and Both tests will help you to give you a direction which you are looking for. Best wishes, Himanshu  

Hi Rahul, Apologies as we don't provide such services at our platform. Just a suggestions, try to look for a relevant job available in any part of the country rather than doing a non-relevant job doing in Hyderabad. You would feel the effect after 5-7 years when the growth will stifle.  Best wishes, Himanshu