Human Resource Management - Career Queries

Dear Aspirant, Firstly, no company will appoint you as a HR Manager if you are fresher. So [you have to start as a fresher, gain experience of atleast 5 years to be on the designation of HR Manager.][1] [As a fresher in HR, you may join as an HR Generalist or HR Associate on a salary of Rs. 2 Lakhs pa and gradually along with experience it should increase to no limit.][2] Best wishes [Is this your Ideal Career? Take Ideal Career Test to know -->Click Here][3] ======================================================================= [1]: /ask/t/i-want-be-human-resource-can-you-please-prov

2 answers Dr. Anand Wadadekar, PhD in Human Resource Management category

Hello Thanks for visiting us at Careeer!!! Computer science is a well established field and I am so glad you choose this branch of engineering. You can definitely study either ME/ MTech or MBA after studing BE. Computer science engineering. Doing an MBA or ME depends on your interest in business or a technical subject like computer science. Lots of students choose MBA as the default option and I request you to carefully think and consider why you want to study an MBA. Never study a degree because everybody on the Earth is flocking to the MBA degree.   All you need now to do is s

2 answers Adiba Shahab in Human Resource Management category

Dear Aspirant, [Definitely a good education qualification is recommended to get into the HR field.][1] An MBA/PGDM in [Human Resource Management][2] from a recognised University / Institute is highly apt and minimum requirement for getting into corporate HR. You can also work in HR Consultancy firms. Best wishes [Is this your Ideal Career? Take Ideal Career Test to know -->Click Here][3] ======================================================================= [1]: /ask/t/with-what-educational-qualifications-i-can-become-a-human-resource-manager [2]: /ask/management-marketing/human

3 answers Dr. Anand Wadadekar, PhD in Human Resource Management category

Thanks for writing to us. You have not provided your educational and vocational background. I assume that you have professional degree in [Human Resource Management][1]. Dr. Aparna has provided very good information and answered to your query well. Hence I won't repeat what she has already mentioned. Following steps may find helpful to [get job in Human Resource Management field][2]: 1. Having masters degree in the are of human resource/personnel management/organizational behavior/industrial psychology 2. Experience in the are of human resource 3. Have impressive CV/resume. Resume

2 answers Surabhi Dewra in Human Resource Management category

its depend on ur skills and ur knowledge on hrm company ask more question about hrm like what is the work of hrm? what is the mean of placement in your opinion?

4 answers Adiba Shahab in Human Resource Management category

Hi There, Impressive that you are not only thinking from career point of view but also how it will be fruitful if you do some ad on courses. Anyways after BBA, pursuing an MBA is a must. Since [BBA is a graduate course][1] and will just give you an overview of the market. An in-depth study is a must. Also as you have mentioned you pursuing BBA from an IB board, which definitely means a combination of subjects, so accordingly you can choose a course that will help you in future. As such being a [management graduate][2], mainly important is communication. So you can get yourself a crash c

3 answers Renu in Human Resource Management category

Hello friend, The B.Com and BBA has its own merits. Let me tell you about BBA and b.Com, then you will have an idea, which field to pursue. Most of the [students get into commerce stream][1] with no understanding of what it involves. However, if management is ultimate goal, though both BBA and B.Com will lead to MBA, but one needs to give it a serious thought as to what subjects to graduate in even if the ultimate goal is MBA. It is true that both BBA and B.Com lead to MBA, however, while the B.Com can lead to a wide array of post graduate specializations, a BBA degree on the other hand, can

3 answers Adiba Shahab in Human Resource Management category

first you have a post graduate in hrm and after that u join any big companies after few years you can be a profeesior in the college

3 answers Adiba Shahab in Human Resource Management category

Dear Aspirant, With your MBA HR you can shift to any industry and company. Shifting from hotels to other industry should not be tough for an HR related person. Get in touch with job consultants with a well drafted and crafted Resume highlighting your strengths and achievements. Best Wishes

3 answers Dr. Anand Wadadekar, PhD in Human Resource Management category

Dear Aspirant, I don't think your qualifications will be eligible in the US industry for job. Based on your experience in HR, you need to contact the job consultants in US who can exactly tell you whether your work experience and qualifications, are eligible for employment. US has strict employment rules. Best Wishes

