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Mechanical Engineer - Career Queries

Dear Apsirant, Mechanical and Automation students i.e. graduates definitely can get into the PSUs for career. Only thing is, for entering into PSUs, you will have to appear for the State Public Service Commission or UPSC exams of the concerned department as and when the vacancies are announced. Or you may appear for the Indian Engineering Services exams which is of the level of an IAS and can work in PSUs, other government departments, ministries, etc. Engineering is very much required in PSUs like Railways, Aviation, Mining, Natural Gas, Petroleum, etc. Therefore when you enter into the secon

I have paid the first semester fees to the college eventhough I cleared gate in first attempt but didn't got much higher marks,now I am thinking about getting a gov job in railway but I have no idea about where to apply or what to do,give me advice sir please  

Hi Mohit   Congratulations on securing such outstanding grades.  If you intend to be a mechanical engineer there are a huge number of future options associated with it.   After BE ,,you can start working or you can opt for courses like masters in TOOl & Dye making, Masters in Automobile Engineering, Masters in Aerospace Engineering, Masters in Industrial Engineering and Masters in Robotics. These areas of technology have tremendous value in India as well as in the global level.So you can have a huge number of options to look at and understand.