2 answers Dr. Anand Wadadekar, PhD in Human Resource Management category

Dear Aspirant, Thanks for approaching us at [!][1] I think you should choose any one of them as your career. Marketing and [HR][2] together, you wont find any job. Also please do not be after qualifications. This will only make you over qualified and less employable if you do not have the right skills. To be best sure of what suits you for your career, I would suggest you to undergo an [online psychometric test][3] from [][4] which will help you understand yourself in respect of your strengths, weaknesses, emotional quotient, etc. and will exactly tell you w

3 answers Renu in Human Resource Management category

Hi There, Interesting to note that you wish to shift from marketing to an HR profile. Though both deal with people, but still strategies used are different and hence it makes the transition easy as well as difficult. But before that, the **first question** you need to ask yourself is, Why you wish to shift domains??? Since it is not from one section to another, it is a complete shift from one department to another. A shift like this will have effects on your career. Majorly please note that, you would be counted as a fresher, since you have no experience in the HR field. Your marketing exp

4 answers Renu in Human Resource Management category

Hi there...Very happy to meet someone who wishes to be different from the rest of the group.Generally after an Undergraduate management course, students follow it up with an MBA degree.But never-the less, you have many many options.You could opt for the following courses. Choice is completely yours depending on your line of interests. **Computers:** You could opt for an IT or an MCA course. This would expose you to the [hardware and software programming and its application][1]. You could be well versed with systems and networking issues. This is a 2 years post graduation course, entrance exam

1 answer Renu in Human Resource Management category

Dear student, good to hear on your decision to study an MBA with human resources. [Your background in Commerce will definitely add some weight to your MBA with human resources, as you may already studied HR in your commerce degree.][1] Before I go on advising further, may I ask you if you have gained any work experience after your commerce degree? If yes, for how many months or years have you been working? [It is always recommended to gain some years of work experience before you start with your MBA program.][2] Students generally treat MBA as a default higher career destiny and therefore

2 answers Renu in Human Resource Management category

Nice to hear you are interested in doing a career in academics. From your inquiry, I see [you are an MBA HRM graduate. Well, if you wanted to focus on a career in academics- then it is teaching and research at universities and private management organisations.][1]I can suggest you two options to embark on a career in the academia. 1. MPhil - HRM:As you have studied an MBA in HR, you can probably try for an MPhil degree in human resource management. This course is run mostly full time and is of one year duration. Completing this degree, you can be qualified to work as an Assistant lect

2 answers Renu in Human Resource Management category

selery depend on ur presentation skill and ur capus placement its start near about 15000 to 30000

3 answers Renu in Human Resource Management category

Hello Good to hear that you have build up some good number of years by working in the HR field. Added to this your MBA with HR is definitely a great strength. This definitely explains that you have a strong base in the field of HR to excel. For a person to excel in his career, a degree plus a few years of work experience is highly essential. With your case, you have both and therefore you are already on the right track towards excelling in your career. You have also expressed that it feels good for you to work in the field of HR, and this is actually sufficient to say you are highly suita

2 answers Renu in Human Resource Management category

Its really great to see your aspirations developed right in the first year of your MBA degree. As you have mentioned your desire [to become a human resource manager in the future][1], it is highly necessary you specialise in either of these elective modules: Human resource management or Organizational behaviour  If your [MBA offers human resource management,][2] please elect that module to study as your main elective. Studying this module as part of your MBA degree is essential to embark on a career within the human resources. Companies generally require you to possess any sort of certif

2 answers Renu in Human Resource Management category

Masters in human resource management in India Human Resource Management Human resource management (HRM or HR) is a strategic approach to managing people in a company or organisation in such a way that they assist the company acquire a competitive edge. Its goal is to maximise staff performance in support of a company's strategic goals. Human resource management focuses on policies and methods and is largely concerned with the management of people inside organisations. Human resources departments are in charge of employee benefits design, employee recruiting, training and development, performa

3 answers CareerGuide com in Human Resource Management category

Hello student, it is certainly impressive to see your responsibility towards searching a job to stabilize your future career. Students generally think that they need to complete the degree to be able to apply for jobs and this is totally wrong. Studnets should actively look for jobs or internships right while studying the course. So I would highly recommend you to start looking out for jobs right now itself. You are from a well recognized university but you are doing a distance education course. Studnets graduating from a fulltime MBA are generally more appealing to employers than student

2 answers Renu in Human Resource Management category